The Ancient Immortal world was recaptured and completely hidden under the Supreme Taoist Divine Ability.

Now that the evil god wants to take the Ancient Immortal world again, it is almost impossible.

And the Supreme forces of Celestial Court, Ruthless Temple, and Nine Nether actually understood that the main reason for the successful recapture of the Ancient Immortal world was that the evil god did not participate in this battle. !

All the Holy Lord powerhouses under the evil gods participated in the battle.

However, the Holy Lord powerhouse of the Holy Spirit universe is slightly inferior to Supreme.

Without the increase in Supreme Avenue, their strength is not as strong as imagined.

Holy Lord of Sea King, Holy Lord of Evil Flame, Holy Lord of Evil Dragon, led many powerhouses to fight against old gentlemen and Thunder Punishment powerhouses.

However, the strength of Supreme Taoist is far surpassing that of ordinary Supreme. He alone stopped the Sea King Holy Lord and Evil Flame Holy Lord.

The evil dragon Holy Lord that I felt later was stopped by Thunder Punishment.

The absence of the evil god is the biggest failure in this battle!

Actually, at that time, there were also the King of Chaos and Chaos Creature.

All of them are extremely powerhouses, among which the strength of the mixed king is extremely terrifying.

They all expected the evil gods to take action, so they planned to fight to the death.

As a result, after a battle, the shadow of the evil god was not seen. On the contrary, he successfully killed part of the powerhouse of the holy kingdom.

In this battle, the fallen powerhouse has many extreme powerhouses!


Above the sea of ​​silence, the roar of the evil god came.

In front of him, there are the Holy Lord of the evil flame and the Holy Lord of the evil dragon.

The Sea King Holy Lord is currently healing because of his severe injuries, so he doesn't have to face the abuse of evil gods.

"Sorry Master, it was our negligence this time, but we really are not opponents. The powerhouse of Land of Primal Chaos has chosen to help the Ancient Immortal world."

Holy dragon Lord gritted his teeth and replied.

"Land of Primal Chaos?"

The evil god's face turned gloomy.

They have many powerhouses in the Holy Kingdom, so even if he doesn't take the shot himself, he should be able to prevent the Ancient Immortal world from being retaken.

The evil god also didn't expect, and the king would bring a group of Chaos Creatures to participate in the battle.

No one can predict this.

Land of Primal Chaos is more concealed than the Ancient Immortal world. It hasn't appeared in the universe for many years, but it appeared at this juncture.

"Where is the Holy Lord of the Wind King?"

The evil god's expression gradually returned to plain, and he issued a question.

The Wind King Holy Lord, is the fourth Holy Lord under the evil god, and the Holy Lord powerhouse still in the Holy Spirit universe.

Because the cosmic channel has a certain risk, I am not sure that before, the wind king Holy Lord and a group of extreme powerhouses are still in the Holy Spirit universe, and there is no immediate transmission through the cosmic channel.

Now, the evil god does not intend to drag on, and wants the Wind King Holy Lord to bring all the rest of the Holy Spirit universe to the Holy Kingdom!

This will be a group of huge forces!

The evil flame Holy Lord hesitated to speak, and finally clenched the teeth, opened the mouth and said: "The wind king Holy Lord has fallen, including the other extreme powerhouses, which happened to pass through the passage of the universe. Encountered Supreme Taoist, Thunder Punishment and the others attack, resulting in lost in the universe, completely disappeared."


The evil god heard the news, coldly snorted .

A terrifying coercion erupted from the evil god, covering the entire sea of ​​silence in an instant.

The turbulent waves of the Sea of ​​Silence, under this coercion, seemed to be Time Freeze, and the waves came to a standstill in the air.

The Holy Lord of the evil flame and the Holy Lord of the evil dragon bear the brunt. The two were hit by the power of the evil god and smashed into the air fiercely.

The two of them coughed up blood one after another, and they were invaded by countless negative emotions in their minds. It was tortured!

"Fuck away! Only this time, not as an example. If such a major event fails again, I will take you to sacrifice the flag!"

Eyes of evil gods His eyes were extremely cold.

His unsentimental voice echoed above the entire sea of ​​silence, making the hearts of all the high-level people of the Holy Kingdom and the extreme powerhouse couldn't help shrinking.

"I don't need waste."

The evil god turned and left and entered the depths of the Sea of ​​Annihilation.

In his palm, there are two special blue moons.

The Blue Moon Realm is now completely ruled by the Holy Kingdom, but even so, it took a lot of time for the evil god to finally find the last special blue moon.

The evil god entered the depths of the sea of ​​silence and began to refining two special blue moons.

Because of the lack of a special blue moon, the effect is not great. It can only make the Holy Spirit universe in his body digest part of it as much as possible.

The strength will definitely increase a bit, but it cannot be crushed.

"Evil dragon Holy Lord, there is news from the bipolar world..."

A god emperor of the Holy Kingdom cautiously came to the side of the evil dragon Holy Lord.

He intends to report the news of the bipolar world to the evil dragon Holy Lord.

Actually, he can pass this news to other high-ranking leaders of the Holy Kingdom, but after all, the evil dragon Holy Lord himself said before that after solving the affairs of the Ancient Immortal world, he will personally go to the bipolar. World.

Based on this, the Holy Kingdom Emperor chose to directly report the news to the evil dragon Holy Lord.

However, the evil dragon Holy Lord didn't reply, just turned his head slowly and glared at him.


A evil dragon Holy Spirit emerged behind the evil dragon Holy Lord, and the power of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood instantly enveloped this god emperor, his body , Holy Spirit shattered in an instant.

Looking at the pool of blood in front of him, the evil dragon Holy Lord frowned, with a fierce expression on his face, then turned and left.

He is angry!

He can only vent the anger he received from the evil god on other people. This holy kingdom god emperor happened to come to him at this time and became a short-lived poor creature.

For what this person said, the evil dragon Holy Lord naturally still remembers.

But how does that matter?

Now he is in a very bad mood. As for the bipolar world, he doesn't want to bother at all.

1 month later.

The evil god came out from the depths of the sea of ​​silence, and the aura on his body was abnormally terrifying. His coercion seemed to become substantial, and the power of scarlet crushed all around.

"It's this power!"

The evil god smiled sly, enjoying the surging power in his body at this moment.

But he still has some dissatisfaction.

Because the improvement is not as big as he imagined!

Even, with the further digestion of the Holy Spirit universe in his body, he can feel a repulsion!

all around this starry sky, this universe's rejection of him!

The evil god quickly understood why this phenomenon occurred.

Because he comes from the Holy Spirit universe, the origin of the universe he swallowed is also the origin of the Holy Spirit universe!

His power comes entirely from another universe, so he is repelled by this universe.

Divine Heart has a trace of worry at the bottom.

It is very likely that after he digests all the origins of the Holy Spirit universe, not only will it not grow, but it will be suppressed by the entire universe and become weaker.

This is very possible, so the evil god can't wait any longer.

"Assemble everyone and go to the Hunyuan World."

The evil Divine Eyes God is filled with endless murderous intention.

Different from ruling the Blue Moon Realm, going to the Hunyuan Realm this time will set off endless murderous intentions.

Most racial forces in the Blue Moon Realm will be exterminated unless they really want to oppose the Holy Kingdom.

Other ethnic forces, as long as they are willing to acknowledge allegiance to the Holy Kingdom, nothing will happen.

But the Hunyuan World is different, the overlord of the Hunyuan World is Demon Domain.

The evil god intends to completely wipe out the Hunyuan realm.

After all, no matter how many forces, it is of little significance to the current Holy Kingdom.

"Land of Primal Chaos."

The face of the evil god is hideous and evil.

He knows that Land of Primal Chaos is in Primal Chaos, and the origin of the chaotic universe should be in Land of Primal Chaos!

"Since Land of Primal Chaos dares to help the Ancient Immortal world, don't blame my subordinates for being merciless, I have to see if the Ancient Immortal world is willing to help you!"

The evil god grinned, and then called the evil dragon Holy Lord and the others to prepare them to summon the manpower.

This time is different, the evil gods will do it himself!

Directly control the Sea of ​​Silence, cross-border to come to Hunyuan Realm, and kill!


"Old gentleman!! Before the Land of Primal Chaos sent powerhouse specially to help us, won't we support them this time?!"

In the realm of Ancient Immortal, a very large island located above the fairy cloud, Thunder Punishment uttered an earth-shattering roar.

In front of him, there is an immortal of immortal wind and immortality. The old man is gray-haired, holding a whisk in his hand, looking like he can see the world in the world.

"Thunder Punishment, the Ancient Immortal world has just experienced a battle, even if it is won, it is only a terrible victory. We don't have many powerhouses that can help the Land of Primal Chaos."


"Even more how, Land of Primal Chaos has its own background, not as weak as you think."

"You go to inform Mu Qing, and there are also those in the Demon Domain Everyone of Heavenly Master Path, leave the Hunyuan realm quickly. As long as you come to the Ancient Immortal realm, the evil gods can't help them."

"Ning Feng Zhenjun is also confused, and he has so many Heavenly Master Paths. powerhouse to Demon Domain......"

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