The two sword glows came from across the air, smashing the flames and demonic energy, and then countless sword lights suddenly appeared, and a silhouette appeared in front of Mu Qing and the others, calmly and calmly.

Jianxin Supreme has a smile at the corner of his mouth, even when facing two Supreme powerhouses, there is no fear at all.

Of course, he himself is the Supreme powerhouse of Supreme Tenth Heaven, naturally, there is no need to be afraid of powerhouses of the same order.

I saw the long sword in Jianxin Supreme's hand trembling lightly, making a long and crisp sword cry, and then raised two swords, and in an instant, a bright and extremely bright rays of light struck by, a sword The palm of the flame that penetrates the Demon Flame Supreme.

Immediately afterwards, Jianxin Supreme raised his hand with a sword, and an almost infinitely extending Supreme Avenue emerged behind him.

"The vastness."

Jianxin Supreme raised his hand with a sword, and in an instant, countless sword shadows around him gathered and gathered on the sword.

A sword that was extremely bright, pierced again, passed through the magic light, and collided with the Bone Blade!


Under this sword, the Bone Blade is so fragile and fragile, completely broken into pieces, scattered all around.

At the same time, sword qi turned into a vast ocean, sweeping all around.

The faces of Yaoyan Supreme and Mozu changed drastically, and waved their hands to erase the vast sword qi.

Immediately, their faces sank.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the panic in the depths of each other's eyes.

What's the matter?

Is Kenshin Supreme so powerful?

casually defeated the full attack of the two!

Be aware that both of them are also Supreme Powerhouses!

Under the same level of strength, Kenshin Supreme can rival the two of them by one person. This strength is something they never expected.

Because when they were in the multiverse, their three people have never played against each other less. The conclusion is that Jianxin Supreme is the strongest, the Devil Ancestor is the second, and Yaoyan Supreme is the weakest.

But the gap is not big!

Jianshin Supreme may be able to defeat either Demon Ancestor and Youyan Supreme, but in their perception, as long as the two work together, Jianshin Supreme should not be an opponent.

As a result, they found that Jianxin Supreme didn't seem to show true strength before.

"Have you always hidden your strength before?" The magic ancestor gloomy face, shouted low.

With Jianxin Supreme, and the opponent's strength can completely withstand the two, then they may not be able to act on Mu Qing and the others.

Supreme lost today, this breath can only be swallowed!

And when I heard the words of Mozu, Kenshin Supreme was laughed.

A trace of disdain appeared on the old face of Jian Lao, lightly said with a smile: "It's not that the old man hides my strength, but you can't force my strength, but you mistakenly think that I am free. Power is my full power."

He shook the head.

The three of them have discussed each other, and every time Jianshin Supreme releases water, they are mistaken for the full strength of Jianshin Supreme.

While Jianxin Supreme waved his hand, countless sword lights flickered, and the sky sword shadow appeared around him.

Hundreds of millions of sword shadows are floating, and the sword master is like the sage of the sword, located among countless sword shadows.

Jianxin Supreme slowly said: "Two people, today’s matter is that you took the lead. Now that you have fallen, you can’t blame others."

" I will protect these people. I hope you don't harass them."

Old Jian smiled lightly, while the eyes of Mozu and Yaoyan Supreme flashed with cold rays of light.

At the same time, there was a look of shock in their hearts.

At this moment, both Yaoyan Supreme and Mozu are thinking about a question.

Why did Jianxin Supreme protect Mu Qing and the others?

Never mind Mu Qing, maybe Jianxin Supreme pays more attention to love and meaning, because Mu Qing opened the Sovereign Road to let them come out and choose to help him.

But what about the others?

Obviously, Oga and Thunder Ape, including the sword demon and sword demon not far away, are all forces in the black world.

Why does Jianxin Supreme shelter the people in the black world?

Yaoyan Supreme and Mozu have a bad premonition in their hearts.

They took a deep breath and almost had guesses in their hearts.

"Old Sword, what are the benefits that made you choose to join the black world."

"Who is in charge of the black world?"

You Yan Supreme couldn't help but question.

Mozu's gaze also fell on Jianxin Supreme, extremely solemn.

"Join? Almost, of course I am more of a collaborator."

"As for who the leader of the black world is, in fact, I am not familiar with it."

Jianxin Supreme laughed, but didn't actually reveal much information.

But even so, there are still astonished expressions on the faces of Mozu and Youyan Supreme.

Jianshin Supreme has really joined the black world!

This is definitely a heavy news.

And Mu Qing seems to be on the side of the black world, does that mean that the old Celestial Emperor is also related to the black world?

Mozu couldn't help thinking about it like this in his heart.

If this is the case, then the overall strength of the black world needs to be estimated.

Jianxin Supreme alone is far more powerful than the two of them.

Perhaps, Yaoyan Supreme and Demon Ancestor are really moving, Jianxin Supreme is not an opponent, but in the current situation, they are really impossible to unite to deal with Jianxin Supreme.

Because Jianxin Paragon Appear has joined the black world, there is probably a black world leader behind!

The strength of the leader of the black world is the strongest and has reached the legendary Supreme Ten Heaven and Earth step. Even if it is not as powerful as Jianxin Supreme, it is definitely at the same level as them.

Light is a black world.

The two legendary Supreme Ten Heavens combined together, they are already stronger than the Three Realms.

They did not estimate the other members of the black world, because for their level, the only important battle strength is Supreme powerhouse like Supreme Shizhong Tian!

For them, even if there are millions of Emperor's army?

Wave to destroy!

Supreme The Supreme powerhouse of the tenth heaven, the strength has surpassed the ordinary powerhouse too much!

"Cough cough, guys, I don’t think we need to fight anymore, right?"

"You just want to test the black world, and now the test is over, I can only Said that the black world is not inferior to any of the three realms, and can even be said to be stronger than you."

"Of course, our black world leaders have different ideas from yours, and we will not compete for the universe. So please don’t harass you anymore."


Suddenly, horrifying rays of burst out of Kenshin Supreme’s eyes The sword shadow of light and all around trembled for an instant, making a harsh sword cry.

Jianxin Supreme lowered his voice and continued: "Otherwise, we in the black world would not estimate the current more balanced situation, and directly rushed into a certain world to kill."

He faint smiled and said: "I hope you don't embarrass Mu Qing. As members of our black world, they will naturally be protected by us."

"Perhaps, anyone around you Everyone may be a member of our black world."

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