Mu Qing chose to put the Chaos Universe Strength of Source on the Qi Luck list, mainly because he was worried about being seen as a weak spot.

The power he can release is indeed the origin of the chaotic universe.

But after all, too little!

Moreover, this power is readily available and has no source. If you look closely, you can definitely find Ni Duan, and at least powerhouses such as evil gods can definitely see it.

However, there is one thing, Mu Qing can guarantee that even the evil gods will not see it!

That is the luck list!

Qi Luck List is purely composed of the power of Qi Luck, which can be seen but not touched, and can even be isolated from the exploration of all forces.

Mu Qing's own cultivation thinking secret technique, he is very familiar with the power of Qi Luck. It is still possible to store the Chaos Universe Source Strength in the Qi Luck List.

At this moment, there are still many creatures near the Qi Luck List.

It has been a long time since the Qi Luck List has appeared. Almost every day there will be a certain number of creatures coming next to the Qi Luck List.

Except for the eyeliners of some forces here to observe the abnormalities of the Qi Luck List, most of the others are here to seek opportunities.

Of course, whether we can get the opportunity or not depends on ourselves.

This Qi Luck List is totally untouchable, except for Mu Qing, no one can benefit from it.

Mu Qing glanced not far away, they were all the creatures of God Sovereign Realm that's all, standing in front of them might not be able to find themselves.

But in order to guard against the unexpected, Mu Qing still displayed the Moon God Dream for a long time.

In an instant, all the creatures around the Qi Luck List became sluggish and stumbled into the dream territory.

Mu Qing stepped forward and came to the front of the Qi Luck List. The hazy rays of light appeared in the palm of his hand.

The tiny strands of chaotic light were sent into the Qi Luck List by Mu Qing, and with the power of the chaotic singularity, the ordinary Power of Primal Chaos formed a cover to cover the chaotic light.

Thinking about it, Mu Qing once again urged the singularity of the starry sky, calling the Chaos Universe Strength of Source as much as possible, and sending one after another chaotic light into it.

After finishing, Mu Qing's face was slightly pale, a little struggling.

After all, this is not an ordinary force, but the most fundamental force from the universe!

Mu Qing can barely possess this power only after controlling the Hunyuan Realm.

If you say it is possessing, it is better to say that it is borrowed from the relationship of the Hunyuan Realm. In fact, Mu Qing can't trace the origin of the universe through this little power.

Mu Qing hid this fist sized chaotic light cluster in the Qi Luck List, carefully checked it, and after confirming that it was correct, turned around and entered the Black Hole Vortex and left here.

An invisible force withdrew out of thin air. The creatures near the Qi Luck List were a little confused, but did not respond. They continued to look at the Qi Luck List.

Everything and nothing happened!

But as long as you wait for a while, the ordinary Power of Primal Chaos left by Mu Qing will slowly collapse, and at that time it will attract the attention of those around you.

Finally, when that layer of ordinary Power of Primal Chaos completely disappears, the sealed chaotic light inside will explode in an instant.

In order to be able to attract the attention of evil gods, Mu Qing used all his energy to find a way to gather more Chaos Universe Source Strength and send it to this luck list!

Mu Qing returned to the Hunyuan world again.

He first found Emperor Anwu and handed him a lot of high-grade Divine Stone mineral veins.

"Produce Holy War angels as much as possible, preferably above the Great Emperor Realm!"

Mu Qing left a word and left in a hurry.

The Great Emperor Anwu was stunned in place, opened the storage space Mu Qing handed him, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Thousands of advanced Divine Stone veins!

With such a terrifying amount, Emperor Anwu had never seen so many high-grade Divine Stone veins in Celestial Court!

The Great Emperor Anwu was dumbfounded, secretly thought Mu Qing had ransacked all of this world?

In fact, Emperor Anwu guessed the same.

Mu Qing did not simply plunder the power of luck in the bipolar world, but also took away the Divine Stone veins of those ethnic forces.

At the same time, after becoming the master of the Hunyuan World, Mu Qing's control over the Hunyuan World has reached a peak. He can clearly know where the Divine Stone ore veins will be produced in the Hunyuan World and accurately know the coordinate position.

The only pity is that the entire Hunyuan world does not have the top Divine Stone vein.

Perhaps, if you want to get the top Divine Stone vein, you can only find it by going to the Unextinguishable Mountain of Void Wind Realm.

The Emperor Anwu put away these high-level Divine Stone veins, shrugged, and immediately arranged for the dragon demon to build a new Holy War factory.

He also heard that the holy country seems to be eyeing the Hunyuan realm. The reason why Mu Qing is so anxious should be related to the holy country.

"This Mu Qing is more troublesome than me. First there is the Celestial Emperor, and then there is the evil god."

The Emperor Anwu laughed, he really admires Mu Qing a little.

Mu Qing returned to the moon and fell into thinking.

"Even if Emperor Anwu is made to produce Holy War angels with all his strength, it is basically unlikely that there will be realm Holy War angels. At most, I will deal with those great emperors of the Holy Kingdom."

Mu Qing frowns.

The production of Holy War angels is a must, after all, the overall strength of Demon Domain is not strong now.

There are not many powerhouses for the emperor and the emperor.

Therefore, we can only rely on the abilities of Emperor Anwu to produce the Holy War angels of the Great Emperor Realm as much as possible to make up for the vacancy in this regard.

But the gap with the Holy Kingdom lies in the powerhouse and the Holy Lord!

There are currently three Great Holy Lords under the evil gods, and there are many powerhouses.

Furthermore, there is a Peak powerhouse like the evil god.

Even if Mu Qing tries to divert the evil god's attention, he still has to rely on this period of time to improve his strength.

At the very least, we must save our lives under the threat of evil gods!

"As for the strength of the evil gods, the two kings of Chaos have communicated with me. We speculate that about five Supreme level powerhouses should temporarily stop the evil gods."

Thunder Punishment came through the air at this time, and he knew what Mu Qing was thinking.

"Five Supremes?"

Mu Qing frowns, there are not many Supremes in the entire universe. Where are the five Supremes?

And it's just barely resisting the evil god, the unimaginable evil god will be so powerful!

"The Two Kings of Chaos and I are already three, and the Slaughter Great Emperor is trying breakthrough Supreme recently. If he succeeds, he only needs to find another Supreme, and he can barely stop the evil god. ."

"Of course, only to stop the evil god, he also has three Great Holy Lords and countless powerhouses."

Thunder Punishment sighed.

As for the old gentleman, if you can ask the old gentleman, and with the help of several other Supremes, you can completely resist the evil god.

But Thunder Punishment thinks it’s not very hopeful. He noticed that the old man doesn’t seem to want to meet force with force with the evil god.

Mu Qing frowned. He needs more than five Supreme powerhouses.

Five Supremes to stop the evil gods, and three other Supremes are needed to stop the Holy Lord under the evil gods.

A total of eight Supreme battle strengths are needed!

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