Land of Primal Chaos.

In the temple of the King of Chaos.

"What? You said the Chaos Temple is in the Void Wind Realm?"

"This is impossible!"

After receiving the news from Mu Qing, Chaos Wang's first reaction was not to believe it!

In the temple, King Primal Chaos rarely shrunk his size to about two meters, standing in front of Mu Qing with a face full of disbelief.

He reduced his size, because he gave Mu Qing enough respect, and completely regarded Mu Qing as a powerhouse of the same level.

After all, their Land of Primal Chaos is not the opponent of the holy kingdom. In the end, they can survive by relying on Mu Qing to hide the Primal Chaos!

On the side, the King Hun is also there, also shrinking his body.

Faced with the breaking news that Mu Qing brought back, he frowned, thinking repeatedly.

"Absolutely impossible!"

"According to the news circulated by our Land of Primal Chaos, the Temple of Chaos is hidden somewhere in the Land of Primal Chaos, only when the Land of Primal Chaos appears When there is a Supreme, the Chaos Temple will appear!"

The King of Chaos retorted.

Mu Qing told the Queen of Chaos about the chaotic temple in the Void Wind Realm, which shocked him very much.

On the side, Hun Wang was very rational. After touching the chin for a while, he questioned it.

"The King of Primal Chaos, maybe Mu Qing’s news is true."

"For so many years, we have searched various places in Land of Primal Chaos, even deep I’ve been there several times, but I still haven’t found the Chaos Temple."

"Maybe, is the Chaos Temple really somewhere else?"

The King of Chaos is very calm. Even he is more willing to believe the news brought by Mu Qing.

The Temple of Chaos is very important to Land of Primal Chaos, because there may be hidden secrets that enable Chaos Creature to break through to Supreme!

As long as Chaos Creature can break through Supreme, just a Land of Primal Chaos is enough to contend with the Holy Kingdom, and there is no need to try to find a helper.

"But...If the Temple of Primal Chaos is really not in Land of Primal Chaos, why do you leave those rumors?"

The King of Primal Chaos couldn't help opening the mouth and said.

Only when the Land of Primal Chaos appears Supreme, the Chaos Temple will appear, which is a clue that the Land of Primal Chaos circulates.

If the Temple of Chaos is elsewhere, it is totally inconsistent with this rumor.

"No matter what, go and see first, even if there is no Chaos Temple, maybe you can find some clues."

Hunking said solemnly.

After all, this is the news brought by the Extermination Party.

The Extinction Party is Ranked 8th on the Qi Luck List, one place higher than Demon Domain, and it is considered a Supreme force.

Furthermore, the top ten of the Qi Luck list, except for Mu Qing's Demon Domain, seem to be Supreme forces.

Mu Qing's Demon Domain is a bit special, because most of the air luck is plundered by Mu Qing, and is summarized in Mu Qing itself, rather than the forces themselves. There are some differences.

"Okay! Then I'll go there myself!"

The King of Chaos didn't believe it, loudly shouts, and planned to follow Mu Qing.

Since the Annihilation Party requires a Chaos Creature to accompany him, he happened to go together to see what the news that the Annihilation Party has in the end is like!

"I think it would be better for the King of Chaos to go with me."

Mu Qing refused the King of Chaos at this time shook the head.

The King of Chaos looked towards Mu Qing, somewhat puzzled.

Mu Qing quickly explained: "I was able to leave the Hunyuan Realm without being noticed because I have some special powers, but it is a bit difficult to take people out of the Hunyuan Realm."

"The best candidate is a mixed king, and the direction of the mixed king's cultivation is the ultimate strength of Divine Soul. It is excellent in concealment and can prevent it from being discovered by evil gods."

Mu Qing himself also Some helpless, the Chaos Universe Source Strength he can control is limited, and if he takes someone out of the chaotic world, he might be discovered.

In this case, the expert of Dao of Soul, the King of Soul, is most suitable for his peers. Even without the help of Mu Qing's Source Power of Chaos, he still has a way to conceal aura and not be concealed by evil gods and Celestial. Emperor found.

Hunking hearing this nodded, "Okay, in that case, I'll go with you."

It just so happens that he is also curious about the so-called Chaos Temple in the Void Wind Realm .

Mu Qing saw this and did not stay in the Land of Primal Chaos for too long and left the Land of Primal Chaos.


The King of Primal Chaos was a little unconvinced, but it was true that he could only stay in the Land of Primal Chaos.

The King Hun laughed, followed Mu Qing and left.

Mu Qing returned to Demon Domain and found Thunder Punishment and the others.

"How about? Did the Destroyer Party agree?"

Thunder Punishment asked nervously.

"Yes, there are some conditions, but it's not a major event."

Mu Qing nodded in response, then looked around, but didn't find the silhouette of the Slaughter Great Emperor.

"Where is the Slaughter Great Emperor? Is breakthrough Supreme sure?"

You know, Mu Qing didn’t tell Chen Jiusheng, in fact, there are seven Supreme battles on their side. Among the strengths, one Supreme battle strength is a collection of half-Supremes, and the other Supreme battle strength is still in the half-Supreme realm.

Thunder Punishment frowned, seriously replied: "Don't say, after all, the Supreme Avenue of the Slaughter Great Emperor is not yours, and the Supreme Item is not yours. In fact, the probability of success is not high."

"Moreover, everything about breakthrough Supreme depends on him. I can't help him. It's certain that he will fail."

Mu Qing's expression also became heavy.

Breakthrough Supreme failed, but it ended badly. No one seems to be alive after breakthrough Supreme failed.

After all, the process of breakthrough Supreme is a self-destruction. If it does not succeed, everything in itself will collapse and disappear completely into the universe.

Even Divine Soul can't stay.

"Half a year, about half a year, during this period, the Slaughter Great Emperor must have a breakthrough to Supreme, otherwise even if Chen Jiusheng is invited, it will still be short of Supreme battle strength."

Mu Qing has a serious expression, said solemnly.

Although there are two Supreme battle strengths on the Sacred Party, one is Chen Jiusheng, and the other is the Holy Lord.

But after Mu Qing went to visit, he also thoroughly understood the situation of the extermination of the Holy Party.

Although the Holy Lord of the Wind King is Supreme battle strength, he is obviously unable to fight and is limited by the power of the evil god.

In other words, the Slayer can only support one Supreme battle strength at most, so the Slaughter Great Emperor must break through to the Supreme Realm to make up for the last Supreme battle strength.

Thunder Punishment also knew the seriousness of the matter, and he was nodded solemnly.

"Don't worry, I know what to do. I'll tell him the news."

Mu Qing looked at each other and motioned with the king, and then two The man left through the air and came to the boundary wall of Hunyuan World.

Hunking knew that this was about to leave the Hunyuan realm, so he adjusted his state, relying on his ability to excel in Divine Soul, and reduced his aura to a negligible level.

Mu Qing was a little surprised. The concealed aura method of King Hun was more powerful than he had imagined.

Immediately afterwards, in order to guard against the unexpected, Mu Qing manipulated the chaotic light, condensed into a thin film to cover the two people, drilled into the boundary wall and left the Hunyuan realm.

Go to Void Wind Realm again!

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