"Directly enter?"

"I am afraid they just entered directly!"

White Wolf sneered.

It looked towards the side of Zhouqing, said solemnly: "That is the daughter of the Sun Sovereign, this sun-swallowing snake shouldn't stop her!"

"I'm afraid it is that Celestial Emperor or the mysterious woman used what means to control these two sun-swallowing snakes, not only swaggered in, but they could even use these two sun-swallowing snakes to target us!"

Swallow the sun The snake’s battle strength is amazing, especially at the entrance of the Sun God Temple.

The whole temple is almost a sun!

The power of the Sun-Swallowing Snake is obtained by sucking the supreme strength of yang. In this place, the strength of these two Sun-Swallowing Snakes is even more terrifying.

Even Shuqing, daughter of Sovereign, has nothing to do with these two sun-swallowing snakes at this moment!

At this time, Zhou Qing is even more frustrated. Any divine ability she displays contains supreme strength of yang.

But swallowing the sun snake completely restrained her, no matter what divine ability it was, she swallowed everything!

"In this case, I should wait to help her and defeat the Sun-Swallowing Snake together before I can enter the temple."

Sword Heart Supreme said slowly, and then holding a long sword, Stride up.


Swallowing Sun Snake saw Jianxin Supreme's actions, and immediately rushed forward, spreading its fangs, and two golden lights penetrated towards Jianxin Supreme.

Sword dao divine ability is naturally not taken care of by Jianxin Supreme, his face condensed, and he waved his hand to display the sword dao divine ability.

Raising his hand with a sword, sword qi is swept away, and his whole body is covered by sword light!


Jianxin Supreme furiously shouted, exhausted all his strength, displayed a stunning sword move, the body and the sword became one, the sword light opened, like A touch of aurora, pierced through!

The result was quite shocking.

With a clang, Kenshin Supreme's sword snapped!

The sword qi landed on the sun-swallowing snake, but it was easily resisted by the golden scales.

Then the Sun-Swallowing Snake flicked its tail and beat Jianxin Supreme out.

"How is this possible?" Jianxin Supreme was dumbfounded, he didn't expect that he could not even break the defense of the Sun-Swallowing Snake!

"Come again!"

Jianxin Supreme refused to admit defeat, discarded the Broken Sword in his hand, pinched the sword art, and nine huge Divine Swords appeared behind him.


Jianxin Supreme loudly shouts, displays the divine ability, Nine Heavens Divine Sword, and at the same time the sword is swallowing the sun snake.

Nine huge Divine Sword trembles lightly, slashing towards the Sun-Swallowing Snake at an astonishing speed.

The sun-swallowing snake seemed to have also sensed a threat, roar uttered, and then hovered together, bursting with dazzling sunlight.


At this moment, the Sun-Swallowing Snake seemed to turn into a round of the sun, melting nine Divine Swords, and then rushed out, two golden lights hitting Supreme He coughed up blood and flew away.

Even if Jianxin Supreme reacted in time and urged the boundless sword qi to resist, it was still crushed by these two fang-like golden lights and hit the body!

"So strong?"

The demon Yan Supreme frowned, a little unbelieving and stepped forward.

Another sun-swallowing snake is entangled with the clear day.

One against two, Xiuqing is not an opponent at all, but in a one-on-one situation, although Xiuqing cannot subdue the Sun-Swallowing Snake, he can temporarily stop it.

Zhiqing cooperates with the Vermilion Bird of White Fire to contain another sun-swallowing snake.

After a while, Yaoyan Supreme and Jianxin Supreme joined forces to deal with the Sun-Swallowing Snake, but they were also injured, coughing up blood and regressed.

Fortunately, he did not suffer too serious injuries.

"This sun-swallowing snake should be controlled by the entire group of the Celestial Emperor, right?"

"In that case."

The evil god is big at this time Stepping forward, crimson rays of light appeared on his body, with a grin on his face.

He also has a hand in controlling people. In that case, he wants to try counter-control!

Various negative energies entangled him, and at the same time urged the crimson power to the extreme. This crimson power is the power obtained from the Holy Spirit universe!


And the evil god's offensive also played a role. It broke the sun-swallowing defense and shattered some golden scales.

The evil god's face was happy, and he quickly input all kinds of negative energy into it, trying to control it!

However, the next moment seems to have been affected by negative energy. A crimson appeared on the vertical pupil of the Sun-Swallowing Snake, and it opened its mouth and burst out a terrifying flame, melting all around the space.

Sword qi, Monster Qi, Crimson Power...all melted!

"Don't make trouble!"

The demon Yan Supreme was angry and shouted.

"Let's help too."

Mu Qing was shouted lightly.

He rushed out, and at the same time summon gave a bright star.

White Wolf went to the day and the Qing, and there is no summon Sovereign body.

Because White Wolf is also a cultivation of the Sun Avenue, his strength is based on the supreme strength of yang!

This is exactly the nourishment of the sun-swallowing snake!

Of course, if White Wolf is in full strength, then it will let these two little snakes know what it means to be struck to death!

Unfortunately, in the current situation, if White Wolf also displays the divine ability, it will end up in the same way as Riqing, and it will be easily swallowed by the sun-swallowing snake.

So White Wolf does not intend to use the body of the Sovereign to fight, but uses the fleshy body to entangle the sun-swallowing snake.

"Attention! The defensive and power of the sun-swallowing snake is so strong that it has absorbed a large amount of supreme strength of yang!"

"Find a way to prevent them from absorbing the supreme strength of yang, But be careful, the fleshly body strength of the Sun-Swallowing Snake itself is comparable to Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer!"

White Wolf moved towards Mu Qing and shouted.

The power of the Sun-Swallowing Snake is enough to fight Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer, and after absorbing the supreme strength of yang, the strength is stronger, and it is no wonder that Jianxin Supreme and the others can be easily defeated.

When I heard White Wolf's words, Yaoyan Supreme and the others were shocked, but still had no idea.

"Even if you know it? We can't do it..."

The demon flame Supreme frowns, his power seems to belong to the side restrained by the sun swallowing snake, the demon who has shown it The fire was swallowed all at once.

At this time, he suddenly stared wide-eyed and looked towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing strode out, the Star God body urged to the extreme, the fleshy body began to become illusory, and the starry sky appeared.

He grabbed the tail of the sun-swallowing snake, and then tried his best, fiercely threw it aside!


The sun-swallowing snake hit the gate of the temple and then fell to the ground.

"His roar!"

The sun-swallowing snake was furious, and the golden light on its body became more and more dazzling. It stared at Mu Qing, and directly ignored Jianxin Supreme and the The attacks of others entangled Mu Qing's body at an extremely fast speed.

The bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, condensed the sunlight, aimed at Mu Qing's head, intending to kill Mu Qing directly!

However, Mu Qing is only slightly smiled, "You are fooled."

Before the Sun-Swallowing Snake reacted, he found that the supreme strength of yang on his body was like a dyke burst, crazy Pour into Mu Qing's body.

The golden scales gradually dimmed, and the Sun-Swallowing Snake also began to panic, wondering why his power suddenly disappeared?

Obviously, he is near the temple, and he should have the majestic supreme strength of yang to absorb it all the time to maintain his strength!

"Let go!"

Mu Qing angry roar, using the power of the Star God body, at this moment, the illusory starry sky body burst out with incredible power, this It's the terrifying Strength of Fleshly Body!

Part of that body has been transformed into a Universe Starry Sky, blooming with dazzling starlight.

At this time, the pupils of Jianxin Supreme and the others contracted slightly, and even White Wolf not far away was surprised when he saw Mu Qing spurring the Star God body with all his strength. In the unimaginable chaotic universe, There is such a terrifying fleshy body!

"I'm afraid only Tianba Sovereign can compare with him, right?"

"This has completely reached the limit of Fleshy body!"

White Wolf secretly said in one's heart.

Everyone is dumbfounded!


After the supreme strength of yang is swallowed by Mu Qing’s Star God body, the sun-swallowing snake intends to hang Mu Qing with fleshy body forcibly, but Mu Qing is accompanied by an angry roar, forcibly taking the sun-swallowing body Torn in half!

Blood spurted out, and the snake blood containing a trace of supreme strength of yang was scattered all over the ground, and white smoke came out.

Mu Qing strode out, and loudly shouts, "Bright star!"

The bright star appeared to the side in an instant, grabbing half of the sun-swallowing snake's body, continuously Strikes tens of thousands of fists, and then the pupil of the annihilation of the eyebrows trembles, bursting out a black hole beam, completely annihilating it!

A sun-swallowing snake was completely killed by Mu Qing!

In the distance, White Wolf, who was fighting with another sun swallowing snake, gently sighed in relief.


It believes that Mu Qing can solve the sun swallowing snake, after all, it has seen Mu Qing's ability before.

Be aware that the Sun-Swallowing Snake is also under the suppression of the Temple of the Sun Sovereign. After all, after the Sun Sovereign falls, suppression is indistinguishable.

But the Sun-Swallowing Snake can fight with the supreme strength of yang, and its strength is extraordinary!

Also, the ability of the sun-swallowing snake has completely defeated White Wolf and Hiuqing!

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