The meeting of many senior executives in Ancient Immortal soon ended.

Mu Qing put away the immortal statue.

"Ji Lun is also an extremely Peak powerhouse, which should not be underestimated, but I don't need to kill the opponent, just stop the opponent."

Mu Qing whispered.

His task is to prevent Ji Lun from taking the powerhouse of the holy kingdom to rule the Blue Moon Realm, as long as he stops it, it doesn't have to be a victory or defeat.

The most troublesome thing for him is how to lock Ji Lun's actions in the end.

The situation in the Ancient Immortal world is also limited. Impossible knows every Jilun action plan perfectly and accurately.

Even if it is based on the intelligence of the Ancient Immortal world, there must be some omissions. After all, the opponent is the Holy Kingdom rather than the Peak force.

"Emperor Star Phoenix, the Demon Domain will be handed over to you next. Of course, from the current situation, what is the danger of It shouldn't be."

Mu Qing find it Emperor Xingfeng, during the time he is away, Emperor Xingfeng will be in charge.

It is worth mentioning that now the strength of Emperor Xingfeng has returned to the extreme powerhouse, and he is still a high-rank extreme emperor.

With Emperor Xingfeng sitting in town, and Xinrui who also stepped into the extreme realm, Demon Domain is not afraid of who harassed him.

It's Tu Lao, progressing slowly, and still in the realm of the upper emperor.

These three were originally powerhouses of the Star Empire, as long as they have enough time, they can regain the strength of the extreme powerhouse.

In this regard, Emperor Ming and Luo Tianda Imperial Capital are extremely envious, and Ling Fei is even more shocked, and he keeps on practicing hard.

"Don't worry, wrap it on me."

The Emperor Xingfeng is full of confidence. Of course, he actually knows that it is unlikely that he will be Something happened.

If it is the Peak race or power, it is of course not an opponent of Demon Domain at all, and the Supreme power, all parties are constrained by the Holy Kingdom.

"Are you not taking people?" Xin Rui asked.

Demon Domain now has a lot of great powerhouses, but Mu Qing does not seem to intend to use the Law Enforcers of Demon Domain in this posture.

Mu Qing shook the head.

"My boundless universe covers the Hunyuan realm, so I can use the power of a black hole to appear in any corner instantly, but the blue moon realm is different, so the mobility is not high."


"And this is the mission of the Ancient Immortal world. I will take away the powerhouses of Heavenly Master Path, and the Law Enforcer of Demon Domain can stay on hold."

Mu Qing does not intend to take away. Demon Domain Law Enforcer.

It's not easy for Demon Domain to develop to this point. Powerhouse is just that. Now, if you go to fight with the guys in the Holy Kingdom, you will probably lose a lot.

Mu Qing thought about it, he just didn't bring it, even more how Ancient Immortal, there are reinforcements on the other side.

On the other side, Xiao Xuan who got the news immediately brought people over.

"We Heavenly Master Path sent 100 lower emperors, 10 upper emperors, and a group of people sent by Xuan Fire Dao Guan, the same number."

Xiao Xuan obviously also followed I've been in contact with the Ancient Immortal world.

"Well, when the people of Xuan Fire Dao view arrive at Demon Domain, we will rectify and set off." Mu Qing nodded.

Mu Qing brings a total of 200 lower emperors and 20 upper emperors, plus his own extreme Peak powerhouse.

None of the god emperor!

Maybe there are a lot of powerhouses in Ji Lun, but in Mu Qing's eyes, there is no difference between the gods and the ants.

He can easily condense a black hole and can swallow hundreds of thousands of powerhouses.

The same is true. Mu Qing warned the Law Enforcers of Demon Domain that they must break through to the Great Emperor Realm as soon as possible, otherwise, when the war against the Holy Kingdom comes, the Emperor is likely to be cannon fodder.

Jiwei powerhouse can make the powerhouse die without knowing how to die with any divine ability.

Mu Qing's words are not alarmist.

In the past, the god emperor is naturally a side powerhouse. No matter where it is placed, it has a high status. If you join a force, you can get the command of a star.

But now the times are different. The Holy Kingdom begins to stir and all influence is in jeopardy. The status of the god emperor is not as good as before, and the right to speak is very low.

Before, most creatures knew a vague concept. The universe has low races, medium races, high races, and Peak races.

At that time, the Peak power was the top of the universe, and the most powerful cosmic powerhouse was the emperor.

What Supreme forces, what high-ranking emperors, extremely high-ranking emperors, are very few people know.

However, afterwards, Celestial Court and other Supreme forces emerged, and finally the Holy Kingdom was established, and the entire universe was controlled by all Supreme forces.

Now, even if you go to a low-level race, the creatures inside know that there is a Supreme powerhouse in the universe, and the realm of the great emperor has been specifically differentiated.

"Domain Lord, someone wants to see you." At this time, Luo Daozhong suddenly hurried to find Mu Qing.


Mu Qing frowned, looked towards Luo Daozhong.

If you are an acquaintance, Luo Daozhong must also know him, and he will take it directly to the moon instead of deliberately reporting.

Thinking of this, Mu Qing directly urges the thoughts of the starry sky to fluctuate, and clearly captures the two powerful auras in the conference hall of the moon magic temple, both of which have reached the extreme realm!

"Unfamiliar extreme powerhouse!"

Mu Qing expression congeals.

"The opponents are two extreme powerhouses. Emperor Xingfeng and the others have already gone to the town. According to the opponent's words, he calls himself Emperor Anwu."

Luo Daozhong quickly opened the mouth and said.

Although he is only a god emperor Peak, he has worked for Mu Qing for so long, and his knowledge has been very broad.

The Emperor Anwu knew that the former Demon Race patriarch and the former Celestial Court senior.

Now that Emperor Anwu is a free man, he is even charged with murdering the top of the Celestial Court and is wanted by the Celestial Court.

A cold sweat broke out on Luo Daozhong's forehead. He didn't know why Emperor Anwu suddenly came here to see Mu Qing, but the opponent was definitely not something he could provoke.

So he immediately notified Mu Qing.

A trace of doubt also appeared on Mu Qing's face.

He also didn't understand why Emperor Anwu would look for him at this juncture.

Even more how, I don’t seem to have any intersection with each other.

Mu Qing drilled directly into the black hole, and came to the magic hall meeting hall in the blink of an eye.

Xin Rui, Emperor Xingfeng, and Tu Lao have all arrived, one after another eyes are on the two figures on the opposite side.

The Great Emperor Anwu was covered in black mist, except for a pale and thin face with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Beside him is his servant Dragon Demon, who also exudes the aura of an extreme powerhouse, but his face is expressionless and does not seem to have any emotions.

Mu Qing sits unceremoniously, looking towards Anwu Emperor with a faint smile.

"Why are you looking for me? I don't think I have a feast with Celestial Court, so I won't arrest you and go to Celestial Court to receive compensation, right?"

Then, neither anxious nor nervous said: "The military leader of the Demon Domain has an extraordinary identity, shouldn’t I look down on Celestial Court’s rewards?"

Mu Qing coldly snorted, "Then what do you come to find me? It's something? I don't have a good influence on you."

tone barely fell, the imposing manner on Mu Qing's body suddenly rushed away, crushing on Emperor Anwu.

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