"Damn it."

Jianxin Supreme's face is gloomy, and he knows this too.

In the outside world, he is confident one against two, but here, even if he cooperates with Mu Qing, he is not necessarily the opponent of these three guys.

The number advantage is too important!

Mu Qing didn't worry too much, turned his head and looked towards White Wolf, lightly said with a smile: "You promise to help me gain the sun inheritance, Shouldn't be sit and watch me be killed?"

"Naturally not." White Wolf walked slowly to the side of Mu Qing, without any concealment, his supreme strength of yang broke out, and the War God appeared on the sunday!

Wearing a golden armor on the Sunday War God, holding an euphorbia, bursting with dazzling sunlight, appeared behind White Wolf.

Mu Qing slightly smiled, at the same time the bright star emerged from the starry sky gate, making a fighting posture, facing the three in front of him.

"This is..."

Jianxin Supreme was shocked, looking at the silhouette behind Mu Qing and White Wolf.

He has never been in contact with the body of Sovereign. He doesn't know what it is, but he can feel that the dazzling star and the War God of the sun have powerful powers.

In other words, the number of people on their side has turned into an advantage!

Five to three!

"Be careful! Mu Qing's weird puppet has powerful power, which is comparable to ours."

The demon Yan Supreme immediately reminded.

They pay more attention to White Wolf, this existence they have never seen before, it is very likely to have more powerful power than they thought!

"These two guys!"

Mozu's pupils shrank violently, and his reaction was bigger than the other two!

Because he felt some familiarity from Mu Qing's shining star and White Wolf's War God.

Similar to his magic bone Heavenly Venerate!

"What's going on?"

"How can the things from these two people summon resemble my magic bone Heavenly Venerate?"

The Demon Ancestor was extremely surprised.

Be aware that his magic bone Heavenly Venerate was created by his own Divine Ability, which is very powerful. Even in the Temple of the Sun Sovereign, he can still summon out and fight.

"Is it possible that my devil bone Heavenly Venerate cultivation method has been revealed?"

The demon ancestor couldn't help but start to doubt, his eyes glared at the ink shadow.

His Demon Bone Heavenly Venerate cultivation method was only given to Ink Shadow. At this moment, the Demon Ancestor could not help thinking, is it possible that this woman gave his Demon Bone Heavenly Venerate cultivation method?


Soon, the demon ancestor reacted.

Whether it is Mu Qing鈥檚 shining star or White Wolf鈥檚 War God, they look more complete than his magic bone Heavenly Venerate!

Suddenly, the eyes of the Demon Ancestor appeared fiery.

His magic bone Heavenly Venerate has encountered some bottlenecks. If he can learn something from Mu Qing, he might be able to further his strength!

But obviously, the current situation seems unlikely to start fighting.

Mu Qing and the others and the demon Yan Supreme and the others giving tit for tat, the breath turns into a storm, crushed together, constantly colliding.

"I think we are fighting now, it will not benefit anyone."

"There is no limit to the number of people in the sun inheritance. Everyone present has a chance to get the sun. inheritance."

"And if you fight at this time, maybe when the time comes, you won't have the chance to touch the sun inheritance."

The old man said with a smile.

The Demon Ancestor and the evil god looked at each other, indeed!

If there is a chance, they are of course more willing to let Mu Qing die, but after all, in their eyes, Mu Qing is just an annoying little devil, still an ant.

These two people are all pursuing absolute power and do not care about their subordinates and forces.

The demon Flame Supreme who is concerned about Monster Race may be willing to give up the sun inheritance and go to work hard with Mu Qing.

But the ancestors and evil gods will never!

After all, their three people are not friends, they can be enemies at any time.

The most important thing right now is to get the sun inheritance!

Once the inheritance of Sovereign is obtained, even if the fit is not high, there are still opportunities to peek into some of the mysteries of the Sovereign realm, which is especially important for their Supreme powerhouse!

"That's right, Yaoyan Supreme, give it up!"

"If you have any grievances, go out and solve them. Here, the sun inheritance is more important."

Mozu indifferently said, and then stepped back, not fighting with Mu Qing and the others.

The evil god smiled grimly, glanced at Mu Qing, and then turned around.

Without the two of them beside him, Yao Yan Supreme can only stare at Mu Qing, and it is impossible to do anything to Mu Qing again.

Finally, Yao Yan Supreme gritted his teeth, gave Mu Qing a hateful look, and went under the sun altar.

At this time, Mu Qing is also looking at the ninth sun altar.

Thousands of people gathered near the Sun Altar. Mu Qing remembered that there should be more than 3,000 people who came into the Sun Sovereign Temple.

These people are all powerhouses of the Three Realms, and only a few of them are loners who forcibly break through the Three Realms.


Mu Qing suddenly discovered that there is no golden ladder leading to the tenth sun!

I saw the tenth sun above my head, and a temple could be vaguely seen above.

However, Mu Qing did not see the way to the tenth sun!

"What's going on?"

Mu Qing is frowned, and I don't understand.

After that, I thought about it, forget it, first go to the sun altar to absorb the supreme strength of yang, and increase my strength.

Thinking, Mu Qing and White Wolf both put away the Sovereign body, moved towards the sun altar and walked.

At this time, Mu Qing glanced, suddenly eyes shrank, and his figure stopped.

"What's the matter?"

Seeing Mu Qing not moving, White Wolf and Jianxin Supreme on the side were stunned, and followed Mu Qing's gaze.

A man and a woman appeared there, and they walked slowly with a smile on their faces.

The man wore a white clothed suit and hovered in Immortal Qi, with the imperial majesty between his eyebrows, and he exuded the breath of acknowledge allegiance that made people unable to resist.

The woman is wearing a black dress with a short skirt, revealing a pair of snow-white thighs.

"It's so beautiful."

Some people saw the two of them, especially when their eyes fell on the woman, their eyes went straight, as if the soul had been hooked away. The corners of his mouth couldn't help drooling.

You must know that the people present are all powerhouses of the Three Realms, not thinking creatures in the lower half of the body, but when they saw this woman, they couldn't help but stare at them, and they couldn't help themselves.

"There is a problem!"

Mu Qing frowned, he couldn't see the woman's appearance at all, it was very vague, he could only see the perfect curvaceous curve under the black dress , The hot body reveals a hint of charm.

The more you can't see clearly, the more you want to see!

Unconsciously, Mu Qing couldn't help but stare at the woman's face, although it was vague, it was inexplicably attractive.

"Something's wrong!"

Mu Qing woke up suddenly, then looked around, Jianxin Supreme and White Wolf's expressions all were a little godless, staring at the woman as well. .

But soon, both the wolf and the others noticed something wrong, and their eyes reappeared again, followed by a vigilant look on their faces.

"That woman has a problem."

White Wolf said in a low voice.

"Really strong means of charm, just take a look, you can't help but sink in." Jianxin Supreme said solemnly.

The woman is definitely not simple, she didn't even deliberately target them, but almost charmed them.

Mu Qing's eyes fell on the man again, and at the same time, the man on the opposite side laughed at Mu Qing, but his eyes were full of killing intent!

Celestial Emperor!

The two who came are the Celestial Emperor and a mysterious woman!

What makes Mu Qing different is that the Celestial Emperor has been mixed up with disasters?

Why did you come to the Temple of the Sun Sovereign with a woman?

No matter what, Mu Qing is like a big enemy. It seems that Celestial Emperor should be a breakthrough to Supreme Ten Heaven, because the other party's breath is similar to him.

In this Sun Sovereign temple, those who can maintain the strength of the Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer are the Supreme powerhouse of the Supreme Ten Heavens in the outside world!

At the same time, the riots here quickly attracted the attention of several people under the Sun Altar.

The three people including Yaoyan Supreme were also charmed by the mysterious woman for a short period of time, but they all came back to his senses.

Mozu's expression changed quickly, and then the killing intent couldn't help overflowing from his body, and the terrifying killing intent changed to make people smell.

Even the evil gods and the Yaoyan Supreme looked at the Demon Ancestor with a look of surprise, and didn't understand why the Demon Ancestor suddenly had such a reaction.

This reaction is a match for the former Yaoyan Supreme to see Mu Qing.

"Celestial Emperor!!!"

The demon ancestor let out a hysterical roar, and moved towards Celestial Emperor rushed away!

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