"Everyone, go to the black world. The three of us will help you guard the space channel. In case of an accident, you can come back from this space channel."

Mono Supreme speaks loudly.

The Qinglin Supreme on the side spotted Mu Qing with murderous intention flashing in his eyes.

The Holy Seven on the other side, also looked towards Mu Qing, with a strange smile on his original apathetic expression.

But none of them chose to take action against Mu Qing.

a powerhouse entered the space channel, Mu Qing hesitated for a moment, and followed in.

Soon, everyone in Formation entered the space channel, and only three people including Mono Supreme and others were left here.

"How about? Do you want to close the channel directly?"

Qinglin Supreme's face is fierce, icily said.

He only hoped that Mu Qing would die in the black world.

Mono Supreme next to him glanced at him, frowned: "This space channel can't be closed naturally, don't forget our purpose."

"Although these guys are cannon fodder , But it’s impossible to just abandon them now!"

"This space channel must be open all the time. If no one returns, then there are probably many powerhouses in the black within the realm."

" p>

"And if someone returns, you can just understand what is going on in the Lower Black Realm."

"After all, it's just cannon fodder. The real temptation needs to see Master Demon Ancestor and them."

For the life and death of Mu Qing and the others, they don't hesitate to die. If they die, they will die. It is better to come back alive and bring back some information.

If there is nothing in the black world, then there is no need for Mozu and the others to take action.

As for the so-called top Divine Stone vein remuneration, it is naturally impossible to give it, even if this group of cannon fodder really has the life to come back, it is useless!

Afterwards, there will naturally be a powerhouse in the Three Realms to take away the top Divine Stone mineral vein.

After all, it is the top Divine Stone vein, even for the Three Realms, it is very precious.

At the same time, the black world.

Mu Qing and the others just came to the black world, they found that this place is not the same as the rumored one, except for the darkness, no fingers can be seen, nothing else!

"Impossible! I have entered here before. There should be black holes everywhere in the black world. Why is there nothing here now?"

A member of the Supreme Emperor Peak Powerhouse's face changed suddenly and made an incredible sound.

In the black world, there are no other creatures, nor any planet, only black holes of different sizes.

As a result, when I came in now, I didn't see the shadow of a black hole.

Everyone used their power to burst out rays of light, but they could only illuminate the nearby 10,000 meters, and they could not be seen clearly at a farther distance, and they were in pitch black.

More than five hundred powerhouses stood in place, not moving.

"Che, what are you doing so hard? I don't think there is anything to tentatively explore in this dark world. Just stay in place for a while and go back."

Part of the powerhouse The face doesn't matter, just stay near the space channel.

Although they were paid from the Three Realms, they didn't want to contribute at all.

"Don’t say that. The Three Realms have gathered us here. If we don’t bring out any clues, they will kill me on the spot!"

At this time , Then Little Giant spoke, he is also the strongest on the field, with Supreme 3 Heavenly Layer.

"Yes! Don’t think we are basically powerhouses above the supreme emperor, but now the times are different. The powerhouse of the Three Great Supremes dominates the three realms, and the supreme emperor is not counted in their eyes. What!"

Someone also spoke.

Each one of them has been paid, more or less, and now I feel that I have taken advantage of this and I will be settled by the Three Realms afterwards.

In the end, more than one hundred people remained near the space channel.

The remaining people, in addition to leaving the team individually, there are more than 300 powerhouses following the large group, moved towards the depths of the black world to explore.

Mu Qing was silent in the crowd, but he keenly noticed a smile on the corner of Little Giant's mouth.

Through communication, he also learned that this is the powerhouse of the Oping clan, named Oga. Strictly speaking, it should be regarded as Monster Realm on the bloodline.

However, the Oping clan does not have an acknowledge allegiance Monster Realm. Perhaps Monster Realm intends to use the power of the black world to take the opportunity to remove it.

Of course, the people of Monster Realm might not have thought of it. In fact, Oga is a member of the Black World.

"Brother Mu, did he join the black world recently?"

At this time, Oga suddenly sounded a transmission to Mu Qing.

The strength of the two of them is the strongest among the people present, and naturally no one will notice their strangeness.

"Yes, I just joined some time ago." Mu Qing responded, and he could almost guess Oga's thoughts.

Sure enough, next moment Oga will sound transmission over.

"The mission issued by the leader of the black world, you should have been there at the time? It seems that only the two of us were mixed into the team of the three worlds."

"I have entered the black world several times. Jie, we know that some places here are very dangerous. We can take the opportunity to lead these guys over there, and take advantage of the chaos to kill some powerhouses."

"An extreme powerhouse only has 5 points of luck. For killing a Supreme powerhouse, you can get 100 luck points at least!"

"The price of the top Divine Stone vein is 300 points, which can be purchased through the luck pearls. "

Oga continues to sound transmission. Compared with Mu Qing, he knows the black world better.

"300 points can you buy top-level Divine Stone veins?" Mu Qing's heart startled.

This thing about the top Divine Stone vein, when is it so worthless?

Can all be redeemed directly?

However, with 300 points, it is necessary to kill three Supreme powerhouses, which is actually quite difficult.

And it's not that you can get luck points by killing any Supreme powerhouse, you need to post the task after the leader of the black world.

At this time, Oga is taking more than 300 people moved towards the front.

This entire black world seems to be shrouded in black mist, and everyone can't see clearly the situation in the distance.

Oga's strength is the strongest on the field, and everyone feels that it will be better to follow him, even if he is in danger, he can take care of him.

"This ghost black world, I can't see anything, and there is no movement in it." Some people started to complain, thinking that they were unnecessary to come and explore the black world.

Some people are worried, "Will we lose our way and can’t find the way out?"

A powerhouse of Supreme 1 Heavenly Layer next to it immediately scolded: The famous powerhouse, are you still worried about getting lost?"


"Pu chi!"

I just scolded it, but I saw a sabre light. However, that great emperor was cut in half on the spot, and even Divine Soul collapsed!


Suddenly, everyone's expressions became vigilant, didn't expect that the black world is really dangerous!

At this time, in the dark fog, a ghost ship slowly approached. On the ghost ship, a white skeleton stood up, among which was a huge skeleton holding a long knife.

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