In May Secret Realm.

The atmosphere gradually became heavy.

The four Peak powerhouses slowly approached Mu Qing, their breaths intertwined, forming a storm that swept away.


The bodies of several lower emperors in the Ancient Immortal world burst directly!

The breath of Extreme Peak, even more how, is the breath of so many Extreme Peaks uniting and twisting into a single breath, which is not something that the ordinary emperor can resist.

Fortunately, the Divine Souls of these lower emperors have been saved.

"You guys step back first."

Mu Qing said solemnly.

He stepped away, facing Ji Lun and the others.

Xiao Xuan quickly led people back, and they also knew that they were just a burden.

At this moment, Xiao Xuan only hopes that if Mu Qing has the chance, he can escape!

But not very hopeful!

Mu Qing expression congeals, looked towards the four people in front of you.

My heart has already begun to calculate.

If there are only two extreme peaks, or three extreme peaks, then Mu Qing still has a certain degree of confidence and took Xiao Xuan and the others to escape.

Even if Secret Realm is wrapped in a layer of Formation in May, he is confident!

After all, the secret technique of Mu Qing cultivation is the secret technique of thinking. It is the painstaking effort that has been passed down from generations of star Supreme, and it is naturally impossible to be ordinary.

However, what Mu Qing needs to face is the four extreme Peak!

Even Mu Qing feels pressured.

It is almost impossible to take Xiao Xuan and the others to escape!

However, it is not a problem to escape by yourself, but the specific situation now is a powerhouse of one and a half Supreme plus three extreme Peak!

With this lineup, even Mu Qing can't help but want to laugh.

Too much worthy of him!

He just broke through to the extreme Peak, but the Holy Kingdom has made such a luxurious lineup just to kill him.

Now, let alone escape with Xiao Xuan and many other Ancient Immortal world emperors, even he himself could not escape.

"Don’t worry, everyone, the Holy Kingdom will kill you here today, and when I return in the coming day, I will inevitably behead the four lords present to pay memorial service!"

Mu A terrifying imposing manner broke out in Qing.

The void black hole singularity has moved to the extreme, and there is also a chaotic singularity!

Mu Qing's body, half of the power of pitch black and half of the power of chaos surging out.

Today is considered to be planted, but even if he died, Mu Qing will let Ji Lun and the others taste the price.

Xiao Xuan and the others, Mu Qing can't take care of it at this time.

Of course, what Mu Qing said, but when he is resurrected from the endless sky, he will inevitably avenge Ji Lun and the others!

The current Mu Qing is just a collection of his strength, and the real will of thinking lies in the Demon Domain, in that piece of starry sky that belongs to him!

Hearing Mu Qing's words, Ji Lun and the others frowned.

What does Mu Qing mean by suddenly saying this?

Is it possible that Mu Qing can escape in their powerhouse, one and a half Supreme and three extreme Peak?

Is this unlikely?

The first thing that Ji Lun thinks of is that Mu Qing is sure to escape!

Otherwise, it would be meaningless to say this. When death is imminent, it is impossible for a powerhouse like Mu Qing to suddenly say a threatening word.

Xiao Xuan's eyes lit up.

Their thoughts are the same as Ji Lun and the others, and they obviously think that Mu Qing should have a way to escape.

"Okay! We are in the world after death, waiting for you to pay homage to us with the heads of these guys!"

"Not enough! We want everyone in the Holy Kingdom Head!"

The Great Emperor of Ancient Immortal roared.

They also believe that Mu Qing has this strength.

It is not that Mu Qing has no reputation in the ancient Immortal world.

On the contrary, Mu Qing has a great reputation in the Ancient Immortal world. After all, he killed the traitor Mu Changya, and he has belonged to the senior level of the Ancient Immortal world.

With the identity of Mu Qing, the domain master of the Demon Domain, in the eyes of outsiders, Mu Qing is the power to rule the Hunyuan realm!

Almost everyone believes that as long as Mu Qing is given enough time, Mu Qing can break through to Supreme.

"Take it! Later, it will change!" Ji Lun loudly shouted.

It won't work anymore, he is really afraid that Mu Qing will have any means to escape.

The other three people were nodded and worried about Mu Qing's tricks and escaped, so when they came up, they tried their best to shoot.


Three powerhouses of extreme Peak, plus a semi-Supreme powerhouse to make a full shot, this scene is invisible to most creatures for a lifetime.

In an instant, a variety of different energies made a strong impact, and the entire May Secret Realm shattered at this moment!

Secret Realm Space is fragmented, leaving only fragments of Secret Realm Space still floating.

This is the expert's match at the top of the universe, which can bring nightmarish disasters to the surrounding environment in an instant.

If the battlefield is placed on top of any Peak race, it is a genocide-level danger.

Xiao Xuan and the others are located in a fragment of Secret Realm, they cannot escape.

Secret Realm is broken, but there is a layer of Formation wrapped around it.

Even if Mu Qing wants to escape, he needs to spend a certain amount of time to break the Formation. Those of them whose powerhouse only has the upper emperor, are obviously hopeless.

This is a Formation specifically designed to trap Extreme Peak!

"get lost!"

Mu Qing roared, the chaotic singularity broke out, punched out, the chaotic rays of light dazzled, and put out the flame of the flame lion.

After that, thousands of black holes appeared behind Mu Qing in an instant. These Black Hole Vortex burst out terrifying void storms, intercepting the attack of the Heart Demon symbiont Xuandu.

Bright blue moonlight suddenly burst into my eyes!

As far as I can see, everything is frozen.

The woman driving the fierce dragon is tall and curvaceous, but she is not a weak woman. She holds a long-handled axe bigger than her own, and moves towards Mu Qing with hostility. Come.

But halfway, the body of the fierce dragon woman was touched by the blue moonlight, a large area of ​​frost appeared on her skin, her long legs were sealed by ice, and the blue moonlight spread to her body, her abdomen was proud of her. His peak, hands, etc. were all frozen!

Finally, Mu Qing held a gray blade and faced Ji Lun.


A burst of terrifying power broke out.

The blade from Death Power condense shattered, and Ji Lun’s Sea King Trident was intact and pierced Mu Qing’s chest.

Next moment, Mu Qing's body was shrouded in Black Hole Vortex, and appeared in the distance in the blink of an eye.

One arm was directly penetrated and exploded due to the power of the sea king!

Mu Qing gathers strength and regenerates an arm, gloomy face, looked towards the four people.

The condensed blade of Death Power claims to be able to kill anything by touching it, but it is no match for Trident, the sea king.

One is because Ji Lun’s cultivation realm is comparable to him, and the other is that Trident, the sea king, contains the power of the sea king Holy Lord, which is indestructible, but it shattered the death blade.

After a short confrontation, Mu Qing faced the four people and exerted all the power of the singularity to the extreme.

Although it seemed to be shocking, the offensive of the four was resolved.

But for Mu Qing, this huge consumption is self-evident.

Mu Qing usually uses Singularity in turn in battles.

But just now, he used all the singularities on his body except the starry singularity together, and urged him to the extreme.

After just one round, Mu Qing panted slightly.

"No wonder..."

Ji Lun lowered his head and glanced at his chest. There was a hideous wound on it with blood flowing.

The death blade was extremely sharp. After being broken by the sea king Trident, it still left some injuries on Ji Lun's body.

"No wonder the Holy Lord told us that you must be very careful if you want to deal with you. It seems that even with the power of the sea king Holy Lord, you can't be underestimated."

Ji Lun's face gradually became serious.

There were four of them. As a result, the first round offensive came down, and they were all resolved.

Even he, who now has semi-Supreme strength, has suffered some injuries.

Although this injury on the chest is not a serious injury, it suffices to show how terrifying Mu Qing's threatening power is.

Moreover, after completing so many operations in a short time, even Ji Lun couldn't help but admire Mu Qing a little.

Ji Lun glanced at a fragment of Secret Realm in the distance.

In the space of the Secret Realm fragment, Xiao Xuan and the others are still alive.

It is not Xiao Xuan and the others who can survive the aftermath of the battle of Extreme Peak, but because of their Secret Realm fragment, there is a white jade bottle!

Sky forbidden bottle!

No one else noticed, but Ji Lun, who has half-Supreme strength, saw it with his own eyes. During the battle, Mu Qing also took out the Sky Forbidden Bottle to protect Xiao Xuan and the others!

This also resulted in Xiao Xuan and the others not being directly shaken to death by the energy aftermath of the extreme Peak battle.

Of course, the Sky Forbidden Bottle is also impossible to completely resist all the aftermath. Whether it can survive after that depends on Xiao Xuan and the others.

"Does this make sense?"

Ji Lun looked towards Mu Qing somewhat amused.

He felt that Mu Qing did not make any sense at all.

Those upper emperors and lower emperors are bound to die.

At this time, Mu Qing unexpectedly had time to protect them. In Ji Lun's eyes, this action was so ridiculous!

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