1 month later when the chaotic light bursts out.

All influence of the entire universe has received news.

The Qi Luck List of Taining Realm seems to have born an opportunity against the sky, and even the evil gods have been alarmed.

However, this opportunity was taken away by a guy named Emperor Xuangu, and it has been hidden since this period of time.

Even the Celestial Emperor and the evil gods could not find the breath of Emperor Xuangu, so they could only send a large number of troops to carry out a carpet investigation in the Taining realm and even other realms.

But the universe is too big, and Emperor Xuangu himself is an extreme powerhouse. With the ability to fully concealed aura, it is not so easy to find.

During this period, Celestial Court and the Holy Kingdom inevitably clashed.

Since they have all appeared before their eyes, Celestial Emperor will naturally not give up the Chaos Universe Source Strength.

And the evil god will never give up. He came to the Chaos Universe for this!

Out of bounds.

A blast of rays of light bloomed, followed by a terrifying wave of air.

Amazing big bangs continue to occur in the world, white light and blood light collide violently!

One after another crack appeared in the scarlet armor on the evil god, and it is slowly healing at this moment.

He is filled with the power of Scarlet, flowing all over him.

A hideous shadow appeared behind him, with eight arms and four eyes, roaring.

On the opposite side, Celestial Emperor is holding a black sword, the body of which is covered with a layer of weird power, twisting constantly, revealing a terrifying mouth.

This is the true form of the Supreme Item of Celestial Emperor, the sword!

"Compared with Supreme Taoist, your strength is indeed much stronger. It seems that you still had some power hidden in the beginning."

The evil god looked at Celestial in front of him. Emperor, a trace of jealousy appeared in the depths of his eyes.

What a surprise!

If it hadn't been for this battle against the Celestial Emperor outside the realm, the evil god really felt the Celestial Emperor's strength.

Absolutely not weaker than him!

"How the hell did this guy cultivation?"

The evil gods have been hit.

He is able to have such a strength, it is relying on the Holy Spirit Universe Strength of Source to digest most of the origin of the universe.

However, the Celestial Emperor does not have this thing from the origin of the universe.

This also means that the Celestial Emperor has reached the same level as the current evil god by relying purely on cultivation.

"Unbelievable, didn't expect you to have such strength, it seems that I still can't underestimate your universe!"

The evil god opened the mouth and said, eyes A trace of vigilance emerged in the middle.

Before this, he had always looked down on the Chaos Universe, thinking that there were not many powerhouses here, and he also felt that his arrival would become Number One Powerhouse.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

At least Celestial Emperor can fight against him!

The Celestial Emperor sneered, "What do you guys who come from a small place like you know?"

"In the past, I can compete with you...No, There are many Supreme who can kill you!"

The evil god eyes slightly shrink.

He seemed to be poked in pain, his face was slightly sullen, "When I completely digest the origin of the Holy Spirit universe, no matter how many Supreme comes, I will kill you one by one!"

"no! I will be the first to kill you!"

The evil god screamed, and the Holy Spirit behind him moved, punched out, accompanied by a sea of ​​blood.

At the same time, there are scarlet rays of light rushing into the sky, like a sharp sword stabbing all around.

Celestial Emperor coldly snorted, instantly shot, the sword in his hand opened countless mouths, gnawing everything.

With a sword cut away, a hideous mouth emerged, gnawing down the fist of the evil god Holy Spirit.

But then, a burst of crimson rays of light exploded, a huge explosion.

The strength of the two is evenly matched, even if they are outside the boundary, they still have a huge impact, and one after another crack spreads around.

This battle lasted more than ten days.

The two supreme powerhouses of the present universe have not distinguished the victory or defeat after all, retreating from each other.

"He still has some reservations, he didn't really use his full strength!"

After returning to the Sea of ​​Silence, the evil spirit's face became gloomy.

Slowly raising the palm of his hand, you can see that most of his arm is going to be removed by something terrifying, and the blood is constantly flowing out, dripping on the sea of ​​silence.

In this battle, there was no victory or defeat, but each suffered some injuries.

The evil god has no expression on his face, renewed his momentum to heal his arm, and then called the evil dragon Holy Lord and the others.

"Pass on the order and try not to conflict with Celestial Court. Of course, the matter of tracing Emperor Xuangu cannot be left behind. Once there is any news, pass it to me immediately!"

The evil dragon Holy Lord and the evil flame Holy Lord looked at each other, and both saw the surprise deep in each other's eyes.

When will evil gods say such things?

It seems to be subdued!

But in front of the evil gods, they didn't dare to say much, lest they say the wrong thing, so after being nodded, they turned around and left.

The expression of the evil god is ugly.

"No, you have to find a way to find the Emperor Xuangu, otherwise it will wait until the Celestial Emperor gets it first, I'm afraid..."

The evil god is a bit unimaginable.

This time I knew the true strength of Celestial Emperor, and the other party's methods made him feel a little jealous.

Originally, even if the Celestial Emperor had obtained the origin of the Chaos Universe, he would try to find a way to grab it. After all, as long as he completely digested the Source Power of the Holy Spirit Universe, he could still deal with the Celestial Emperor.

However, it is different now. The Celestial Emperor's strength can be comparable to his own, so if the opponent obtains the origin of the chaotic universe.

Can you kill yourself?

For no reason, the evil Divine Heart produced a trace of fear.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down.

No matter what, he is determined to get the origin of chaos, and other aspects can give Celestial Court a little bit, but once it comes to the origin of the chaotic universe, he must not give in!

The evil god came to the depths of the sea of ​​silence, and began to wonder how to find the Great Emperor Xuangu.

For him, Emperor Xuangu is just an extreme powerhouse. Even if he obtains the origin of the chaotic universe, it is impossible to reach Supreme in a short time.

After all, it is one thing to obtain the origin of the universe, but it is another thing to digest the origin of the universe.

Even the evil god himself has not been able to digest the Source Power of the Holy Spirit universe yet!

In comparison, the evil god thinks he has an advantage compared with Celestial Emperor.

Although they come from different universes, evil gods feel that the origins of the two universes should have some reactions.

Relying on this, he may be able to find the position of Emperor Xuangu first, then kill him, and take away the origin of the chaotic universe!


It was when Celestial Emperor and Xuangu Imperial Capital were worried about finding Emperor Xuangu.

Mu Qing left the Hunyuan Realm and went to the Void Wind Realm.

Now that the attention of the evil god and Celestial Emperor is attracted by Emperor Xuangu, he can take advantage of this opportunity to go to the Vanishing Saint Party of the Void Wind Realm to see if he can win the other party into helper.

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