"Isn't there even resistance?"

"jié jié jié, if that's the case, then I will accept it unceremoniously."

Supreme Killing suddenly showed a grinning expression, and his voice was sharp and full of magic.

It can be seen that on this Scarlet Throne, the countless smooth tentacles bloomed with dazzling rays of light, one after another energy poured directly into the body of Killing Supreme.

Immediately afterwards, the aura of Slaughter Supreme's body increased at an astonishing speed, soaring rapidly, from the God Sovereign Realm all the way to the extreme emperor.

Then, the slippery tentacles on the Scarlet Throne slammed into the body of Killing Supreme. At the same time, the breath of Killing Supreme went from the breakthrough to the half Supreme.

When all the slippery tentacles got into the body of Killing Supreme, I saw Killing Supreme suddenly stood up, his eyes were blood red, and at the same time, a Supreme Avenue skyrocketed from behind.

A stretch of Supreme Avenue of blood light stretches out like an infinite.

At the same time, there was a blood light on the top of the head, and a blood skeleton appeared from the blood light on the top of the head, protruding out his palm, and slapped Supreme forcibly to death.

But at this time, the blood skull is so huge that it can be photographed with one palm, covering the killing Supreme.

However, the scarlet tentacles pierced the palm of the blood skull.

I saw that Killing Supreme was covered with slippery tentacles all over his body, and had extremely powerful destructive power. After tearing the palm of the blood skeleton, he came out of Killing Supreme’s arms, strips of slippery tentacles. Entangled together, forming a scarlet long sword.

Supreme Killing slowly raised his hand and waved this scarlet long sword condensed by slippery tentacles.

Scarlet's sword glow crossed, and the whole blood sea split into two in an instant, and a deep gully appeared in the middle.

The blood skull, before it got out of the blood light overhead, was split in half on the spot!

"Sure enough, didn't expect that in this chaotic universe, there will be people with the potential of perfect avenues."

Killing Supreme laughed, but very Obviously, he is not the real Supreme Killing.

He said to himself: "Judging from the memory of this killing Supreme, he originally relied on a Supreme heart to break through to Supreme Realm, but in fact this saw what he should have. It can be buried."

Slaying Supreme turned his head slowly. It was an infinitely extended Supreme Avenue with a blood light, and a sea of ​​corpses appeared in it. All the way, there was a sea of ​​corpses.

Soon, the nine shackles were quickly shrouded, and they were imprisoned on this Supreme Avenue out of thin air.

"Hey, can't even my Sovereign Palace be able to resist it?"

"Forget it, after all, the Sovereign Palace has lost a lot of power after the catastrophe, even more how The instincts of this chaotic universe are more powerful than I thought."

Killing Supreme curl one's lip, but I didn't care much.

next moment, his body exploded, and a terrifying force surged.


The first shackle burst in an instant.

"hahaha! Killing Avenue!"

"The Killing Avenue of Perfect level will resound through the entire chaotic universe under the name of my Scarlet Sovereign!"

Supreme is laughing wildly, and it is the master of this Sovereign temple, Scarlet Sovereign, who is possessed by his body!

Faced with the catastrophe of the universe, Scarlet Sovereign did not really die, part of his power still remained.

And the Sovereign Temple automatically falls everywhere in the universe. After the Sovereign inheritance is turned on, the Scarlet Sovereign wakes up at the same time.

Scarlet Sovereign knows that since he is not even Divine Soul in a state, even if he is originally Supreme, he cannot survive.

Originally, Scarlet Sovereign just wanted to find a creature with more potential and power to carry out body possession.

As a result, it happened to perceive the killing Supreme.

As a Sovereign, he knows exactly how terrifying the potential of killing Supreme is.

Now after the body possession of the Supreme Killing, Scarlet Sovereign also understands what the killing of Supreme is all about.

Originally, Scarlet Sovereign was still curious, why Killing Supreme clearly has the potential of a perfect road, but its aura is so weak.

Now that he has completely obtained all the memories of the killing Supreme, Scarlet Sovereign can be regarded as completely understand.

"This killing Supreme was originally promoted to Supreme Realm by relying on a foreign object, causing its Perfect Level Avenue to be completely buried."

"But this is just right, but it was cheaper in the end. Me."

The Scarlet Sovereign smiled grimly.

He can almost imagine what it would be like to break through Supreme in the outside world and have a perfect level road.

Be aware that anyone who has the potential of the Perfect level road will encounter a special crisis during the breakthrough.

Just like when Xinrui was in the breakthrough, there was Thunder Tribulation, and in the end even the cosmic instinct came out.

And the blood skull just now is a special product drawn when the body of Killing Supreme relied on its potential to break through Supreme!

If it is outside, killing Supreme is definitely not the opponent of the blood skull, and it will even lead to the instinct of the universe.

But now this is the Sovereign Hall, the site of the Scarlet Sovereign. Relying on the remaining power of the Sovereign Hall, the blood skeleton was resolved.


At the same time, two shackles shattered on the Killing Avenue.

A powerful breath gushes out of Scarlet Sovereign.

Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer!

Different from the previous Killing Supreme, now it has the Killing Avenue, that is, the Perfect Level Avenue. The breath of this Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer is very terrifying, and it has a powerful suppressing power against other Supremes.

"che, only Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer?"

Scarlet Sovereign is a bit dissatisfied.

However, he didn’t care too much about his realm, because with his strength and the powerful potential of this Perfect Level avenue, he could upgrade his realm to Supreme soon after going out. Nine Layers Heaven or even Supreme Ten Heaven!

As for the return to Sovereign realm, even the Scarlet Sovereign, which was already Sovereign, cannot guarantee that Sovereign this realm is not so easy to reach.

"However, this chaotic universe does not seem to have a Sovereign powerhouse. I only need to reach Supreme Nine Layers Heaven to compete with those guys. When I reach Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, it will be enough to dominate the entire universe!"

The Scarlet Sovereign's eyes flashed with different lights, and he laughed again.

In the previous Tianqing universe, Scarlet Sovereign was also a monster, but as powerful as him, there were four people.

Want to rule the universe is almost impossible, Tianqing Universe alone has five Sovereign!

But in this chaotic universe, that may not be the case!

Here there is not even Heaven's Chosen Supreme with a perfect avenue.

The Scarlet Sovereign has the confidence to completely control everything in the entire universe in a short period of time!

"By the way, those two guys seem to be still undergoing my inheritance trial."

At this time, Scarlet Sovereign recalled Mu Qing and Xinrui.

He waved his hand, and two pictures appeared in front of him. They were blood seas in two different spaces. Mu Qing and Xinrui were both undergoing trials.

"en? This guy has a problem..." Scarlet Sovereign's gaze suddenly condensed on Mu Qing.

Then, the corners of his mouth slightly cocked.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to play with the two of them, just obliterate it..."

The Scarlet Sovereign raised his hand, and the blood light flashed in his palm.

But at this time, the left hand suddenly grabbed the right hand's wrist.

At the same time, the voice of killing Supreme came out.

"No hands are allowed!"

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