
Mo Xu Supreme screamed. He seemed to have displayed a weird Divine Ability, or made What kind of evil Supreme Treasure.

He is now imprisoned directly above the sea of ​​blood. At the gateway to the depths of the sea of ​​blood, smooth scarlet tentacles stretch out, binding Mo Xu Supreme like a chain.

Mo Xu Supreme seems to be very painful, his face full of ferociousness, and a curse on Mu Qing.

Because it was Mu Qing who made him look like this, this is his hole card, so he won't use it easily.

Only at the time of life and death, will it be displayed.

Mo Xu Supreme was resisting, screaming while resisting the portal of the blood sea, unwilling to be pulled in.

"I will break your corpse into ten thousand pieces!"

Mo Xu Supreme seems to have some sense, with a hideous face, and the road of white bones behind it suddenly shattered, splitting into pieces. Skeletons, holding bone spurs, bone spears, and Bone Blades, move towards Mu Qing and kill them.

"Do you want to help?"

Not far away, the Devourer emerged from in the sky. Its original breath was relatively weak, but now it seems to have recovered a lot. During the battle between Mu Qing and Mo Xu Supreme, it swallowed most of the creatures on the Moro planet.

Now, Devourer is the powerhouse of Supreme 2nd Layer.

Originally, it didn't dare to intervene in this kind of battle. After all, Mo Xu Supreme is Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer, and Mu Qing doesn't know how to improve so fast, much stronger than it.

But now the state of both parties seems abnormal.

The Devourer came over, glanced at the Supreme Supreme, and then decisively came to Mu Qing's side, took a big mouth, swallowed a pile of bones, gnawed away for a long time, and vomited a pile of bone scum come out.

"Bah, this is the first time I have eaten something so unpalatable."

The Devourer looked disgusted, and the pile of bone scum has become a waste product. All the energy on it is When it was chewed by the devourer, it was absorbed.

"get lost!"

Some unconscious Mo Xu Supreme roared, and slapped the Devourer in the air with a palm. His current state is a bit weird.

He knows deeply that this baby cannot be involved too deeply, otherwise it will be assimilated.

Now that Mo Xu Supreme is still conscious, he must quickly kill Mu Qing before solving his own problems.

The devouring demon wailed for a while, and flew out. Although it was hurt a little, it had nothing to do with its skin is rough and flesh is thick. It even opened its mouth in the air to remove the rest. The bones were swallowed.

"pei pei pei!"

The Devourer is a little afraid of Moxu Paragon Appear. In this way, after spitting out all the bone scum, he hurriedly dived into the sky, Ran away.

"die for me!!!"

Mo Xu Supreme roared, his hand plunged into the sea of ​​blood, grabbed a blood knife, and fiercely slashed towards Mu Qing.

Mu Qing is also controlled by the strange power in his body, that blood light has split into densely packed bloodshot eyes, penetrated into his limbs, and even a little uncontrollable!

Even these bloodshots spread to his Avenue of Stars, as if to refining his Avenue of Stars!

However, when the Blood Blade Slash was on Mu Qing, a dazzling starlight suddenly bloomed.

The blood knife collapsed into blood light and was swallowed by a book at the same time.

The Starry Sky Book automatically emerged at this time, followed by a huge suction force.

The sea of ​​blood has lost a lot, and all the power has poured into the starry sky book.

Mu Qing is suppressing the bloodshot eyes with the power of his whole body, glanced at random, and found that the second page of the starry sky book has opened!

At the same time, the sea of ​​blood is being madly swallowed by the second page of the star book, and the entire sea of ​​blood poured in.

The Starry Sky Book is frantically devouring this sea of ​​blood from the Supreme summon of Moxu. All the power disappears and flows into the second page of the Starry Sky Book.

Mu Qing's body became lighter, and the bloodshot eyes in his body were also dealt with, and he was sucked into the second page of the starry sky book.

Sure enough!

Mo Xu Supreme has something that Xingkongshu cares about!

Mu Qing doesn't know what the origin of this sea of ​​blood is, but the portal above the sea of ​​blood seems to contain something more terrifying.

But the Starry Sky Book is not so powerful. You must know that the Starry Sky Book last time directly swallowed Mu Qing's Perfect Level Immortal Avenue!

This starry sky book swallows up but is completely merciless!

Mo Xu Supreme’s face suddenly changed. He and the sea of ​​blood were half fused together. The lower body was already a sea of ​​blood. He was still struggling, but under the influence of the sea of ​​blood, his power was gradually affected by the stars. Swallowed away.

"What the hell is this?!"

Mo Xu Supreme growled.

Mu Qing didn't look at it. He raised his hand to the condense star, and the huge energy sphere directly crushed down, fiercely hitting Mo Xu Supreme.


The terrifying starlight broke out, the gorgeous air wave swept across, and the entire planet exploded at this moment.

Mu Qing Star God body protection, nothing happens.

On the other side of Mo Xu Supreme, he was severely injured by Mu Qing itself, and after he once again summoned the sea of ​​bleeding, he entered a strange state. Now he was hit by a star from Mu Qing, and he almost died on the spot!

But he still has a breath, and at this time his consciousness is completely dead, but his body is not dead!

In fact, Mo Xu Supreme has already fallen, including his own Supreme Avenue, but something in the sea of ​​blood is controlling his body, trying to resist Mu Qing and prevent the starry book from facing the blood. The devouring of the sea.

The corpse of Mo Xu Supreme fuse together with the sea of ​​blood perfectly, and then one after another plasma splashed out in the sea of ​​blood, piercing Mu Qing.

Relying on the restoring power of the immortal world, Mu Qing has reached the Peak state. Facing this one after another plasma, his eyebrows are slightly frowned, and his display is empty, and an invisible barrier is blocking him in front of him.

"chi chi!"

Jie Kong is considered to be Mu Qing's powerful defense ability, but unfortunately some of them can hardly resist the power of the sea of ​​blood. The invisible barrier melts when it encounters plasma Up.

But at this time, the Starry Sky Book seems to have absorbed enough power of the sea of ​​blood, and instead one after another starlight broke through the sky, pouring into Mu Qing's body like an enlightenment.

Mu Qing’s starlight blooms all over his body, and his Star God body seems to be undergoing a certain transformation. At this moment, the surrounding is rendered by the starlight, and even Mu Qing’s body faintly shows the illusory shadow of the starry sky.

Those plasma splashed out, but they were cut off by the Star God body.

"Kill me!"

Mu Qing gave a long roar, the Star God body completely burst into rays of light, the galaxy burst out, the starry sky was disillusioned in the palm of his hand, and a hand knife smashed it down , The entire sea of ​​blood was split in half.

The portal in the sea of ​​blood is on the verge of collapse, and the creamy scarlet tentacles extending from the portal slap all around the void, there is a thought of retreating.

But Mu Qing obviously won't let the other party do this. The origin of this strange portal is still unclear.

At the same time, Devourer was not idle by the side, and displayed Formation, so that what happened here was not known to the outside world.

The Devourer is considered Supreme anyway, and it is easy to shield Mu Qing's aftermath from the battle.

As for going up to help, Devourer is still a bit afraid. The sea of ​​blood looks too weird, even if it is placed in front of it and swallowed, it is a bit scared.

Mu Qing feels that the body of Star God has undergone transformation at this moment, almost breaking through to the next realm, his body is no longer human, completely transformed into a supernatural appearance.

His body completely transformed into a starry sky. At a glance, there are countless planets and even galaxies in Mu Qing's body!

Mu Qing now feels that his state is very strange, his body seems to have become a universe, with black as the keynote, followed by countless stars and planets of various colors!

He is not like a person, but like a universe god!

For the power of the sea of ​​blood, Mu Qing no longer fears, stepping on the sea of ​​blood, and coming to the door.

The Avenue of Stars behind is frantically supplying him, and the Star God body after the breakthrough realm is more terrifying.

Mu Qing smashed the door with a violent punch, and a blood light burst out suddenly, but before the blood light escaped, Xingkong Shu swallowed it in.

After the portal shattered, the sea of ​​blood seemed to have lost its backbone and was swallowed up by the star book in one breath.

The starlight flickered, and the starry sky book pierced into Mu Qing's eyebrows and fell silent.

Mu Qing suddenly felt weak, and his body changed from a starry sky to normal again.

It turns out that this is the power lent to Mu Qing by the Starry Sky Book just now. Although it also helped Mu Qing's Star God body to have a certain breakthrough, it was not as amazing as directly incarnate in the Starry Sky Universe as just now.

"It was the power that Xingkongshu gave me just now. Is that the highest realm of the Star God body?"

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