"Who are you? You are with the astrological emperor?"

The Holy Spirit universe powerhouse shouted in a deep voice in front of you.

In the Void Realm, there are no creatures, except that sometimes one or two Supremes enter Unextinguishable Mountain to search for heavenly materials and earthly treasures that contain indestructible power, there is nothing else in the Void Realm. People.

Miesheng Party discovered the astrological emperor and the others before, and fought against each other, knowing that the astrological emperor has been wandering in the realm of wind wind.

At this moment, Mu Qing's face appeared, making him think that he was the partner of the astrological emperor.

"My friend, I think you have misunderstood, I am not a companion of the Astrology Emperor."

Mu Qing laughed.

He did not directly kill the powerhouse of the Holy Spirit universe in front of him, because he knew that the man in front of him belonged to the Sacred Party, not the Holy Kingdom.

The Destroyer Party was formed by a group of people who were originally oppressed by the evil gods. Headed by the Wind King Holy Lord, there are a large number of powerhouses in the Holy Spirit universe.

Mu Qing has never contacted them before, but the enemy’s enemy is a friend. Perhaps for the Hunyuan realm, the Desperate Party is an ally.

"You have the breath of Thunder Punishment on your body."

At this time, another silhouette broke through the air in the distance, and a powerful breath instantly enveloped Mu Qing.

Mu Qing can feel that if he has any changes at this time, the other party will definitely launch a fierce attack!

He moved towards looking forward, this one in front of him is a Supreme!

I wear a white robe, black hair is vertical to the waist, and his face is firm and sharp, with two dragon horns protruding from his forehead.

The previous powerhouse of the Holy Spirit universe quickly stepped aside, his face full of respect.

Obviously, this person is in an extraordinary position in the extermination party.

Feeling the Immortal Qi escaping from the opponent, Mu Qing immediately guessed the identity of the opponent.

Mu Qing hurriedly said: "Senior is Chen Jiusheng? I am the Demon Domain owner and a friend of Thunder Punishment."

"Demon Domain owner?"

Chen Jiusheng is hearing this, his brows are slightly raised, including the Holy Spirit universe powerhouse next to him, and his face is also full of surprise.

Mu Qing did not choose to report his name, but instead told his identity.

Maybe the name Mu Qing is not so prestigious, but if it is the identity of the Demon Domain domain master, then most of the creatures in the entire universe already know it.

Currently, news from all walks of life in the universe circulates very quickly, and the Qi Luck List appears in the Central Zone of all walks of life, attracting the attention of countless people.

Qiyun list advertises the forces of the entire universe, but the most eye-catching is naturally the top ten forces.

Since Mu Qing plundered the power of luck in the bipolar world, Demon Domain has been completely promoted and ranked ninth.

The popularity is also very high.

even more how, when Demon Domain became famous at the beginning, it was also the time to dominate the entire Hunyuan world.

Such a force, basically all creatures above the middle race, have more or less heard of it.

Even the Slaying Party, which has always been hidden in the Void Wind Realm, has heard of the reputation of Demon Domain.

Chen Jiusheng was surprised, he glanced at Mu Qing unexpectedly, "I remember that you Hunyuan Realm disappeared in the universe, didn't expect you, the Demon Domain domain master, will come here unexpectedly. ."

"What is your purpose?"

He was very direct. The Qi machine did not withdraw, but he was more vigilant and locked Mu Qing.

Chen Jiusheng didn't know Mu Qing's true intentions, of course, he believed a lot about Mu Qing's words.

Although I haven't seen Thunder Punishment for many years, I was also a good friend in the past.

He has heard that Thunder Punishment and Mu Qing are very close. If Thunder Punishment recommended Mu Qing to come, it makes sense.

Mu Qing took out the communication rune given to him by Thunder Punishment at this time.

This is a communication rune to contact Chen Jiusheng, but in this case, it is mainly used as a token.

When Chen Jiusheng saw this, he immediately chose to believe in Mu Qing.

After all, Thunder Punishment is now Supreme, and Mu Qing is basically impossible to seize the communication rune from the opponent with the strength of Extreme Peak.

This communication rune can only be given to Mu Qing by Thunder Punishment.

Chen Jiusheng has removed half of his Qi, but still retains some vigilance.

"You came to the Void Wind Realm specifically to find me?"

Chen Jiusheng asked Mu Qing about his coming.

"I visit the Destroyer Party for only one thing, and that is to ask for help and jointly deal with the evil gods."

Mu Qing said solemnly.

He straight to the point, directly explain his intentions.

Chen Jiusheng felt a little funny, "You are just an extreme Peak, do you really know the strength of the evil god?"

"I think Thunder Punishment should also tell you that we kill The purpose of the formation of the Holy Party, but at this stage, even if the entire Extermination Party is combined, it is not enough for the evil god to kill alone!"

"You ask us to deal with the evil god?"

"fantasy story!"

Chen Jiusheng suddenly felt that the Demon Domain owner in front of him was a little naive.

He thinks that the other party has no idea how powerful the evil god is.

The powerhouse at the top of the Extinction Party is not small, but it is not too much.

There are two Extreme Peaks, one Supreme, and one Holy Lord!

What about this power, plus Demon Domain?

Not the opponent of evil gods at all!

Mu Qing did not feel angry because of the other party's attitude, after all, he came to ask for support, impossible was annoyed by this matter.

"We are naturally aware of the strength of the evil gods, but we also have enough powerhouses here, equivalent to seven Supreme battle strengths, and lack of one Supreme battle strength, so that we can contend against the evil gods. "

"Senior and Wind King Holy Lord, no matter who is willing to take action, he can deal with evil gods!"

Mu Qing solemnly vowed said.

Chen Jiusheng was slightly surprised, and looked at Mu Qing again.

He was quite surprised. When he saw that Mu Qing was just an extreme Peak before, he actually looked down upon him.

This strength is the domain owner of Demon Domain, how much strength can Demon Domain come up with?

If you want to fight against evil gods, it's idiotic dreams.

But Mu Qing's words stifled him.

Seven Supreme battle strength!

This is not a small number!

With a large number of Supreme powerhouses now entering Sovereign Road, there are not a few Supremes left in the entire universe.

Seven Supreme battle strengths can be found in this period, but it's not a simple thing.

"Is this true?"

Chen Jiusheng expressed doubts.

It's not that he doesn't want to believe it, but the seven Supreme battle strength, which is really a bit too dreamy.

Mu Qing nodded earnestly, "If the senior does not want to believe me, but should also believe in Thunder Punishment, he will not lie to you."

Chen Jiusheng is frowned and fell into Ponder.

If it was a request from Thunder Punishment, he would not refuse. Although he had joined the Extinction Party, as a Supreme, he wanted to leave to help his former close friends. Naturally, no one would stop him.

At this time, a voice came from a distance.

"Bring him in! Jiusheng!"

"The visitor is a guest, even more how is the domain owner of Demon Domain, we naturally have to entertain, and then slow down Discuss this matter slowly."

The voice is faint and gentle, which gives people a sense of security inexplicably.

It seems that she is still a woman!

Mu Qing immediately understood who the owner of the voice was, and the other party should be the leader of the Desperate Party, the Holy Lord of Wind!

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