"Oga! What do you want to do!"

Supreme next to him was frightened and didn't understand why Oga would suddenly attack his companions.

After one Supreme fell again, there were only two Supremes left.

This is Oga's plan.

Originally, there were many Supremes, even if Oga had the strongest strength, but facing several Supremes, he couldn't get any benefits.

So he simply led these people to the ghost ship.

The bones on these ghost ships are powerful, but they will not be the only ones who have luck with them.

As long as the ghost ship holds one or two Supremes, Oga can kill!

In fact, the effect is surprisingly good. The ghost ship directly helped kill a Supreme.

Subsequently, Mu Qing also killed a Supreme, and Oga was also surprised by Mu Qing's battle strength.

Oga originally planned to steal Mu Qing's luck points as much as possible. After all, the two parties are not too familiar, but in the black world, as long as there are enough luck points, they can be exchanged for Everything you want.

But now after seeing the strength shown by Mu Qing, Oga's heart is condensed, Mu Qing's strength is already comparable to him.

Maybe even better than him!

After thinking about it, Oga also dispelled other thoughts. At worst, he gets luck points by his own strength.

What makes Oga more fortunate is that although the leader of the black world has released the task, the number of participants is actually still small.

Of course, the so-called temptation in these three realms is actually not many people.

However, the number of people involved in the black world is also relatively small, but they can get a lot of luck points.

Oga faced other people's scoldings and didn't bother to answer. He didn't show mercy at all, and his brutality was vividly and thoroughly reflected in him.

When Oga raised his hand, he grabbed the head of a supreme emperor, a gray breath burst out of his palm, and then he squeezed it with force!


Divine Soul also burst at the same time.

Mu Qing's eyes narrowed slightly, this Oga's avenue is a bit special, it seems to have the effect of imprisoning and weakening.

Obviously, both the former Supreme and the extreme emperor now killed by Oga were controlled in an instant, and they were killed even if they could not even exert their power.

"Everyone, don't think about running, you can't run away!"

Oga grinned said with a smile, face looks sinister, exuding evil spirits all over, making people fearful .

"Shoot together and stop him!" The two Supremes left shouted.

But it is obvious that not everyone listens to them, and some extreme emperors directly moved towards the original road and fled.

"Damn it! I knew it, just like those guys, staying near the space channel."

Many people are extremely regretful.

A great emperor was about to flee, suddenly a starlight pierced his chest directly.

Immediately afterwards, the dazzling light exploded in the darkness, and an extreme powerhouse fell on the spot!

"If you are talking about the group of guys near the space channel, then sorry, they are all dead."

The starlight flashes, and a silhouette appears, which is the horoscope Supreme!

The horoscope has a smile on his face, urging the power of the stars, and stars appearing behind him. Once he reaches the Supreme Realm, he can easily slaughter the extreme powerhouse!

And he also knows that he is only the strength of Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer now, and even relying on the resource cultivation of the Black World to reach the Supreme Realm, it is naturally unlikely to kill those two Supreme powerhouses.

So at first, he set his target on those extreme emperors.

Anyone at Beneath the Supreme gets 5 luck points for kills.

Instead of taking time and effort to kill Supreme, it is better to slaughter these extreme emperors. As long as the number is sufficient, the harvest can be quite rich.

At the same time, one after another silhouette walked out of the surrounding black fog.

With the horoscope, there are four powerhouses in total, all of them Supreme!

"Che, is there only so many people?"

An ape covered in thunder and lightning glanced, a little dissatisfied.

"Don't be picky, kill as many as you can. At any rate, you can get some luck points."

There are two Supremes next to them. They seem to be together. The appearance is similar, with dark skin and fangs.

The two Supreme stand side by side, one holding a knife and the other holding a sword.

"Sword Demon and Sword Demon, and Thunder Ape!"

"Aren't these three guys the powerhouse of Demon Realm and Monster Realm?"

"Are we caught in a trap?"

Some people know them and their faces are shocked.

One of Supreme tightly frowns, said solemnly: "The Impossible of the Three Realms will deal specifically with us. I think these guys represent the Black Realm!"

"The Black Realm ?!"

Everyone is startled.

But before they could react, the horoscope, sword demon, sword demon, and thunder ape had already rushed into the crowd and started killing.

They entered the flock like wolves, and the emperor could hardly survive a single move, and was killed directly.

After that, Lei Yuan stared at a Supreme, scratched his head and rushed over, raised a Heavenspan thunder pillar in his hand, and fiercely smashed it.

Except for the horoscope, which is Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer, both sword demon and sword demon are Supreme 2nd Layer.

As for Lei Yuan, his strength is comparable to Oga, reaching the Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer!

"Don't grab my prey!"

Oga was a little dissatisfied and roared.

Lei Yuan laughed and said: "Big guy, you can't eat alone. We have been looking outside for a long time. If it weren’t for the induction of Qi Luck Pearl, we didn’t even know that you brought this group of guys to Here comes."

Nowadays, the black within the realm is filled with black mist.

In fact, except for the leader of the black world, everyone else is impossible to be thoroughly familiar with the environment here. It is quite good for Oga to know this place where ghost ships are infested.

But with luck, the others also came to Oga smoothly.

There are more than 3,000 powerhouses under the command of the Black World, but in fact, only a few people participated in this mission.

This is also the advantage of the black world. The leader of the black world will not deliberately interfere. After the task is released, if you are interested, you will execute it. If you are not interested, it will be regarded as not seen.

"Brother! Hurry up, or I will die here!"

The two Supremes, one fights Oga and the other fights Thunder Ape, but they are not opponents at all , Can only barely support and save his life.

The two of them shouted, and at the same time moved towards Mu Qing, they retreated, wanting Mu Qing to make a move.

Judging from the strength that Mu Qing has shown before, it definitely has reached the Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer.

However, Mu Qing was expressionless, just watching.

There is no intention to rescue him at all.

Some extreme emperors began to curse Mu Qing, thinking that he should not stand by and watch.

Mu Qing eyebrows slightly frowned, a little bit at your fingertips, and suddenly the golden light beam penetrated and killed these extreme emperors.

"Don't think about it! Can't you see it?"

"They are in the same group!"

A powerhouse of extreme Peak is all over his body Stained blood, roared.

At this moment, the crowd suddenly woke up.

What came immediately was despair!

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