"Supreme born inside star void world?"

Mu Qing frowns.

Then he said: "It's not possible. If there is a creature in the star void world that breaks through to Supreme Realm, I can perceive it."

Mu Qing shook the head, he At any rate, he is also the master of the star void world. Impossible does not even know the breakthrough Supreme of the creatures in his territory.

And Mu Qing did not notice any Supreme powerhouse breaking into the star void world.

"I will go there in person to find out what's going on."

Mu Qing said solemnly.

"I sit in the star void world, Xinrui will go with you."

The King of Chaos said from the side that some of his injuries have not recovered.

Xinrui is nodded, following Mu Qing, if the opponent is Supreme powerhouse, he can just practice his hand.

At any rate, he is also Paragon Samsara now, staying in the star void world, but he can't grow up.

"Let's go."

Mu Qing snapped his fingers, starlight vortex appeared, and enveloped the two.

In an instant, the two appeared in the eastern part of the star void world.

There are several galaxies nearby.

Since the cultivation of the Star God body, Mu Qing's control over the star void world has become stronger and stronger, anywhere, instantly.

"What the hell is it?"

As soon as Xinrui came here, his pupils contracted.

There are a total of five galaxies here, four of which have been defeated, and one after another planet is broken and lifeless.

A piece of loss of life!

Even the corpses of Holy War angels and Law Enforcer floating in the starry sky can be seen.

Mu Qing hand grasps, after careful observation, it was found that Law Enforcer's corpse was almost left with a piece of skin and skeleton, and the blood was completely sucked up.

"Go, let's go and see."

Mu Qing loudly shouts, taking Xinrui into the only remaining galaxy.

From the outside, this galaxy, from its original silver white, has almost become a scarlet.

The two entered the galaxy in the blink of an eye and landed on a planet at will.


Mu Qing glanced at the corpses all over the ground. All the creatures of a planet became mummy, and all the blood was absorbed away.

The two looked up towards the sky, the color of the entire world turned blood.

All buildings are covered with a layer of plasma.

No, it should be said that the entire world is covered by a layer of plasma.

"What the hell is that?"

Xin Rui felt a little sick, lifted his feet, and a layer of plasma stuck to the soles of his feet.

Reincarnation Disk appeared behind him, attempting to use Samsara Power to disperse the plasma.

As a result, the surrounding plasma suddenly surged, and smooth blood-colored tentacles came out. On each scarlet tentacles, there were pale eyes and sharp teeth, which gnawed and broke the reincarnation divine force.

"This is!"

Mu Qing saw it, but it was startled.

He has seen these creamy scarlet tentacles before!

It is Namoruo and Moxu who have seen it!

"But, that weird existence was not swallowed by the star book?"

"Why does it still appear?"

Mu Qing tight frowns .

He strode out and galloped into the sky.

"Even Samsara Power can't recover."

Xin Rui is next to Mu Qing, sighed.

He doesn't know what this thing is, even his Samsara Power can't get rid of it.

"It seems that it is really a Supreme powerhouse."

Xin Rui said solemnly.

"Destroy this place."

Mu Qing indifferently said, the entire planet is completely dead, even the planet itself is the same. He perceives it carefully and finds that not only The surface of the planet is covered with a layer of plasma, and the same is true inside the planet.

All the power of the planet was completely hollowed out.

Mu Qing and Xinrui left the planet, and then Mu Qing condense a star, and the huge energy sphere was thrown directly at the planet.


The dazzling starlight bloomed, followed by a splendid wave of light and air.

A planet completely exploded!

Mu Qing squeezed his big hand, and the aftermath of the energy generated by the planet's explosion disappeared out of thin air.


Suddenly, Mu Qing discovered that even after the planet was destroyed by him, there was still a plasma-like thing left in place, floating on the starry sky.

This mass of plasma squirmed, and small tentacles stretched out on it.

"It's not quite right."

Mu Qing entered the battle state directly, the golden arrogance rushed up from the soles of his feet, and then the Milky Way blossomed, and the fourth-order destiny form and the Star God body were simultaneously displayed Out!

On the side, Xinrui is the same, with the Reincarnation Disk spinning behind him, always ready to fight.

"gu lu gu lu."

At this time, a small group of plasma left in place suddenly stretched out extremely long tentacles, but did not attack Mu Qing and Xinrui searched all the planets nearby.

Immediately afterwards, the plasma on the planet was absorbed, and the plasma became larger and larger, forming a sea of ​​blood.


Without plasma coverage, those planets suddenly collapsed.

"That is!"

Mu Qing eyes shrank, and found that above the sea of ​​blood, one after another plasma condensed into a portal.

This is exactly the same scene he saw when he was playing against Moxu!

"This portal..."

Xin Rui's expression is solemn, ready to do it.


Mu Qing stopped Xinrui, he had a bad feeling.

Immediately afterwards, the portal was completely revealed, and a pile of creamy scarlet tentacles emerged from the portal, absorbing nearby blood.

Under the eyes of Mu Qing and Xinrui, this sea of ​​blood turned into a temple-like building.

There is special text on it, which the two of them cannot understand.

But Mu Qing was shocked.

Because he finally realized what the blood-colored building in front of him was.

It is the Palace of Sovereign!

"I think we may have a great opportunity."

Mu Qing took a deep breath.

If it is really the Sovereign Temple, then there is a possibility of Sovereign inheritance in it!

However, Mu Qing still hesitated, because the bloody Sovereign Palace in front of him did not look very friendly.

Furthermore, the power of this Sovereign Temple is the same as what he has seen in Moxu and Moro.

This also means that the power of this Sovereign temple has actually been leaked a long time ago?

"It should be the Sovereign Hall, no breath is exposed."

Mu Qing touched the chin, looking at the bloody Sovereign Hall in front of me.

At first, he thought there was a huge movement, but he didn't even need to cover it up. It automatically restrained aura, only naked eye was visible, which was imperceptible at all.

"Shall we go in and have a look?"

Xin Rui asked, if it is Sovereign inheritance, it is really incredible.

Mu Qing hesitated, then nodded.

"Go in and take a look."

If Sovereign inheritance can be obtained, then he will be trained by the black world. After that, even if the three worlds want to secretly engage in some small actions, they will have to weigh it. Finished.

However, Mu Qing recalled the appearance of Mo Xu and Moruo, and felt that there was something wrong with the Sovereign Hall, which was too weird.

The courage to let Mu Qing enter the Palace of Sovereign is mainly the star book.

Previously, the same power as this Sovereign Hall was restrained by the Starry Sky Book. I wanted to bring the Starry Sky Book into it. It shouldn't be something.

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