"This guy, it's going to be a breakthrough."

Mu Qing glanced at the Devouring Demon and condensed his voice.

The Devourer first swallowed five top Divine Stone mineral veins, and then rushed into this heavenly pond to swallow the blood of Purple Gold Heavenly Dragon, and instantly gained immense energy.

I saw the Devourer Demon's body swelled like a ball, it had taken in too much energy, even if it was claimed to be swallowed, it couldn't digest this energy for a while.

At the same time, the aura of Devouring Demon gradually became stronger, and then a powerful breath gushed out, Devouring Demon even reached Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer in one breath!

This power is very terrifying, even more powerful than the normal Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer.

Mu Qing was a little confused. He found that Devourer didn't seem to have Supreme Avenue.

The King of Chaos also discovered this, touched the chin, hesitantly said: "This Devourer was created by the Demon Ancestor. It seems to have some potential, and it can even increase its strength just by devouring energy."

The most important thing is that Devourer doesn't have Supreme Avenue, but it has enough strength. From the perspective of breath, it can be comparable to the general Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer powerhouse.

"It would be great if there is Supreme Avenue."

Mu Qing suddenly thought of Celestial Emperor's Devouring Avenue.

If the Devouring Demon also has the Devouring Avenue, it matches its name and ability, and the ability to devour the Avenue is very terrifying.

"You guys!"

When Tianyue saw this scene, there was an anger on the pretty face. You must know that the Purple Gold Heavenly Dragon in front of you is the Guardian of their clan. God is the existence of Supreme Ten Heaven.

As a result, the devourers brought by Mu Qing and the Chaos King have absorbed energy.

Tian Yue just wanted to berate her anger, and as a result, a huge rumbling sound came from the outside at the next moment.

The power of terrifying disaster penetrated the space, tearing the Secret Realm apart.


Mu Qing and the others were shocked, Devourer also rushed up from the Tianchi, shook his body, and shook off his body blood.

They complexion slightly changed and looked towards the outside world.

At this moment, this Tianchi Secret Realm has been torn apart by a force and is no longer concealed.

"What's the matter?"

"Did the disaster find us?"

Tianyue couldn't control Mu Qing and them anymore, and quickly looked towards outside world.

After that, she jade hand over her mouth, her beautiful eyes widened, cry out in surprise: "Who is that?! Actually fighting against disaster!"

Mu Qing With the King of Chaos and the others quickly moved towards the outside world, and then the pupils suddenly contracted.

Their appearance is more shocked than Tianyue, and their faces are covered with terrified look.

Because the silhouette fighting another person in Sovereign is actually the Celestial Emperor!

"How is it possible?!"

Mu Qing and Chaos King were shocked. They didn't understand why Celestial Emperor appeared here!

Not only did the Celestial Emperor not die, but even the strength did not regress, and it still maintained its original strong power!

I saw the outside world. There were two figures colliding in Sovereign City. The aura was very terrifying. Even if the buildings in Sovereign City were all built with special materials, they couldn't resist it and turned into large ruins.

Of course, this is also related to the catastrophe that Sovereign City has experienced.

While watching the city of Sovereign turn into ruins, a smile appeared on the face of the disaster.

"he he he ......hahahaha!"

While fighting against Celestial Emperor, the calamity throws out the power of disaster, sometimes it turns into a storm and sometimes it turns into a Fireball, falling on all around the buildings in the city of Sovereign.

There is a mess everywhere!

"Didn't expect, I can still live until this time, and one day, destroy the city of Sovereign!"

The disaster laughed, he destroyed himself Can see everything.

Although the calamity itself was born in Sovereign, it seems that he hates everything here because of something.

"You are crazy."

On the other side, the cold-faced Celestial Emperor's face was gloomy and lowly shouted.

"Crazy? Hmph! I'm already crazy!"

The calamity smiled grimly, then he strode out, punching towards Celestial Emperor.

Behind the Celestial Emperor, the Devouring Avenue emerged, and it swallowed all the power of disaster in one breath.

But soon, Celestial Emperor frowned, found that something was wrong.

He suddenly discovered that he was almost invincible enough to swallow any power, and he could not digest the power of this calamity!

"hahaha! Did you finally find out?"

The disaster burst into laughter, and then shouted: "You think you can fight me with a 90% increase in Supreme Avenue "

"Too naive! Supreme Nine Layers Heaven like you, I don’t know how many killed!"

"Let you see what is called True Paragon Avenue!"

At this time, the disaster was loudly shouted, and an almost infinite Supreme Avenue emerged behind it!

This avenue is full of disasters, such as tsunamis, storms, purgatory, icy cold and so on.

And at the top of this disaster avenue, there is a mysterious power, shrouded like a dark cloud.

"This is!"

Although the Celestial Emperor remained calm, his pupils still shrank slightly, and there was obviously a hint of shock in my heart.

At the same time, the terrifying oppression force rolled over, and the Devouring Avenue behind the Celestial Emperor was trembling.

"Perfect level Avenue!"

Celestial Emperor said solemnly.

"Yes, but you guys from other weak small universes, I'm afraid you haven't seen this kind of road a few times, right?"

frigid irony and scorching Satire, suddenly shot, the terrible disaster swept away, covering the sky with one palm, covering everything in it.

In the palm of your hand, there is a Small World full of disasters.


The Celestial Emperor's face was solemn, and slowly opened the mouth and said.

He was soon enveloped in, and he was in the disaster Small World.

"en? You actually know the natural disaster technique?"

"Who are you?!"

Suddenly, his face changed slightly and he could watch It can be concluded that the Celestial Emperor is definitely not a person from their heavenly universe, but since they are from other universes, why did they know that he created Divine Ability when they first met?

Although disaster is the son of Sovereign, he has already betrayed the city of Sovereign at the time of Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer. After that, the resources are obtained by himself. This is called Divine Ability. Created by myself.

If you are in Tianqing Universe, there are naturally many people who know this divine ability.

But how did Celestial Emperor from another universe know?

At the time of disaster and doubt, the swallowing avenue behind the Celestial Emperor turned into a huge black mouth, like a black hole, swallowing the power of disasters around it.

Suddenly, the Celestial Emperor's side was like a collapse, space distortion, all the power of disaster was swallowed, and disappeared.


Disaster complexion changed, his natural disaster technique combined with the power of the disaster avenue has absolute suppressing power on other Supremes.

Usually Supreme Nine Layers Heaven, facing the oppression of this perfect road, I am afraid that it will be directly hit by natural disasters!

Why is this guy okay?

At this time, I saw Celestial Emperor slightly smiled.

He faint smiled and said: "Of course I know, not only that, I also know that your father is Xuanyu Sovereign, but unfortunately he is dead."

"Who are you! "

Disaster and anger shouted.

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