"many thanks."

The Emperor Tianyue endured the pain and came to Mu Qing.

His complexion is complex, didn't expect Mu Qing's strength is already so strong.

"Are you already the emperor?"

The Emperor Tianyue was bleeding all over, his injuries were very serious, but he was still unbearably curious and asked.

In his impression, the last time he saw Mu Qing, he was worse than himself.

Now I can easily kill the powerhouse of the Great Emperor Realm. There are so many great emperors in the Holy Kingdom, and even the Holy Spirit Remnant Soul is not left in the blink of an eye.

Those high-ranking emperors who almost destroyed the New Moon Palace were like clay chickens and pottery dogs in front of Mu Qing, and their fleshy body and Holy Spirit shattered in an instant.

This force can definitely be achieved by the extreme realm that surpasses the upper emperor!

It is impossible for the enchanting high-ranking Imperial Capital to do this!

"Not bad."

Mu Qing nodded said with a smile.

Holy Spirit's injuries are also very serious, but she has no time to manage her injuries now, but flies to the end of the moon.

When Mu Qing entered the Secret Realm of the New Moon Palace, Yue Ya was already lying in a pool of blood, not knowing his life or death.

Holy Spirit quickly explored Yueya's injuries, and his expression even more panicked.

"Quick! Use Taiyue Mirror to seal his Divine Soul first!"

The Emperor Tianyue also hurried over. Although he didn’t know the specific situation of Yueya, he learned from Holy Spirit's expression can actually infer some.

In the beginning, facing the powerhouse invasion of these high emperors of the Holy Kingdom, Yueya desperately resisted, and only then gave them time to breathe, and finally waited until Mu Qing arrived.

Now only rely on the power of Taiyuejing, a pseudo Supreme Item, to seal the Divine Soul of Moonya, and then find a way to treat it.

Holy Spirit did not do this. She shook the head feebly, looked towards the Emperor Tianyue, tears from the beautiful eyes.

"His Divine Soul is gone!"

"How is it possible?!"

The body trembled of Emperor Tianyue, his eyes turned black and almost fainted. .

The relationship between him and Yue Ya was even higher than that of Holy Spirit. After the Taiyue Palace was destroyed, Yue Ya carried the banner and brought him back to the rescue, who had been abolished at that time.

Although he didn't want to believe it, Emperor Tianyue knew from the bottom of his heart that Yueya was injured very badly before, and it was expected that Divine Soul was shattered.


The Emperor Tianyue heave a long sigh.

The Crescent Palace that was originally painstakingly managed, in the end only Holy Spirit and him were left.

All other Crescent Palace dísciples have fallen.

Actually, there are still more than half of the Crescent Palace dísciple that survive in the Crescent Palace Secret Realm, but these people are traitors who have turned their backs on the battlefield, and they are not considered to be the Crescent Palace dísciple.

Mu Qing came to the edge of the moon, the fluctuation of thinking and will enveloped the opponent, and then shook the head.

It is true that Divine Soul has collapsed and is already powerless.

In the entire universe, Divine Soul can hardly survive without it.

The only exception is Emperor Xingfeng.

Xinrui Master of Samsara divine force, with Samsara Power, rescued the incomplete Divine Soul of Emperor Xingfeng out of thin air, combined with Mu Qing's resurrection ability, successfully resurrected Emperor Xingfeng.

But this kind of act against the sky can't be repeated casually.

First of all, that is, the original realm of Emperor Xingfeng has reached the extreme Peak!

It is the realm of Emperor Star Condensation that has the highest Peak realm, so after the Divine Soul collapsed, Xinrui could reconsolidate the incomplete Divine Soul of Emperor Feng of Star Condensation with Samsara Power.

This is still luck occupies a larger component. If Xinrui is asked to do it again, it may not be successful.

It is too difficult to resurrect a person whose Divine Soul has disappeared!

And Xinrui himself has to pay a great price.

Now, Yueya’s fleshy body has been extremely severely damaged, Divine Soul has completely collapsed, and the cultivation base has not reached the extreme realm, and has not reached the preconditions for rejuvenation.

Mu Qing did not speak. After the Emperor Tianyue and Holy Spirit buried Yueya, they entered the starry Demon God state and helped them heal their injuries with their resurrection ability.

"I can't believe it, you turned out to be the domain master of the Demon Domain who ruled the Hunyuan Realm!"

Afterwards, the two who learned of Mu Qing's identity showed a look of shock .

Holy Spirit's red lips were slightly opened, his face was full of surprise, and he said, "No wonder you have such a powerful strength. It is rumored that the Demon Domain lord also killed Angel Race patriarch, who is also the most powerful powerhouse. Emperor Shengyao, didn't expect it really is you."

"Fuck that's all."

Mu Qing smiled modestly and said.

After that, he looked towards the two men suspiciously.

"How did your New Moon Palace offend the Holy Kingdom? You also provoke so many Great Emperor level powerhouses."

To be honest, the scene was indeed quite amazing, the upper emperor did not It is said that the lower emperors scoured more than a hundred names, and even Mu Qing’s Demon Domain could not get this force.

Of course, most of these lower emperors are loners in the universe, has several points of innate talent, but they have no potential, so they have taken refuge in the Holy Kingdom.

These low-ranking emperors are quite ordinary in strength, in Mu Qing's eyes, they are no different from the creatures of God Sovereign Realm.

"It's Blue Moon!" Tianyue Great Emperor Complexion Sank gave a different answer than Mu Qing had imagined.

In Mu Qing's impression, the only thing that the New Moon Palace can be targeted by the Holy Kingdom is the Taiyue Mirror that was once the Supreme Item.

But Tianyue Great's answer does not seem to be the same.

"Do you know that the blue moon world has this name because there are blue luminous half-moon stars everywhere in this world."

"These blue moon stars exude The extremely low temperature cold air, some even freeze the existence of the Great Emperor Realm!"

The Tianyue Great Emperor took Mu Qing into the New Moon Palace, explaining and leading the way.

Going to a secret room deep in the palace, Emperor Tianyue looked towards the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit's pretty face was solemn and nodded, and then took out the Taimoon mirror.

A moonlight on the Taiyue Mirror hit the ground of the secret room, and between the rays of light flickering, a corridor leading to the bottom appeared in front of everyone.

Mu Qing followed the Emperor Tianyue and Holy Spirit with curiosity.

Below the Crescent Palace is an empty space underneath.

The only thing is a half-moon star blooming with blue rays of light.

Different from the blue moon that Mu Qing saw in the blue moon world starry sky, the blue moon in front of me was only half the size of a person.

However, this blue moon exudes a terrifying chill.

A ray of moonlight appeared, and the space all around was frozen, turning into a space crystal block and falling on the ground.

Mu Qing was surprised to see this scene.

The ray of moonlight from the blue moon has frozen the space into one after another ice crystal.

"This is?"

Mu Qing looked towards Emperor Tianyue and Holy Spirit with the inquiring gaze.

"This is the blue moon we accidentally got. Unlike other blue moons, this blue moon almost contains incomparable chill."

"Our Crescent Palace Secret Realm was not actually developed by itself. It was originally a Secret Realm that was born on its own. Later, Yueya discovered the existence of this blue moon and built the Crescent Moon Palace in this Secret Realm."

While the Emperor Tianyue spoke, he couldn't help but shiver a few times, and the moonlight and coldness of the blue moon in front of him was too terrifying, directly infiltrating the Divine Soul.

"The power of this blue moon is beyond our control, so it has been stored here without deliberately concealing it. In the end, the news was betrayed by the traitor to the Holy Nation, but it was targeted by the Holy Nation. Now."

Holy Spirit's face is full of regret, and the same is true of Emperor Tianyue.

They didn't pay much attention to this blue moon, but the Holy Kingdom paid a lot of attention to it, which eventually attracted sect-destroying disaster.

"Although I don’t know what is going on with this blue moon, it should be a treasure to attract the Holy Land. If you can take it away, then take it!"

The Emperor Tianyue sighed, an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a criminal, this blue moon is a scourge after all.

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