The King of Chaos stepped forward and pushed the gate of the Temple of Chaos.

At first there was no movement, but after the King of Primal Chaos urged Power of Primal Chaos, the door trembled lightly, accompanied by the sound of hong long long.

The gate of the Temple of Chaos is opened!

However, there is a hazy chaos inside the Chaos Temple, and nothing can be seen, which made the three of them hesitate.

Do you want to enter?

They can't see what is going on inside the Chaos Temple at all.

"Come in!"

The mixed king clenched the teeth and walked directly in.

Chen Jiusheng and Mu Qing also follow closely from behind, and finally found the Chaos Temple, how can they stop at this time?

As Mu Qing and the three completely entered the Chaos Temple, the two silhouettes slowly walked out of the nearby space distortion.

It is the pale Demon God and the astrological emperor!

"Didn't expect they still found here."

Pale Demon God indifferently said, but did not feel angry because the Chaos Temple was discovered.

The astrological emperor is quite depressed, "That is Chaos Creature? No wonder I have found so many ways to open the Chaos Temple, it turns out that Chaos Creature is required to open it."

His All efforts are not as good as Chaos Creature.

But there is no way, after all, this chaos temple itself belongs to Chaos Creature.

"If I read correctly, the other two people, one is Mu Qing, the other is the Supreme Dragon of the Slayer Party."

"That Chaos Creature, suspected of chaos The mixed king of the two kings, on the surface, the realm is only the extreme Peak and semi-Supreme, but in fact it has the battle strength of Supreme."

The pale Demon God faintly opened the mouth and said.

He looked towards the astrological emperor.

These words are meant to prevent the astrological emperor from going to death.

The other party’s two Supremes plus one and a half Supremes.

As for the astrological emperor himself?

Even Mu Qing, the weakest among the three, is not an opponent!

"What do you mean!"

The astrological emperor is a little angry, he suspects that the pale Demon God is questioning his strength.

"It's not interesting, I just think you are too weak, I hope you don't be impulsive, lest you be killed by Mu Qing their three people."

The pale Demon God is very plain, It seems to be stating a fact.

His ability is very special. It erases the power of existence and can save his life.

However, in the face of the powerhouse of Supreme Level, there may still be accidents, and it may even interrupt him to display non-existent areas.

"What are you afraid of? At worst, get around them."

The astrological emperor strode to the gate of the Chaos Temple, looking at the hazy Chaos Energy in front of him, After hesitating, he still pulled the pale Demon God into it.

He didn't want to give up. How could he let others catch the worm in the early bird catches the worm that he finally found the Temple of Chaos and took away the benefits in vain?

But the astrological emperor entered by himself and was a little panicked, even if he cultivated various means of escape, it seemed to be of no special use in the face of Supreme.

The only thing you can rely on is the ability of the pale Demon God.

This is also one of the main reasons for the good relationship between the astrological emperor and the pale Demon God.

"Here is..."

The three of Mu Qing came to the chaos temple.

I found out here is a starry sky!

This makes them wonder if they are back to the outside world?

But there are also some differences. The starry sky in the Chaos Temple does not see the stars, but Chaos Energy is permeated.

From time to time, one can see the shadows of buildings hidden in the hazy Primal Chaos Bell.

The three of them did not separate, they were all looking all around.

The King of Chaos was a little excited and couldn’t help but opened the mouth and said: "It’s really the Temple of Chaos!"

He had entered the Temple of Chaos in the past, and he had also come into contact with the God of Chaos. So there is a certain understanding of this.

This is indeed the Temple of Chaos!

"It is rumored that the Chaos God created another universe in the temple. Although it is not as big as the real Chaos universe, it is definitely the size of a realm."

Hun Wang explained Tao.

Chen Jiusheng and Mu Qing both looked surprised.

"How powerful is the Chaos God's strength? No wonder the old Celestial Emperor also created the heyday Celestial Court. I am afraid that his strength is even stronger than that of the evil god?"

Chen Jiusheng said in surprise.

The ability to create a universe in the Temple of Chaos is impossible even for Supreme.

Mu Qing was also quite shocked, he couldn't help but think of Jiang Saint.

Jiang Saint also created a small universe. Of course, his small universe is certainly not as big as the one in the Chaos Temple.

But there are similarities between the two. Perhaps Jiang Saint walked on the same path as Chaos God!

"One more thing, the Temple of Chaos is very special. It involves the concept of time. One day in the outside world, one year will pass inside, but the actual lifespan consumed is ten years."

"Here is the cultivation Holy Land, but there are also restrictions. Everyone can stay for different time."

"Once the time is exceeded, they will be forcibly rejected!"

"If you still want to enter again, it will take ten years."

Hun Wang will tell Mu Qing and Chen Jiusheng what he knows as much as possible.

The King of Chaos also entered the Temple of Chaos, but at that time when both King of Chaos and King of Chaos were extremely young, they didn't have much contact.

The only thing that is clear is that there are all the cultivation Holy Land of Chaos Creature.

Hunwang couldn't help getting excited, maybe he could really find the way to Chaos Creature breakthrough to Supreme Realm in the Temple of Chaos!

And, one day here is a year outside!

If you find a way to the limit of breakthrough Chaos Creature, you can directly break through to Supreme and then go out. The King of Mix itself is comparable to Supreme's strength, and there will be an incomparable gigantic improvement!

Mu Qing was also pleasantly surprised.

What is he missing most now?


In this chaos temple, even if there is nothing, just let Mu Qing carry out the cultivation, it will be blood!

Dust nine lives but frowns tightly.

When the two noticed his strangeness, they couldn't help being curious, and asked: "What's the matter?"

Chen Jiusheng shook the head, "After hearing what you said, I feel this The Chaos Temple is a bit similar to Immortal Sect in Celestial Court."

"Immortal Sect?"

The King of Chaos and Mu Qing were taken aback.

Chen Jiusheng nodded, explained: "Immortal Sect is a place that only the upper level of the Celestial Court can see, but in fact, only the Celestial Emperor can enter the Immortal Sect."

"Immortal Sect is rumored to be left by the old Celestial Emperor. One day is equivalent to the outside world for one year, and the life span is indeed ten years, which is exactly the same as the Chaos Temple described in the description."

At these words, Mu Qing wrinkled frowned.

"In this way, the Chaos God is indeed the old Celestial Emperor. A chaos temple and an Immortal Sect all have the same effect."

Mu Qing murmured.

As a result, they are even more certain that the old Celestial Emperor and the Chaos God are the same person.

Chen Jiusheng's brows are still frowning.

He was a little shocked, swallowed saliva and said, saying: "What you mean is that everyone has a limited time to enter the Chaos Temple, but in my impression, since the old Celestial Emperor disappeared, Celestial The Emperor has always been in Immortal Sect!"

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