Mu Qing perceives the breath and perceives that the two powerful Supreme breaths are located at the westernmost side of the star void world.

At the speed of Mu Qing now, in an instant, he broke through the void and came here.

He glanced down.

This is an emerging power, named Batu tribe, which has been elevated from a medium power to a Peak power in one fell swoop.

Star Domain is relatively huge at the westernmost part of Star Void World.

Although Mu Qing has always focused on his own cultivation, he still has some understanding of the forces under his command.

In the beginning, they did not completely control these forces under their command. Now it seems that the reason why the Batu tribe can rise so quickly is that someone in the Three Realms helped this race to rise when they were not paying attention.

"Very good."

Mu Qing's eyes were cold, and in an instant a golden air flow rushed from the soles of her feet to the sky, and her black hair turned into blonde hair.

Blue lightning surrounds Mu Qing's body, and golden arrogance surrounds him.

After that, he raised his hand and the continuously energy gathered together to form an incomparable gigantic energy sphere.

"Not good! It's the Supreme Star!"

At this moment, in the Star Domain of the Batu tribe, powerhouses on multiple planets have found anomalies.

a The emperor powerhouse rushed out, looking towards Mu Qing of gloomy face, my heart was frightened.

Star Supreme is what outsiders call Mu Qing today.

In the Batu clan, more than fifty emperors rushed out all at once. There were 43 lower emperors and 11 upper emperors.

"Starry Sky Supreme!"

"Show mercy!"

Someone just spoke, but Mu Qing's condensed diameter 10,000 meters star has been thrown directly. under!

Dozens of great emperors pupil shrink hurriedly exploded in strength, planning to tear open the space for escape.

Several high-ranking emperors were also terrified, and shouted: "Demon Dragon Supreme! What about you guys!"

Behind them, there are Saint Six and Monster Dragon Supreme sitting in town. Don't worry much about Mu Qing's appearance.

For them, Supreme is Supreme, both Supreme Existence, and no realm.

With the demon dragon Supreme and Holy Six present, they should be safe.

But at this time, they didn't expect Mu Qing to make a decisive move.

What didn't expect even more is that the two Supreme powerhouses who were originally still in their planet, amiable and approachable, can't even see the silhouette now!

This makes them feel chilled all at once.

And these great emperors wanted to escape, but they couldn't do it.

A terrifying force blocked their way. When the stars fell, the violent force formed a vortex and forcibly pulled them in.


The dazzling light burst out in an instant, and the stars fell in the center of the Batu tribe. Then the terrifying energy exploded, extremely gorgeous, and a wave formed by energy shock waves. After a while, spread to all around.

This force is crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, dozens of planets are destroyed in one go.

The same is true of the fifty-odd emperor powerhouse, and Divine Soul was annihilated together.

At this time, Xinrui just arrived and saw this scene.

A whole Peak race, in fact, it also contains several other high-level races and middle-level races, disappearing into this universe together.

This is the power of Supreme.

Even Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer can still do the scene just now, destroying dozens of planets, which is nothing to Supreme.

As soon as Supreme Avenue appears, it can forcibly crush Supreme!

Although the Batu tribe was destroyed, Mu Qing knew that the real opponent had not yet appeared.

His eyes are sharp, looking towards the void in the distance.

Two figures emerged there.

Demon Dragon Supreme and Holy Six!

One is the strength of Supreme 2nd Layer, and the other is the strength of Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer.

"You came to the star void world, what do you want to do?"

Mu Qing scolded.

The two were frivolous, and then looked at Mu Qing with a faint smile, and said: "We just want to help your void world race and make them stronger."

"But didn't expect that you, the master of the star void world, would actually do something against his forces."

Mu Qing was expressionless, he looked at the saint calmly. six.

Holy Six is ​​surrounded by the power of Scarlet. He has blue hair, a slightly rickety body, and his body is covered with white bones, his hands are sharp bone claws, and one is full of downsides. Thorny bone tail.

This guy is one of the ten saints, with the strength of Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer.

"It is useless to say more, kill these two guys first!"

Xin Rui loudly shouts and rushes forward directly.

But he mainly aimed at the monster dragon Supreme.

This demon dragon Supreme has a big grudge with Xinrui, but it is also the other party that stimulated Xinrui and let him cultivation to Supreme Realm in one breath.

Now he uses Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer, the demon dragon Supreme of Supreme 2nd Layer.

There is endless anger in Xinrui's heart, and the killing intent in his eyes is strong.

"hmph! It seems that the loss that you suffered before can not be remembered in your heart!"

The monster dragon Supreme coldly snorted, and then behind the monster dragon avenue soars into the sky, the violent Monster Qi Fill the whole body and rush towards Xinrui.

But his Demon Dragon Avenue is broken, thanks to Mu Qing!

The two have played against each other before, and the monster dragon Supreme has the upper hand.

The Great Dao of Reincarnation behind Xinrui appeared, and an illusory shadow of Reincarnation Disk appeared behind his own head, and he did not rush towards the Demon Dragon Supreme without a streak.

Instead, use Samsara Power to engage in attrition war with the demon dragon Supreme.

He knows that the demon dragon Supreme was previously injured by Mu Qing, his strength has declined, and this injury is permanent!

During the time when the demon dragon Supreme returned, he obviously no longer had the qualifications to be valued, and the fundamental injuries still did not improve.

As long as the war of attrition has been dragged, the victor will be Xinrui.

Mu Qing is not worried about Xinrui either. Now the strength of the monster dragon Supreme is not as good as before. He believes that Xinrui has the strength to defeat the opponent.

After all, Xinrui has the potential of perfect road!

To know that Perfect Avenue owns, there are not many people so far.

The Chaos God, the old Celestial Emperor, and Mu Qing are actually only one person.

Because the old Celestial Emperor and Mu Qing are both reincarnations of the former, of course they did not retain their memories and so on, so it would not have any effect.

The other person is Xinrui.

The ability to provoke cosmic instincts to prevent Xinrui’s breakthrough Supreme and destroy Xinrui’s perfect road is enough to show Xinrui’s extraordinary.

Even if Xinrui's Supreme Avenue is not at the Perfect level, but it is also an increase of 90%, it is still very easy to deal with a demon dragon Supreme that has abolished its foundation.

Mu Qing put his gaze on Saint Six in front of him.

Different from Holy Seven that touches the Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer, Holy Six is ​​the real Supreme 4 Heavenly Layer.

At this time, I saw Sheng Liu grinning at Mu Qing.


In an instant, Holy Six had appeared in front of Mu Qing, with a sharp wave of bone claws.


The space behind Mu Qing was directly torn into six huge holes.

But Shengliu's pupils shrank suddenly, because Mu Qing was not hurt at all!

I saw Mu Qing firmly grasped Sheng Liu's wrist and looked at him calmly!

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