Mu Qing hesitated, then walked into the stone gate.

In an instant, darkness engulfed him, and he couldn't see or touch anything.

Everything goes to darkness!

The only light is outside the stone gate!

But the light from the outside world cannot come in. This windless dark world is completely in darkness.

Mu Qing turned around and saw Chen Jiusheng still standing outside the door.

"The stone gate will always be on. You can go straight into the darkness, but remember not to go too far. Make sure you can see the light from the outside on my side to identify the direction."

"Cultivation in it has certain benefits. I think you are only one step away from Half Supreme. Perhaps this time it will be able to make you a successful breakthrough."

"Also, when the stone gate is about to close, I You will be informed in advance that you must come back as soon as possible."

Chen Jiusheng spoke solemnly, these all are points, if you don’t come back in time, you may be trapped here for the rest of your life. There is no wind in the dark world.


Mu Qing nodded.

He moved towards straight, looking back at the light on the stone gate from time to time to ensure his approximate position.

In this windless dark world, even Mu Qing can't feel the direction.

I don’t know how long I have been away, but I looked back and I can’t see the stone gate, but I can barely see a bright spot.

"It's almost there. If you go deeper, you might lose your way."

Mu Qing stopped immediately.

Here, it's a completely dark country. Mu Qing gathered his strength and tried to create some rays of light, but he couldn't do it.

Mu Qing sat cross-legged, closed his eyes, and began to sense the Power of Darkness all around.

These Power of Darkness are very special. According to Chen Jiusheng's statement, you only need to guide these Power of Darkness into the body and tempering the fleshy body.

Wait until tempering reaches a certain level, you can walk freely in the realm of Void Wind.

But the effect of Power of Darkness is a one-time, blessed on the fleshy body.

Perhaps after a century or so, the effect of Power of Darkness will disappear.

Even, if the fleshy body is damaged during battle, the effect will be greatly reduced!

However, Mu Qing soon discovered that these Power of Darkness contain unimaginable energy. Whenever a power of Darkness floods into the body, there will be a burst of violent energy flowing to the limbs immediately. Hundred Mukuro.

Mu Qing was shocked in his heart. At this time, he finally realized why Chen Jiusheng would say that the Windless Dark World was a chance.

For Mu Qing, it really helps!

He immediately suppressed the violent energy in his body, and urged the power of each singularity for refining.

The pure energy from the refining was absorbed by him again, and a avenue of stars emerged behind it, but it quickly disappeared in the darkness.

These violent energies all come from Power of Darkness!

Mu Qing also understands why only the powerhouse beyond the ordinary extreme Peak can enter the windless dark world.

Power of Darkness is not considered a dangerous power, but Power of Darkness contains a huge amount of violent energy.

These violent energies cannot be absorbed by ordinary people. At Mu Qing's level, it is possible to refining with no difficulty, but for the ordinary extreme Peak, it is more difficult.

If one is not good, Divine Soul will be attacked by that violent energy, resulting in the soul flew away and scattered.

Mu Qing absorbed a few violent energy of Power of Darkness, and then a wave of fatigue came to his heart.

"Repercussions in the form of destiny?"

Mu Qing shook his head, then eyebrows slightly frowned.

He didn't expect that this destiny form just lasted for such a short time, but it made him feel such a strong sense of fatigue.

Even he wants to sleep right now.

"Can still hold it!"

Mu Qing took a deep breath, he didn't dare to sleep here, in case of an accident, he would be unable to get out for the rest of his life.

He continued to absorb Power of Darkness, concentrates one's mind, stripped the violent energy from Power of Darkness, and carried out refining.

As for Power of Darkness, it breaks the whole body and conducts tempering.

As long as the whole body is tempered once with Power of Darkness, the body can be equipped with Dark Aura, which can effectively avoid the void storm.

"Perhaps, it can also break through Half Supreme!"

Mu Qing expression congeals, where the energy is sufficient, is a good opportunity to hit Half Supreme.

And at this time, the starry singularity in Mu Qing's mind suddenly trembled.

A rush of suction swept the whole body, swallowing the Power of Darkness that Mu Qing had finally used to tempering fleshy body.

Mu Qing froze for a moment, and then immediately reacted.

Power of Darkness is also a special power.

It can resonate with the singularity of the starry sky, and the fate of Power of Darkness can also be condensed into a singularity!

"I have made a lot of money!"

Mu Qing is overjoyed.

Not all special forces can resonate with the singularity of the starry sky. At present, Mu Qing does not know what the standards and conditions are.

But no matter what, if this Power of Darkness condenses the dark singularity, it will be a small improvement to Mu Qing's strength.

At the moment, Mu Qing doesn't care about any Power of Darkness tempering fleshy body, first absorb more Power of Darkness in one breath to condense the dark singularity!

Use Power of Darkness tempering fleshy body, but it is a one-off.

But as long as the condense dark singularity, it is permanent!

The two are not the same level at all.


Outside the stone gate, Chen Jiusheng looked towards the windless dark world in doubt.

He felt something strange, but the darkness in the windless world was so dark that even Mu Qing's silhouette could not be seen, let alone see what was wrong.

At the same time, Mu Qing tried his best and spent two full days successfully condensing the prototype of the dark singularity in his mind.

The dark singularity, like the blue moon singularity, belongs to the peripheral level.

Originally, Mu Qing thought it would take more time, but after the rudiment of the dark singularity appeared, the surrounding Power of Darkness swarmed and gathered at an extremely fast speed.

In about two days, the dark singularity is completely formed!

Mu Qing opened his eyes slowly, and the darkness in front of him was completely clear.

However, there is nothing in this windless dark world, there seems to be nothing except Power of Darkness.

"Next, it's a breakthrough."

Mu Qing's face was serious, and he sat down again, absorbing all around Power of Darkness again.

This time there is a dark singularity, and the absorption speed is more than ten times that of before. As soon as the violent energy enters the body, it is completely refined, forming pure energy!

Now, Mu Qing can also see the status of his Star Avenue, the original illusory Star Avenue has become materialized, and gradually one after another powerful aura escapes.

"The time is up! Mu Qing!"

"Quick return!"

At this time, Chen Jiusheng roared outside the stone gate.

But Mu Qing's silhouette did not appear, making his face suddenly change.

At this moment, Mu Qing is at a critical moment of breakthrough.

With a bang, the Avenue of Stars is completely condensed and formed.

A majestic strength of Starry Sky swept across the body, covering Mu Qing!

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