The Starry Sky Book, everything that is devoured is extremely precious.

The immortal avenue swallowed for the first time is naturally worthless,

And the sea of ​​blood and portals swallowed for the second time, it’s not simple at first sight, and Moro Supreme monster.

The leader of the Black Realm said that the Star Book is made from incomplete fragments of the origin of the starry sky, and its power should be similar to that of the evil god’s cosmic crystallization, but because it is incomplete, it needs strength. repair.

Mu Qing realized at this time that the bronze statue in front of him is considered an item similar to the Immortal Avenue?

After all, this is a statue of Sovereign, and even the copper statue has a certain sense of autonomy, which can automatically attack nearby enemies.

Mu Qing swallowed saliva and said, he suddenly remembered a crazy idea.

Should you really try it?

Take this bronze statue of Sovereign back to the void world?

The most important thing is to read the starry sky book without seeing the bronze statue.

If you can see the bronze statue, just swallow it, and then go back to the star void world to see if you can let the star book spit out the bronze statue.

Even if you don’t spit it out, it’s not bad to be completely swallowed up by the Star Book.

It is very likely that there will be one more Supreme Divine Ability, no matter how it is considered to be a loss!

Just when Mu Qing was still thinking about it, other people had already left one after another, looking for other places in the giant city to see if there was any chance.

Mu Qing eyebrows slightly frowned, he has a Star God body, but he is confident enough not to be kicked to death by the bronze statue.

But now there are so many people, if he does it, even if it succeeds, it will cause those Old Antiques to hunt down.

In desperation, Mu Qing dispelled this idea, he wrote down the location here, waited when the time comes to see if there is a chance, come and try.

"Someone! Someone alive!"

At this time, a demonic cultivator exclaimed.

This sentence immediately attracted everyone's attention, and immediately moved towards over there.

Mu Qing and the three quickly passed by, and found that the crowd was surrounded by a huge bronze pillar.

On this bronze pillar, a man is confined by a chain, with a dishevelled hair and a godless eyes.

But they can feel the Life Aura escaping from this man's body!

Still alive!

"Who are you?"

Mu frowns asked in a low voice.

The man didn't say a word, but he lifted the head slightly, his eyes blurred, looking at everyone.

His gaze slowly passed over the hundreds of demonic cultivators present, and then fell on Mu Lao.

"Dare to ask, what is your origin?"

Another Old Antique also asked very kindly.

They are all Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer, but their attitude is so good that the demonic cultivators behind are shocked.

When did these old antiques from Mozu Temple become so talkative?

Actually, Mu Lao and the others are still afraid.

Any copper statue you encountered before, you can easily hang them, and then I encountered a weird bronze pillar with a person imprisoned on it.

No matter how you look at it, it's all weird!

They even kept a certain distance, for fear of encountering accidents when they approached.

Now they all believe that Sovereign has really stayed in this city of Sovereign, and even now someone comes to tell him that the imprisoned man in front of him is a Sovereign, they all believe it!

"cough cough..."

The man lifts the head, revealing a handsome face, terrifying pale, looking at everyone.

Suddenly a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, which was a little weird, but he still didn't speak.

Several Old Antique looked at each other in blank dismay, a bit have one's hair stand on end.

And Mu Qing immediately looked towards Jin Sheng's expression, only to find that Jin Sheng actually showed a frightened expression!

Mu Qing's heart suddenly thumped, secretly thought bad.

Jin Sheng and the Elder next to him must have been to this Sovereign city, and are familiar with the things here.

But when Jin Sheng saw the man imprisoned on the bronze pillar, he showed a frightened expression.

It means that this man makes Jinsheng feel terrified. Is it possible that he is really a Sovereign and is imprisoned here?

Even Mu Qing is a little dizzy. How many Sovereigns are there in Tianqing Universe?

Just looking at the silhouette over the giant city, there are at least four Sovereigns, right?

"My name...ah...what's my name?"

After a while, the man suddenly spoke, very hoarse, and even scared everyone directly. jump.

Mu Lao and the others distanced themselves. They always felt that there was something wrong with this person.

The man shook his head, and along with his movement, the chains that imprison his limbs also swayed, making the sound of ding ding dong dong.

At this time, as soon as the chain moved, a golden long spear suddenly pierced through the sky above the giant city, piercing his chest.


Blood splashed out suddenly, the amount of bleeding was huge, and it splashed on several Old Antique bodies.

However, what is shocking is that the golden long spear ablated at the speed visible to naked eye and disappeared.

The pierced body of the man also recovered at an astonishing speed.

He twisted his neck, it seems that the pain of being penetrated is nothing to him.

Finally, he seemed to think of his name, opened his mouth, and said hoarsely: "Everyone calls me a disaster."

"cough cough."

A few Old Antique coughs, secretly thought this is really not a good name.

However, they found that this man named Calamity seemed to be able to speak well.

Of course, they continue to be vigilant and keep a distance.

"Uh, this...the disaster senior, we are from the outside world. May I ask, can this Sovereign city have a chance?"

Mu Lao asked bluntly.

Regardless of whether the disaster will lie to them, just ask first before talking.


The disaster laughed, and only after a long time did it replied: "Yes, of course there is a chance!"

"It's still a This is a very big chance!"

His voice suddenly improved a lot, saying: "Among you, the most powerful house at present is Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer, but as long as you get the chance, you won’t get ten In years, you can easily reach the Supreme Nine Layers Heaven and have the qualifications to hit the Supreme Ten Heaven!"

"And this opportunity is under my bronze pillar, help me pull out the bronze pillar , I will give you this opportunity."

Faint smiled at everyone.

"Although I am waiting for Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer, but the future is promising, I don’t need such spoil things through excessive enthusiasm."

Mu Lao and the others directly Decisively refuse.

There is a problem with this kind of words.

At first glance, the bronze pillar suppresses the man named Calamity, and here is the city of Sovereign, and everything is related to Sovereign.

They guessed that the strength of this disaster is probably not trivial, and the person who shot is Sovereign, who suppressed him here!

The calamity asked them to pull out the bronze pillars, for fear that they would not want everyone to help him unblock them!

Mu and the others are not stupid, not fooled at all.

However, the next scene has everyone startled.

"Hehe, I know, that's all, if you don’t come, I will do it myself."

Laughed, suddenly his body was shaken, and the chain was broken, and then With a light leap, he jumped off the bronze pillar.

All the people present looked dull.

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