The white storm that appeared at the very beginning, although it exudes an extremely terrifying aura, it is still a little far away from the two.

However, the white storm behind Mu Qing did not emit any aura, so much so that Mu Qing did not find it in the battle.

Although the astrological emperor originally located opposite Mu Qing could not feel the breath of the white storm, naked eye could still see it.

So the astrological emperor used a full strength attack, and did not intend to completely kill Mu Qing, but to repel Mu Qing as much as possible, so that he was involved in that white storm.

The astrological emperor wiped the soles of his feet with oil, and immediately ran away.

The white storm behind Mu Qing seems to be still very small, so the breath is so weak that it is hard to detect. The white storm swept from endless void in the distance, but with a quite terrifying aura.

The astrological emperor didn't want to stay anymore, he finally got the Supreme Item, and it would be bad if he fell here.

Furthermore, the purpose of testing Mu Qing has been achieved, and he almost knows Mu Qing's strength.

It is less than half Supreme, but it surpasses the extreme Peak!

This is the evaluation given to Mu Qing by the astrological emperor.

The Zodiac Emperor is already a semi-Supreme level powerhouse, but he thinks that he wants to kill Mu Qing, which seems impossible.

In this case, let White Storm kill Mu Qing.

The astrological emperor who has spent a lot of time in the virtual wind world already knows this very well.

In the world of void wind, there are three levels of void storms!

Ordinary void storms can make the ordinary extreme powerhouse fall.

And the void storm of pitch black has the power comparable to Supreme.

Of course, the power of being comparable to Supreme does not mean that it can really be compared with Supreme. Some extreme Peak powerhouses can still easily bypass these dark storms.

But in the realm of Void Wind, there is another kind of storm.

That is the white storm.

The speed is not fast, that's all faster than the dark storm.

But the destructive power is absolutely amazing. With a large white storm, even Supreme like the astrological emperor is afraid to approach it.

Once you are involved, it will really fall!

Mu Qing is not yet half-Supreme’s opponent after all. Facing half-Supreme’s attack, he used a stroke to offset most of the power, but the remaining power directly acted on him, causing him Knock.

This caused Mu Qing to be repelled to the side of that small white storm all at once.

A terrifying Devouring Power shrouded Mu Qing in an instant.

Once the white storm is born, it will produce a kind of terrifying suction, which will madly sweep all around the void storm and everything, allowing itself to gradually grow.

The small white storm, the formidable power is already good, and it will become larger and larger, unless the Supreme powerhouse is used, otherwise the white storm will always exist in the virtual wind world.

Until one day, sooner or later, the Void Wind Realm was enveloped by countless white storms. At that time, even Supreme would not be able to enter here.

Of course, the birth of the white storm is not so easy. The fierce battle between Mu Qing and the astrological emperor has caused a certain impact, but the two white storms are summoned, and it has been considered extremely lucky.

"Pu chi!"

Mu Qing hasn't approached yet, but he has been injured by the white storm.

The power of the black hole and Power of Primal Chaos are useless!

The white wind blows past, like countless sharp swords tearing Mu Qing's fleshy body.

The pain swept through the whole body, but Mu Qing couldn't control so much at this moment.

He frowns, keeps himself as calm as possible, and then adjusts his power to guard the starry singularity of his mind as much as possible.

The fleshy body shattered, but Mu Qing took out the Sky Forbidden Bottle, the healing halo accorded, and he recovered at the speed visible by naked eye.

Although it is not as fast as the recovery speed of the resurrection ability, it is also quite amazing.

At this moment, Mu Qing's fleshy body is in a state of being healed while breaking down.

Mu Qing looked at the white storm that was getting closer and closer, and took a deep breath.

next moment, a chaotic light burst out of him!

Strongs of chaotic light condensed in the palm of the hand and compressed into a ball of light.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Qing's palm was aimed at the white storm in front of him, and all the forces in his body gathered together.


A chaotic light burst, piercing the white storm in an instant.

This chaotic light beam is a condensed form of the Strength of Source of the chaotic universe. The formidable power can be imagined!

There was only a small white storm in front of me, and it was crushed by most of it, and the violent hurricane vented out.

Mu Qing took the opportunity to drill into a Black Hole Vortex and left here.

And that small white storm regrouped in a short period of time and became bigger and bigger.

After all, Mu Qing had consumed too much of the origin of the chaotic universe in order to arrange the origin of the chaotic universe, and it has not recovered until now, and the power that can be mobilized is limited.

Immediately, the light waves condensed by the chaotic light shattered the white storm, but it was not completely annihilated.

But Mu Qing didn't expect to completely wipe out the white storm, just take the opportunity to escape.


"This Void Wind Realm is even more dangerous than I thought."

Mu Qing let out a long breath.

He looked all around, it was safer here, only ordinary void storms.

"There is no law in this Void Wind Realm. It has been in the Void Wind Realm for a while, and the danger of Void Storm has not increased but decreased."

Mu Qing touched it. Touch the chin.

There is no law in the distribution of the void storms in the Void World.

Maybe when you first enter the Void Wind Realm, you will encounter a pitch black void storm, but in the depths of the Void Realm, there may be ordinary void storms nearby.

The only thing that is fixed is the vicinity of Unextinguishable Mountain, where a large number of dark storms will inevitably gather.

"Why did the astrological emperor appear here? Could it be that the pale Demon God is also there?"

Mu Qing eyebrows slightly frowned, while heading to the position of the Sacred Party, while thinking Why did the astrological emperor appear here.

At the same time, since the astrological imperial Capital has appeared, the pale Demon God may be there.


Just when Mu Qing was thinking, somewhere in the virtual wind world.

In the midst of layers of void storms, a temple stands tall, lingering with ancient auras, strands of Chaos Energy hang down, transforming into various mysterious runes branded on the temple.

The Temple of Chaos!

This is the chaos temple that Supreme Taoist, the astrological emperor and even the two chaos kings and the others are looking for.

The pale Demon God, sitting right in front of the gate of the Chaos Temple, he is the Heart Demon of Mu Qing, wearing pale armor and helmet all the time.

“en? ”

The pale Demon God looked towards the side.

I saw the astrological emperor passing through the void storm, his face was a bit heavy.

"What's the matter?" The pale Demon God was a little curious. The astrological emperor had just broken through and half Supreme, and planned to go out for a while, but he returned so soon.

"Are you injured?"

Suddenly, the pale Demon God noticed that blood was dripping from the palm of the astrological emperor.

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