"Sovereign's body..."

In a small space in the Scarlet Sovereign Hall, Mu Qing scratched his head inexplicably.

Though Thunder Punishment has given him how to turn Supreme Avenue into the body of Sovereign.

But Mu Qing made an initial attempt and ended in failure.

"Um...try more. After all, it is a secret technique related to Sovereign. Naturally it is impossible to succeed so easily."

Mu Qing didn't care and kept trying.

Ten days later, Mu Qing brows tightly knit.

Behind him, the Avenue of Stars appeared, but no matter how he tried, there was no way to turn Avenue of Stars into the body of Sovereign.


Mu Qing touched the chin, it shouldn't be according to theory, but in ten days, he was still on the same spot.

"Could it be because of the Avenue of Stars?"

Mu Qing couldn't help but start to doubt his Avenue of Stars.

Although it is the Perfect level avenue, Mu Qing later discovered that the Starry Sky Avenue can only be regarded as a perfect level in disguise.

As Mozu said, the Avenue of Stars is not as good as the real perfect avenue, it can only be regarded as a more powerful 90% increase avenue!

Because the Avenue of Stars lacks the oppression and restraint of other avenues, there is no such oppression!

If Mu Qing’s Avenue of Stars is really a Perfect level, he would have been killed by the Demon Ancestor a long time ago, where can he survive now?

Mu Qing guessed that perhaps because his Star Avenue was artificially transformed by the Celestial Emperor, there was no way to transform it into the body of Sovereign.

"Wait, maybe there is another way."

At this time, Mu Qing suddenly thought of the Starry Sky Gate.

In the starry sky gate, he has always felt a potential power, similar to the Star God body, there seems to be something inside, in addition to the pupil of annihilation, there is also the hand of the starry sky!

You must know that the Pupil of Annihilation is Mu Qing who obtains Divine Ability from the starry sky gate, but the Starry Hand does not.

The hand of the starry sky is the power that Mu Qing relies on the Star God body to resonate with the starry sky gate, and draws from the starry sky gate!

Mu Qing said that although the body of cultivation Sovereign has not gained much during this period, he is more familiar with the body of Sovereign.

He even suspects that the potential power in the Stargate is the body of Sovereign!


1 month later.

There is still no movement from the outside world.

Mu Qing was in the Scarlet Sovereign Hall, and at the same time summon went out of the Avenue of Stars and the Gate of Stars.

He still did not cultivation success for the body of Sovereign during this period, but after a lot of research, he has been able to determine that perhaps the Star Gate can help him!

Mu Qing took a deep breath, and then slowly sent the Avenue of Stars into the Star Gate.

At the same time, he immediately displayed the secret technique of Sovereign's body, one after another special imprint pattern along the Avenue of Stars and enter the Star Gate together.

As soon as the Avenue of Stars enters the Starry Sky Gate, the Starry Sky Gate has a mutation, which soars suddenly, and a force of suction directly swallows the Avenue of Stars!

Then, the starry sky gate gradually shrank and hovered in front of Mu Qing.


Mu Qing coughed up blood suddenly, his face was full of horror, and he found that his avenue of stars seemed to be eaten away by a certain force.


Mu Qing secretly thought is bad, didn't expect an accident, his Avenue of Stars is undergoing some changes, but he doesn't know this This change is good or bad.

After half a day, Mu Qing is no longer backlashed by the Avenue of Stars.



Mu Qing looked towards the starry sky door in front of me, a little confused. w

He can feel that his own Avenue of Stars still exists, but when he wants to summon out of Avenue of Stars, it fails!


Mu Qing tried to converge on the Avenue of Stars, and the Star Gate in front of him disappeared.

When he tried to summon the Avenue of Stars again, the Gate of Stars reappears, but no trace of Avenue of Stars was seen.

Mu Qing's mouth twitched slightly.

Should not, his Avenue of Stars has become a Star Gate, right?

Is this assimilated?

The corner of Mu Qing's mouth twitched slightly. He could feel that his Avenue of Stars still existed. Even when he used the power of Avenue of Stars, the Star Gate was softly trembled, drawing energy from the universe to supply Mu Qing.

This is enough to show that the Avenue of Stars seems to be combined with the Star Gate!

"Where is the body of Sovereign?"


With doubts, Mu Qing tried to transform the Star Gate into the body of Sovereign.

Although the Star Gate merges with his Star Avenue, it seems a bit strange, but it is not unacceptable.

Because of the strength of Starry Sky, the biggest feature is fusion!

Mu Qing responded this time, but the starry sky gate did not disappear and transform. Instead, it shuddered slightly and burst out a dazzling starlight from within.

It is a human form transformed into a starry sky. At a glance, its body is a starry sky, deep and illusory, while the facial features are blurred, and there is a vertical pupil at the center of the eyebrow, which is the annihilation condensed by the power of the black hole. Hitomi!

"This...Is this the body of my Sovereign?"

Mu Qing looked at the humanoid existence of the starry sky in front of him, he could feel that he was completely capable of Control the opponent, and control the opponent's size.

At the same time, a message emerged in Mu Qing's mind, that was the name of the Sovereign body.

Called the bright star!


The starry sky gate is trembling, frantically devouring the energy of all circles in the universe. This is the ability of the Star Avenue.

Mu Qing also panted slightly.

Because summon's dazzling star was released, the consumption reached a very terrifying level!

Be aware that the ability of the Avenue of Stars allows Mu Qing to have almost unlimited energy during normal battles.

But once Mu Qing activates these divine abilities and powers on the Starry Sky Book, the consumption will become very terrifying, even the supply of Star Avenue can hardly keep up.

"It seems that the bright star can only become a means of compelled by circumstances. With my current cultivation base, the consumption is still too great."

Mu Qing quickly made it bright The star returned to the starry sky gate.

Although the consumption is huge, a smile appeared on Mu Qing's face. This attempt was very successful!

The so-called Sovereign body really made him play it out!

However, the price is that the Avenue of Stars and the Gate of Stars are merged together.

"The body of the shining star seems to be the same as the body of the Star God after it has been fully cultivated to a perfect state. The body will turn into a starry sky instead of an ordinary fleshy body."

Mu Qing touched the chin whispered.

With the bright star, Mu Qing has one more method, even more how, the ability of the Avenue of Stars is usually the continuous energy supply for Mu Qing, and now the bright star appears, it is a combat capability.

"Next, you can try to get familiar with the battle method of the dazzling star, and..."

Mu Qing had some ideas in his mind.

He thought of what the old Celestial Emperor had said.

The old Celestial Emperor said that there is still potential power in his body that has not been unearthed, and that is the Supreme Avenue that originally belonged to him.

Perhaps, when he digs out, he will become the owner of Shuangdao!

And the Supreme Avenue that Mu Qing has not excavated must be the Perfect Level Avenue!

"If I can, maybe I should try to dig out the Supreme Avenue that really belongs to me, and transform it into the body of Sovereign..."

Mu Qing whispered.

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