
Mu Qing suck in a breath of cold air, and at this time, he also found that he was able to move normally.

He looked towards the world snake, eyebrows slightly frowned.

Mu Qing doesn't know what the world snake wants to do. Why did this ancient Divine Beast, who has been dead for many years, suddenly bring him to the multiverse?

The world snake lifts the head, looking towards the void further away.

"As soon as I was born, I have the ability to shuttle everything, nothing can stop me!"

"I can easily pass through various spaces and through the walls of the universe , Came to the multiverse, but what is outside the multiverse... I can’t go through..."

World Snake looked towards Mu Qing again, saying: "I have fallen a long time ago, and now I only rely on Remnant Soul The power of I will bring you here."

"Why me." Mu Qing couldn't help but opened the mouth and said.

He wants to know what the world snake wants to do.

"Because only you can bear the grievances after my death, and even shock my Remnant Soul consciousness."

"It seems that you are not a person from Tianqing Universe... Has it been so long? The Tianqing Universe has collapsed..."

world Snake looked down at the Chaos Universe again.

It saw something at a glance.

"Who killed you guys after all?"

Mu Qing asked with some curiosity.

He saw that the world snake was not malicious.

"A Sovereign, but I don’t know who it is, and I don’t know its purpose."

The world snake shook its head, and it didn’t know who the opponent was. , Very mysterious, only know that the opponent's power has reached Sovereign.

It looked towards Mu Qing again, as if there was a certain power in the vertical pupil, which made Mu Qing's consciousness plunged into a terrifyingly suffocating picture!

That is a continent, in an unknown space!

In the screen, the huge body of the world snake shuttles through various spaces, which is much larger than what Mu Qing sees now!


Mu Qing body trembled, obviously just a picture, but there is an ancient breath assaults the senses, as if being on the scene.

He can see that there are many terrifying silhouettes on this continent, and each one has reached the Supreme Ten Heaven!

At this time, the earth was trembling. He saw in the picture, the world snake roaring at a fuzzy silhouette, but the other party pierced his head with a spear, fiercely nailed to the earth!

The vague silhouette raised a palm, containing terrifying power, flesh and blood melted, and half of the world snake's body was erased!

"That spear!"

Mu Qing stared wide-eyed, with a spear at will, it actually killed the world snake of Supreme tenth heaven!

He looked carefully and could see that it was an azure lance with densely packed old runes everywhere.

But soon, azure lance collapsed, and Mu Qing discovered at this time that the original azure lance was created by a divine ability, not a weapon!

"Can easily slaughter our ancient Divine Beast Race, I believe that guy is still alive, that person is not dead, my clan will not be willing!"

world snake indifferently said, Mu Qing felt endless hatred from the other party's tone!

"But even if I wait for the resurrection, it is impossible to be the opponent of that person, and I want to defeat him, unless I become a Sovereign."

Suddenly, the world snake looked towards Mu Qing, it is Zhang When he opened his mouth, a drop of pitch-black blood emerged and fell into Mu Qing's hand.

"This is..."

Mu Qing can feel countless resentments and hatred rushing to his forehead just by receiving this drop of pitch-black blood!

"This is the resentment that I am waiting for and the blood of the strength of Remnant Soul."

"I want to make a deal with you, outsider!"

world snake said solemnly.

"Transaction." Mu Qing took a deep breath.

He looked towards the world snake and said: "I don't have the ability to help you ancient Divine Beast get revenge."

Thinking about it, the only thing the world snake wants is It's for revenge.

But you have to know that it is Sovereign, or a very mysterious Sovereign, which appeared at the beginning of the birth of the Tianqing universe.

With Mu Qing's strength, how could he be an opponent?

"You don't need to help us get revenge, we will retaliate for this hatred!"

In the vertical pupils of the world snake, there is endless hatred shining.

"Do you remember the picture just now?"

"Somewhere in your chaotic universe, there seems to be a person from the Tianqing Universe, who is dying."


"The content of the transaction is that you find that person and incorporate this drop of resentment blood into the opponent's body. After completion, the blood of our ancient Divine Beast Race's Remnant Soul, resentment and hatred, A new soul will be created and occupy that person's body!"

"This is a soul pieced together with Remnant Souls, and it has most of our ancient Divine Beast memories."

world snake indifferently said.

paused, it continued: "After the blood of resentment is integrated into that guy’s body, it will form a new ancient Divine Beast soul. Starting from that guy’s body, cultivation and breakthrough to Sovereign !"

"When the time comes, this new ancient Divine Beast soul will follow our last wish to find the mysterious Sovereign for revenge!"

"We The ancient Divine Beast has limitations and cannot break through to Sovereign, because there is no Supreme Avenue, but the body that reoccupied not only the Innate Perfect Level Avenue, but also the body of Sovereign, is an excellent body possession goal."

World Snake informed Mu Qing of its thoughts.

"so that's how it is!"

Mu Qing understands the idea of ​​the world snake, and actually wants to body possession a powerhouse of Tianqing universe, restart the cultivation, and try to break through. Take revenge after Sovereign.

After the body possession, that person is not a world snake, but a new life, an ancient Divine Beast with a mission of revenge!

"If this is the case, I can help you, but why do you believe me? Aren't you afraid that I will not help you complete the body possession after I go out?"

Mu Qing is a little curious, It was only the first time the two parties met, but he felt that the world snake trusted him a little too much.

"Because I have seen you." The world's snake language was astonishing, which made Mu Qing's heart startled.

"For me with the ability to shuttle, I can go to any universe. Chaos universe has also been there before and I met a person named Chaos Supreme."

" Although the appearance and strength are different, I can feel that you have the same essence as that of Chaos Supreme."

"If I guess right, you are the reincarnation of Chaos Supreme."

world snake said solemnly, it has negotiated with Chaos Supreme a long time ago, and knows what Chaos Supreme is, so he believes in Mu Qing after Chaos Supreme's reincarnation, and will not deceive him.

"As a gift, I will give you my abilities."

The rays of light flashed in the vertical pupil of the world snake, and suddenly, the starry sky gate next to Mu Qing appeared come out.

Mu Qing does not have the summon star gate, but the world snake can make the star sect master appear!

After that, the body of the world snake became illusory, and its size was slightly reduced, and it took the initiative to get into the starry sky gate.

Suddenly, Mu Qing can feel that there is a special and incomparable energy spreading through the starry sky gate, and it merges with the starry sky gate!

"This is..."

Mu Qing showed a look of shock, and in order to verify his guess, Mu Qing opened the starry sky door and walked in!


"What's the matter? What about the Mu Qing people?"

At this moment, in the valley, White Wolf and Jianxin Supreme are all surprised. look.

Before they discovered that Mu Qing was standing still, guessing that it was suppressed by the Remnant Soul of the world snake, but they felt that Mu Qing's strength should be able to get rid of the influence.

However, after a while, Mu Qing suddenly disappeared in front of one's eyes!

People don't know what happened, this situation is quite weird.

"What are you looking for."

Suddenly, Mu Qing's voice came from behind.

Jianxin Supreme and the others was taken aback, turned around to look, only to find that Mu Qing had opened the starry sky door and appeared in front of them!

"What's the matter? Didn't you just stand there just now? Why..."

White Wolf was also very puzzled and didn't understand what was going on.

"Got some benefits from the Remnant Soul of the world snake." Mu Qing laughed, but didn't elaborate.

In fact, Mu Qing was also quite shocked.

The world snake has integrated its own abilities into Mu Qing's starry sky gate. From now on, Mu Qing's starry sky gate also has the ability to shuttle everything.

Just now, the Remnant Soul of the world snake really brought Mu Qing to the multiverse, and then Mu Qing returned with the star gate!

Of course, it is obviously impossible for Mu Qing to do it again.

Because it takes incomparable gigantic energy to travel here from the multiverse, Mu Qing still relies on the power of the world snake in the starry sky gate to be able to return smoothly.

"Let's go in and see if there is a solar meridian."

Mu Qing chuckled lightly.

"Be careful! This is one of the fragments of Antiquity Battlefield. There are resentment and the Remnant Soul of the ancient Divine Beast everywhere. Maybe there is a risk of falling!" Zhou Qing reminded quickly.

However, Mu Qing strode in directly, nothing happened this time!

Previously, the world snake has condensed all the ancient Divine Beast Remnant Soul, resentment and hatred into a pitch-black blood bead to Mu Qing, and there is naturally no danger here.

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