"Impossible! Breakthrough Supreme will never be so fast!"

The pupils of the Holy Lord of Malignant Inflammation contracted for a while.

The moment he saw Thunder Punishment, he couldn't believe it a single thought.

According to the news previously revealed by Mu Changya, Thunder Punishment is breaking through Supreme Realm, so no one else will come over in a short time!

Even if the Slaughter Great Emperor appeared, it would not be his opponent.

However, what appeared in front of the evil flame Holy Lord was the Thunder Punishment that had already breached to the Supreme Realm!

"I think you seem to have overlooked a problem. I originally just fell from the realm of Supreme that's all. It's just a step-by-step process, and it doesn't take much time."

Thunder Punishment indifferently said.

The imposing manner on his body is extremely ferocious, even stronger than the evil flame Holy Lord.

In fact, strictly speaking, the powerhouse of the Holy Spirit universe is weaker than the Chaos universe at the Supreme level.

Except for the evil gods who swallowed the origin of the entire Holy Spirit universe, the other Holy Lords of the Holy Spirit universe indeed possess the power of the Supreme level.

But they are the same as Saint of Chaos Universe. They have the battle strength, but they don't have the Supreme Item!

The tentacled eyeballs under the feet of Holy Lord of Evil Flame are his Holy Spirit, which can be regarded as "Supreme Avenue".

Apart from this, Thunder Punishment has Supreme Item, but Holy Lord does not.

The cultivation system is different, which means that the Holy Lord can only take out the extreme Emperor Treasure at most, while Thunder Punishment has the Supreme Item. In battle, Thunder Punishment definitely has the upper hand.


Thunder Punishment smashes the Supreme Item in the hand with a grand hammer.

His Supreme Item is a thunder cone!


A thunder suddenly appeared, and the speed was so fast that Zhenjun Ning Feng and other extreme powerhouses were unable to capture specific traces.

Not only the extreme powerhouse, but even the evil Holy Lord was shocked.

Pu chi!

next moment, a big hole appeared on the shoulder of Holy Lord of evil flames. That thunder pierced his shoulder, and even exploded and crushed behind it. I don’t know how many void storms.

Evil Flame Holy Lord's face was gloomy, black inflammation gushing out of his body, reuniting the broken arm back.

He took a deep breath, with more and more black flames around him, confronting Thunder Punishment.

Behind Thunder Punishment is also a thunder hell, with continuous roars, and amidst the loud noise, one after another thunder and lightning turned into Thunder Punishment wings, spreading out for an unknown number of miles.


Thunder Punishment once again raised the thunder hammer in his hand and hit it on the Thor Cone.

The terrifying lightning burst out, once again inflicting damage on the evil flame Holy Lord, smashing his thighs.

This is the battle method of Thunder Punishment.

The hammer of thunder in his hand is the manifestation of his avenue, and the cone of Thor is his Supreme Item!

This Supreme Item does not look at its small size, but in fact, the lightning that erupts can forcibly smash the Great Emperor to death!

Of course, the Holy Lord is not so easy to defeat.

Under the eyes of Zhenjun Ning Feng and the others, the boundless black inflammation and thunder impacted together, generating violent energy fluctuations, and bursts of air were vented. Within tens of light years, there was no Any void storm still exists.


Thunder Punishment fought the Holy Lord to the depths of endless void in the form of Supreme.

endless void is already in the sky very deep level, otherwise there would be no such a name.

But Mu Qing can use the Void Emperor Treasure to attract the pitch black void storm. Obviously, endless void is not the end of the void, there is a deeper place.

After breaking the space, how deep the void is, even Supreme doesn't know!

"Quick! Check Mu Qing's situation!"

Zhenjun Ning Feng hurriedly shouted.

The crisis was temporarily contacted, and everyone immediately interrupted the state of burning power.

But after this period of time, it has already caused a certain degree of impact on them, and everyone is extremely tired.

"Don't come here for now."

Mu Qing said solemnly.

He is not too obviously abnormal, but half of his body including his right arm has been annihilated.

In the body, one after another void storm is wandering, it's all those pitch black void storms!

Ning Fengzheng and the others hearing this also couldn't help but stop.

They looked at Mu Qing with surprise in their eyes.

Actually, according to common sense, these pitch black void storms in Mu Qing's body cannot even withstand their extreme Peak powerhouses, but for some reason, Mu Qing doesn't seem to be big enough now. hinder.

"He...seems to be absorbing this power?" The Palace Lord seemed to see something bright, but still said in an incredible tone.

Master Xuan Fire Dao and Zhenjun Ning Feng were stunned, and then they also noticed Mu Qing's state, as if it was indeed the case.

"I can't believe it..."

Zhenjun Ning Feng was quite shocked.

The same goes for the other two.

Ordinary void storms, let alone them, even a god emperor can easily absorb them.

But the void storm on Mu Qing's body is not an ordinary void storm, but the pitch black storm that comes from the depths of endless void and can threaten the Supreme level powerhouse!

If the extreme powerhouse dares to absorb, the fleshy body will not be annihilated, I am afraid that Divine Soul will be destroyed by this storm.

Mu Qing sits in endless void, concentrates and absorbs the power of the void storm with all his strength.

Even he himself thought he would fall.

After all, it is a pitch black void storm with a power of Supreme level. Once it invades the body, it can't handle it at all.

After that, he will be resurrected after a long wait in the starry sky covered by his thinking and will in the Demon Domain.

But in fact, Mu Qing discovered that just as the dark storm invaded his body, the singularity of the starry sky in his mind resonated!

Just like when I met the Blue Moon power before!

"Not enough!"

The power of the dark storm in the body is actually a lot, but if you want to condense a singularity into shape, you need more power.

Mu Qing was cruel, and simply took out the other Void Emperor Treasure.

He didn't even need to actively inject strength, relying on the prototype of the void singularity that had been condense in his mind, and immediately pulled out the dark storm in the void Emperor Treasure.


Suddenly, a huge pitch black storm enveloped Mu Qing.

The three of Zhenjun Ning Feng were taken aback. They couldn't see Mu Qing's condition, and it was useless to dig out the strength of Divine Soul. The amount of Soul Power would be crushed by the dark storm.

They can only be in a hurry, hoping that Mu Qing will be fine.

In the dark storm, Mu Qing is naturally fine.

At this time, he also understood what was going on with this Void Emperor Treasure.

In fact, the principle is very simple. You only need to find the naturally generated pitch black storm in endless void, and then use a powerful force to compress it into a cube, and add some divide ability to seal the power.

"Peripheral level?"

Mu Qing took the time to observe the situation in his mind.

The void singularity is taking shape at a speed visible to naked eye, and its prototype is surrounding the starry singularity.

This shows that the void singularity is the same level as the black hole singularity, the blue moon singularity, and the death singularity.

"They all rely on huge special forces to quickly form the singularity. Last time, the blue moon singularity directly promoted me two small steps. I don’t know how much the void singularity will improve me."


Mu Qing is already looking forward to it.

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