"Master Demon Ancestor, I am too late to wait."

Mu Lao brought Mu Qing and Devourer to a long and narrow crack. The crack was enough. It is nearly a thousand meters huge.

The stalwart illusory shadow of the Mozu is located at the top of this meta-crack.

"Go in."

The Mozu gradually faded the three words, and then there was no more sound.

Mu Lao rushed into the dimensional crack, even Mu Qing ignored it.

After all, right now, he is going to compete for the Supreme place, so that he can directly promote his juniors.

Mu Qing did not dare to look up, and rushed into the dimensional crack with Devourer.

From beginning to end, Mozu didn't seem to look at them.

But Mu Qing and Devouring Demon were still very nervous, their heartbeat was extremely fast, for fear that they were really noticed, then Demon Ancestor slapped them to death.

"Is this the so-called dimensional crack?"

Mu Qing looked towards all around at this time, very mysterious, Heaven and Earth are dim, and there are ancient wood dense forests everywhere.

But all around contains very rich energy, even for Supreme, it is considered a treasure!

Mu Qing glanced, that Mu Lao's trace has disappeared, and he rushed out a long time ago, looking for chasing and killing the Chaos King.

"Even if I found the King of Chaos, how can I escape?"

Mu Qing touched the chin, thinking about this question.


Outside, near the dimensional crack, the stalwart silhouette of the devil's ancestor seems to be eternal.

At this time, a demon dao shadow slowly emerged, with a terrifying aura, reaching the Supreme Nine Layers Heaven!

This person looked towards the Demon Ancestor and said: "You are so willing to let them in? You know, they are all the elites of Demon Realm, the Supreme of Demon Realm!"

Mozu slowly opened his eyes and said separately: "What does Demon Realm do to me?"

"I run Demon Realm, not really to dominate the universe. Power is meaningless to me. I just use Demon Realm as a tool for my progress that's all."

"As long as I can break through the realm, I can give up everything!"

The Supreme Nine Layers Heaven demonic cultivator next to him is still a little dissatisfied, saying: "Those Old Guys, but you were born and died, they trust you so much, but you cheated them!"

"What are you cheating?" The Demon Ancestor suddenly shouted loudly, then calmed down a bit, and said: "As long as they catch the seriously injured Chaos King and come out alive, I will naturally help them refining a perfect Supreme heart for their younger generations to use. "

"You!" The demonic cultivator on the side opened his mouth, and finally sighed without continuing.

The Mozu was silent for a while, but each minding their own business said, "You don’t understand, except for Jianxin Supreme who can’t see through, I and Yaoyan Supreme are very clear. , If you are not strong enough, then you will only end up with death!"

"The more powerful, the easier it is to cause harm."

"The instinct of the universe is getting stronger day by day, I I even suspect that it is almost reaching the realm of Sovereign's strength. If I continue to stay in the Supreme Ten Heaven and do not try to break through the Sovereign realm, then the fate of I and Supreme will only be swallowed by the instinct of the universe."

"This meta-crack contains many secrets. Many opportunities are naturally bred by the universe. Even the instinct of the universe may not be known!"

"There may be many crises in it, but as long as you discover a trace Benefits, maybe it can help me improve my strength!"

The Mozu's tone is very cold.

"But what if there is a chance inside? You don't dare to go in, even if others find the way for you, it's useless!"

The demonic cultivator of Supreme Nine Layers Heaven spoke again. The relationship between him and the Demon Ancestor seemed to be unusual, and he bluntly said that the Demon Ancestor was courageous and did not dare to enter the dimensional crack.

This time, there seems to be a horrible crisis in the meta-crack, and even the powerhouse of the Supreme Tenth Heaven like Mozu dared not enter it.

"It's okay, I let them in, the worst is Great Emperor Realm, the strongest is Supreme 7 Heavenly Layer Old Antique, they are not weak anymore, they will find ways to get the chance by themselves."


"Wait until they get the chance to come out, I will kill them to seize the chance, without me personally entering it."

The Demon Ancestor said indifferently, full of coldness and ruthlessness.

"You! Alas..."


At the same time, in the crack of dimension.

Mu Qing and Devouring Demon searched for a certain range inside, but failed to find the whereabouts of the Chaos King, but the demonic cultivator encountered more than a dozen.

The other party is an Old Antique, the same Supreme 6 Heavenly Layer, but not Mu Lao, with two Supreme 2nd Layer and ten and a half Supreme powerhouses, passing by in a hurry.

Fortunately, the other party and Mu Qing are not familiar with each other, and when the opposite Old Antique saw Mu Qing came in with only one person, he knew that he was here to play, and he didn’t really want to compete for the Supreme place. , So I left with a casual greeting.

Mu Qing is also worried about being seen through, and when the time comes is here, it has become a target.

"What is this?"

Mu Qing and Devourer found a place, a bit like a ruin, a mess, this feeling does not seem to be formed naturally.

It's more like there is some kind of existence, caused after the war.

"What the hell is this meta-crack?"

Mu Qing frowns, feeling puzzled.

"Mu Qing! Come on, here is a stone tablet!"

At this time, Devourer shouted from the side.

Mu Qing hurried over.

I found a silver white stone tablet, filled with text.

These words are very complicated, Mu Qing couldn't recognize the words even after seeing it.

Mu Qing tries to perceive. After all, many things will leave Spiritual Fluctuation, and you can perceive the meaning directly without having to learn the other party’s language.

Catastrophe! A catastrophe!

Mu Qing's face suddenly changed, but he successfully sensed the information on the silver white stone tablet.

A disaster!

Are they the natives in this dimensional rift?

This place is like ruins, with broken traces everywhere, it really looks like after disaster.

The question is, who is here, what kind of catastrophe has he encountered?

Mu Qing was curious at once, and then looked at the silver white stone tablet.

This stone tablet is very hard. Devouring Devil's claws went up, but his claws almost broke.

And the silver stone tablet around, there is a kind of faint rays of light, and the text on it is more like a pattern, with a certain force flowing on it.

Mu Qing tried to touch the stone tablet and felt it again. This time it was a more in-depth exploration. In an instant, the silver white stone tablet rays of light flashed by, and a silhouette came out of it. Very skinny, sitting cross-legged under the stone tablet, with four arms, a pair of golden eyes, a single horn on the top of his head, and a calm front.

After waiting for a few seconds, a layer of blood began to appear on the ground. The unknown creature began to cough up blood, and then left the place.

This creature seems to be sick!

Mu Qing can't see the scene after the other party leaves the place, this silver white stone tablet seems to only record a small part.

I don’t know how long it took, the creature came back and sat down again under the silver white stone tablet, but this time it was after a battle, almost severely injured, four arms were cut off three times, a pair of golden eyes Dim, the single horn above his head was also cut off.

The other party was very weak, and he used that only arm to write words in blood and imprinted them on the silver stone tablet. It was these complex words that Mu Qing saw!

"The catastrophe of the universe, consigned to eternal damnation, even in the realm of Sovereign, it cannot be saved."

The creature sighed, and finally sat silently in front of the silver white stone tablet, seemingly already Death, no more life.

"Cosmic catastrophe?!"

"What cosmic catastrophe!"

Mu Qing was very shocked, came back to his senses, this silver stone tablet gradually dimmed , It seems that Mu Qing had just seen that picture just now, and had already used up all his power.

"What does the catastrophe of the universe refer to? Has the chaotic universe experienced? Or is this creature from other universes?"

"The Sovereign realm cannot be saved. Sovereign, is it the Sovereign that surpasses Supreme's tenth heaven?"

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