hong long!

The huge star finally smashed down and fell into the ocean out of Jilun Summon.

Immediately afterwards, the ocean boiled, setting off an extremely astonishing giant wolf, turbulent constantly, completely out of Ji Lun's control.

In an instant, this ocean, larger than several Star Domains, evaporated.

The star burst into dazzling rays of light and exploded.

The terrifying light waves spread, and the entire Formation that enveloped this place was also completely shattered.

No one would have thought that Mu Qing could use such an amazing method.

Under the spread of light waves, Ji Lun and Dragon Girl were also affected.

Ji Lun was worried that the dragon girl was injured, and even took the initiative to stand in front of the dragon girl, holding the sea king Trident, but was still injured by the aftermath and coughed up a large mouthful of blood.

This is not only the injured body, but even his sea king Holy Spirit has some cracks.

On the contrary, it is the Dragon Girl, because Ji Lun is in front of her, so there is nothing to do.

Even Ji Lun couldn't resist it. The Heart Demon symbiosis Xuandu of the extreme Peak was naturally impossible. It was directly broken into pieces and was hit hard.

One star falls, one death and one serious injury!

This is the power of Mu Qing's full shot!

Of course, after this starfall, Mu Qing has already reached the limit.

The state of Starry Sky Demon God can no longer be maintained, with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, look in his mind again.

Every singularity has cracks.

At the same time, he urged all the singularities to the extreme, and he was a little uncontrollable, not to mention that he condensed these forces into stars when they exceeded the limit to urge the singularities, and suffered a backlash. , Which directly affected the singularity.

However, repairing the singularity is not that difficult.

It's just that Mu Qing will almost certainly die next, and he doesn't care anymore.

"Try your best to kill an extreme Peak, it is not too bad."

Mu Qing coughed up blood again and again, and now his physical condition is very poor, and his body is Inner Strength The amount is short, and there is no battle strength anymore.

He looked towards the void in the distance.

At the last moment, taking advantage of Ji Lun and the others not paying attention, he exhausted his remaining strength, opened the Black Hole Vortex, and sent Xiao Xuan and the others, including the Sky Forbidden Bottle, away.

As for whether they can survive after Ji Lun notices it, it depends on their abilities.

Mu Qing has already pushed everything to the limit.

"Come on! Kill me!"

Mu Qing's eyes fell on Ji Lun again, revealing a crazy smile.

He has already planned to slaughter the entire Sea King Holy Lord Lineage!

Although I don't know how long it will take to resurrect...

Mu Qing has nothing to fear, but unfortunately he failed to kill the Heart Demon symbiosis Xuandu together.

The opponent has been seriously injured, but Mu Qing can't make up the knife.

Mu Qing looked towards Ji Lun, seeing the other person's angry and shocked gaze, couldn't help but laugh.


Lightly spit out two words in the mouth.

This undoubtedly ignited Ji Lun's anger completely, and the opponent held the Sea King Trident and charged up again.

"Sea King Sacrifice!"

Ji Lun roared loudly, and his body broke suddenly, one after another blood light rushed out and merged into the Sea King Trident.

The Sea King Holy Spirit emerged, and there were more and more cracks on it. From these cracks, rays of light also rushed out and drilled into the Sea King Trident.

The Sea King Sacrifice Ceremony is a way of sacrificing power in exchange for more powerful power.

Ji Lun has already used the power that the Sea King Holy Lord inheritance has given him almost. When he uses this technique again, it consumes his lifespan and Holy Spirit Source Power!

Mu Qing smiled at everything, standing differently.

In fact, I can’t move!

The power is exhausted, and all the qi mechanisms locked by Ji Lun are fundamentally impossible to move.

Mu Qing looked at these guys indifferently, one day, he will come back and kill these guys!


At this time, Mu Qing was shocked to discover, why the dragon girl in the distance, with a pair of beautiful eyes sparkling, cast a look of worship?

"I should have read it wrong..."

Mu Qing closed his eyes and waited for Ji Lun to behead himself.

But after waiting for a long time...

Nothing happened!

Opening his eyes again, Mu Qing found that Ji Lun seemed to have turned into a statue, holding the sea king Trident and moving towards himself.

But he stopped moving at several hundred meters in front of him.

The facial expression on his face remained, it was a distorted roar.

"Who is it?"

A big question mark was raised in Mu Qing's heart.

He naturally knew that this scene was caused by a powerhouse.

Directly with the power of terror, all things in this area are in a state of time stop!

And I am afraid that only Supreme can do this!

"Thunder Punishment senses something is wrong, come to save me?"

The first thing Mu Qing thinks of is Thunder Punishment.

But soon, a middle-aged man silhouette full of majesty appeared in front of him.

The opponent slowly broke through the space and walked in, wearing a luxurious golden imperial robe, striding out into the air.

Finally, this man stood in front of Mu Qing, his eyes never left Mu Qing!

Took a deep breath, Mu Qing's eyes are complex, and he slowly exhales two words.

"Celestial Emperor..."

It was not Thunder Punishment or Supreme Taoist who came to save him, let alone anyone else.

It is Celestial Emperor!

The enemy of all the stars Supreme!

"It seems that you are not so weak that your brain is broken."

A smile appeared on the Celestial Emperor's face.

Mu Qing didn't show him a good face, coldly snorted and said: "Seeing you come to save me, it's better to let me die."

"Why look for death I am now your life saving benefactor."

Celestial Emperor smiled faintly, then raised his hand, palm facing the Heart Demon symbiotic body Xuandu not far away.

A black light burst out, and then in the sky, a hideous mouth was cracked!


The split mouth completely swallowed the Heart Demon Symbiote Xuandu, and then closed it, disappeared.

The Celestial Emperor raised his hand again, and raised his eyebrows to Mu Qing, an incomparably pure energy spread, restoring Mu Qing's power at an astonishing speed.

Even the singular cracks in Mu Qing's mind disappeared in this brief moment!

Mu Qing pupil shrink, he can only passively receive all this.

And Mu Qing also knew that Celestial Emperor probably swallowed the Heart Demon symbiosis Xuandu, then turned it into pure energy and fed it back to him!

"I'm very pleased that you can break through to the extreme Peak. The speed of breakthrough realm is the fastest in the Supreme Starry Sky in the past."

Celestial Emperor smiled and looked towards Mu Qing, talk freely.

Mu Qing's pupils gradually shrink.

Celestial Emperor...Why did you tell him about the Supreme Starry Sky in the past?

Are you not going to hide it?

The Celestial Emperor raised his hand, and at this moment Mu Qing appeared one after another chain around the starlight, but it was crushed by the Celestial Emperor.

"The Avenue of Stars, but the avenue I cultivated with all my heart, it is the only artificial Supreme Avenue in the universe. I hope you, the ninth generation, can successfully cultivate it to perfection."

"By the way, I unlocked the seal on the Avenue of Stars, and then you can continue the breakthrough realm."

"You better hurry, otherwise if I can't wait, I But it will kill everyone around you..."

Although the Celestial Emperor has a smile on his face, his expression is indifferent.

He approached Mu Qing's ear and whispered quietly.

"I know you are planning something, and the seventh generation of the possessed Jiang Saint, who has always been hiding like a mouse."

"You think I don't know. Are these things?"

"no! I just look forward to, you powerless rebels, can you finally make me full..."

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