"Half Supreme!"

The astrological emperor shook his numb arm, grave expression on his face.

He absolutely didn't expect, how long hasn't it been since then, Mu Qing has already reached the semi-Supreme breakthrough!

Mu Qing's Avenue of Stars, especially, gave him a powerful oppression.

At this time, the astrological emperor couldn't help but recall the previous battle with Mu Qing.

At that time, the astrological emperor just wanted to test it out, but in the end Mu Qing displayed the stars, which really opened his eyes, and that move completely reached the power of half the Supreme level.

Now that Mu Qing has reached Half Supreme, isn't it even stronger?

Sure enough, just as astrology thinks, Mu Qing slightly smiled, stretched out an index finger, and slowly lifted it up.

Fingertips, countless strengths of Starry Sky gathered together, and the starry sky avenue behind it trembled, and the vast power came surging, converging together!

At the same time, the singularity of the starry sky in Mu Qing's mind was also brought to the extreme.

This time, Mu Qing did not urge other singularities in the body, it was simply the power of the singularities in the starry sky.

Of course, the increase in Avenue of Stars has also been added.

But this is amazing enough.

Strength of Starry Sky has condensed into a huge and exaggerated energy sphere, which has expanded to the extreme.

next moment, Mu Qing's index finger violently moved towards the astrological emperor ahead with a wave, the huge energy sphere crushed towards the astrological emperor.

After reaching Half Supreme, Mu Qing performed Xingyun for the first time.

The pupils of the astrological emperor were greatly enlarged, and he felt the power like crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood!

He didn't dare to neglect, the 81 stars behind him skyrocketed, and the star pillars in his hand also rose up against the wind, smashing into the energy sphere of Xingyun with a Heavenspan attitude.

"hong long!"

A huge rumbling sound of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering came out.

The entire planetary energy sphere bursts apart, turning into a shock wave that swept all around!

The violent power swept the astrological emperor and forcibly blasted it into the endless void.


The astrological emperor coughed up blood repeatedly and he was injured!

Of course, only minor injuries.

He is also a semi-Supreme level powerhouse, urging the star pillars to fight against Mu Qing’s starfall, which cancels out most of the power, so the injury he suffered is not serious, and it has an impact on Divine Soul. Not big.

In endless void.

The astrological emperor has a gloomy face.

He didn't expect that the gap between himself and Mu Qing would be so big!

Obviously he was half Supreme, but Mu Qing was able to hurt him as soon as his breakthrough reached half Supreme. Obviously, true strength is far above him!

Even more how, he knew very well from the bottom of his heart that Mu Qing did not really display all his strength.

A Black Hole Vortex appeared in front of the astrological emperor, and Mu Qing walked out of it.

He smiled, "How is it? How do I feel about this move?"

"It's not good, it doesn't hurt or itchy."

The astrological emperor wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and chuckled lightly.

At the same time, he secretly said in one's heart, "Is it because of the Supreme Item? I condensed the Supreme Item first, so even if it is a semi-Supreme realm, it is not Mu Qing's opponent."


After all, Supreme Item needs to use the power of Supreme Avenue to condense. With the blessing of Supreme Avenue, Supreme Item can also exert a more powerful force.

But the astrological emperor did the opposite, condense the Supreme Item first.

Perhaps because of this, he is weaker than Mu Qing.

Furthermore, the astrological emperor himself is more keen on other methods, and the cultivation of combat is not too focused.

But no matter what, the gap shouldn't be so big!

The astrological emperor has a solemn face, Mu Qing's strength is far beyond ordinary people!

Mu Qing lightly said with a smile: "You should be very clear that I didn't use all my strength just now, but you are already injured."

"You and mine The gap is more than just a little bit."

Mu Qing's tone barely fell, instantly shrouded by starlight, and entered the starry Demon God state.

He lifted his palm, palm up, and it was a huge energy sphere condensed.

This time, Mu Qing not only condensed strength of Starry Sky, but also injected Destruction Strength.

The starfall containing Destruction Strength is much stronger than before!

This is not over yet, Mu Qing did the same, after throwing a star, then condense three stars again!

There are four energy spheres one after another, surrounding the terrifying Destruction Strength, moving towards the astrological emperor.

After the breakthrough to the half Supreme, Mu Qing’s battle strength has increased by the Avenue of Stars, but the biggest change is the huge energy!

After eight generations, how powerful is the ninth generation Avenue of Stars?

It has an increase of 90% as soon as it comes up, and it is only one step away from the perfect Supreme Avenue.

The energy contained in the Dao Accumulation of the Starry Sky is also unimaginable majestic, so that Mu Qing, who can only cast the stars twice at most, can spur the stars many times!

Faced with this shocking scene, the astrological emperor felt his scalp numb. He exploded with all his strength, and the star pillars in his hand continued to soar, turning into a starlight giant pillar connecting to heaven penetrating the earth to resist. In front of myself.

The 81 stars recondense and surround the stars.

Then, the astrological emperor turned around and wanted to escape.

After Mu Qing really started, he knew that he was not an opponent.

The only plan now is to find a chance to escape quickly.

The astrological emperor also didn't expect, how long has passed since then, the situation between the two sides has completely changed.

"Want to escape?"

Mu Qing narrowed his eyes, controlled the four stars, and rolled away from four directions.

"hong long!"

When four huge energy spheres collided together, a dazzling rays of light burst out.

A shock wave swept around tens of thousands of light years almost instantly, and then this space was filled with violent starlight, and any sound was intercepted.

After the explosion, a strong starlight soared into the sky, and the air wave seemed to be continuously pouring all around.


A crack appeared in the stars.

The Supreme Item of the Horoscope has been damaged to some extent!

Mu Qing frowns, looking for the silhouette of the astrological emperor.

I saw that behind the star pillars, the astrological emperor had opened a space channel.

He is bleeding all over, half of his body has been shattered by the four stars, and he is reuniting at this moment.

The astrological emperor kept breathing heavily and arranged countless mysterious runes to strengthen the space channel.

After that, he raised hand and beckoned, retracted the star pillars, and the space channel behind immediately burst out one after another aperture, covering him.


The astrological emperor barely laughed.

next moment, a Black Hole Vortex appeared next to the astrological emperor, Mu Qing stepped out, holding the gun of the end, and came out through the hole.


Unexpectedly, Mu Qing's attack was resisted by the one after another aperture that enveloped the astrological emperor.

The ultimate power that can destroy everything is invalid at this time!

"This is an unstoppable escape route."

The astrological emperor grinned, then coughed violently.

Mu Qing’s starfall attack only had an impact on his Divine Soul.

Mu Qing does not believe in evil, and intends to condense a series of strikes again, but at this time, the layers of aperture on the body of the astrological emperor are quickly retracted, and the astrological emperor is taken into the space channel together.

hong long!

A star fell apart, and the air wave hit all around, but the silhouette of the astrological emperor was gone!

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