The two of them helped Emperor Anwu to kill an extreme powerhouse. In return, Emperor Anwu told them a secret.

Basically only Supreme will come to this virtual wind world, except for Unextinguishable Mountain, there seems to be nothing left.

Including Supreme, I don’t usually go here without problems.

To say that the ten realms in the universe have the least living beings, they are probably the Void Wind Realm and the Black Realm.

Void storms are everywhere in the Void World, and the Black World is a realm full of endless black holes.

Both of these two realms belong to the ten realms of the universe, but hardly many people have entered.

If you want to enter it, you must at least have the power of powerhouse!

The virtual wind world can be seen as another endless void full of pitch black storms, and the black world can be seen as an incomparable gigantic black hole, which contains one after another black holes of different sizes.

Although only Supreme can enter these two realms, some extreme powerhouses with special means can still enter them.

The Emperor Anwu knows a secret.

About the secret of Supreme!

He knows that there was once a Supreme who was caught in an accident while heading to Unextinguishable Mountain and was enveloped by an endless dark storm until he fell.

Naturally impossible to enter Unextinguishable Mountain with the strength of Anwu Emperor.

But the pale Demon God and the astrological emperor can!

The astrological emperor itself is the powerhouse of the extreme Peak. Coupled with the ability of the pale Demon God, the two can walk freely in the realm of wind wind just like Supreme.

Of course, the dangers of the Void Wind Realm should not be underestimated. Supreme also has a car overturning.

The two appeared somewhere in the world of Void Wind, and they saw a huge storm.

Compared with other storms in the Void Wind Realm, the storm in front of you is considered to be a large one, and it will not blow around, staying still in place.

The astrological emperor's eyes glowed, his eyes penetrated and he saw a corpse in the giant storm.

Different from the Supreme corpse in the starry sky obtained by Meiqian, a corpse in the giant storm still exists on Supreme Avenue!

Even if that Supreme Avenue was torn apart by the dark void storm, it still retains a certain amount of Supreme power!

Any extreme Peak powerhouse who gets this broken Supreme Avenue has a huge probability of hitting half of the Supreme this realm.

Even the achievement of Supreme in one breath is not impossible!

"Although it is the incomplete Supreme Avenue, it can barely be used." Said the astrological emperor solemnly.

The pale Demon God at this time shook the head, "still not enough, you should know that to enter the temple of the Chaos God, you must have three Supreme Avenues."

"Although the Supreme Avenue in front of us is broken, it is barely usable, but we still need two Supreme Avenues."

The astrological emperor was expressionless, but very firm, opened the mouth and said: "No matter what, I am bound to win the temple of the Chaos God, and I will find a way to obtain the other two Supreme Avenues. I hope that when the time comes, you can be prepared."

" Naturally." The pale Demon God laughed at him and said: "After all, opening the Temple of Chaos is good for me, and you can also successfully break through to Supreme Realm. For me, this is a win-win."

The astrological emperor is nodded, but there is still a trace of caution in his eyes.

If it wasn't for that he couldn't enter the chaos temple, he would never reveal such news to outsiders!

Even when the time comes, the pale Demon God is likely to turn his face and plot against him, of course he is naturally prepared.

The goal of the two is to enter the Temple of Chaos!

The temple of the Chaos God!

This news only known to Chaos Creature in Land of Primal Chaos, the two of them actually knew!

Even Chaos Creature regards it as a rumor. The pale Demon God and the Astronomy Emperor seem to not only know that simple, they even know the specific location of the Chaos Temple and try to enter it. !

If this is delivered, it will definitely be earth-shattering news.

The chaos temples of the Chaos King and the Chaos King were actually just built after imitating the Chaos God.

The real first temple is the chaos temple of the Chaos God!

According to the rumors of Land of Primal Chaos, the first temple will only appear when the Land of Primal Chaos appears Supreme.

When we arrived at the pale Demon God and the astrological emperor, it became necessary to gather three Supreme Avenues.

It is difficult to tell which is true and which is false.

The reason why the astrological emperor found the pale Demon God was because he was unable to enter the Chaos Temple with his own ability, but the pale Demon God could use the non-existent realm to approach, and of course it was only to reach the first chaos At the gate of the temple.

"I'm curious, you are not far from Supreme, why do you want to enter the chaos temple?" The pale Demon God looked towards the astrological emperor slightly.

With the innate talent of the astrological emperor, there is actually a hope of breakthrough to Supreme.

"Not far from Supreme?" The astrological emperor suddenly laughed. He shook the head and sighed: "How many years have I stayed in the extreme Peak this realm? Even I don't know... …"

"The Supreme Road is so elusive, how can it be so easy to reach?"

"The ancient peak and the Zhentian emperor who are stronger than Celestial Court, for countless years, even if there is The help of the emperor has not been able to reach the point of half Supreme!"

"Perhaps Gufeng the Great is already half Supreme, but in the final analysis, half Supreme this realm is still extremely Peak, only the strength is compared. It’s only strong, and it’s incomparable to Supreme!"

There was a mood of reluctance in the eyes of the astrological emperor. He squeezed his fist and shouted: "Since you want a breakthrough, then you must be the powerhouse in Supreme!"

"Only by obtaining the Great Dao of Primal Chaos from the Chaos God, can I truly become a powerhouse in Supreme. In the final analysis, my own astrological avenue is still too weak."

The astrological emperor sighed.

Actually, the avenue of the astrological emperor is not weak.

The powerhouse, which can reach the extreme Peak, already has the embryonic form of the avenue, and it is clear how to take the road in the future.

Perhaps after a few years of cultivation, the astrological emperor can go a step further and reach the half-Supreme status.

Unfortunately, he is a bit despised of his own astrology.

Even if he does achieve Supreme, the avenue of astrology is completely formed, but among the many Supremes, the avenue of astrology is not weak, but definitely not strong.

Therefore, the astrological emperor took a fancy to the avenue of the god of chaos.

The God of Chaos is the first Supreme of the universe, and the Great Dao of Primal Chaos of its cultivation is naturally the strongest!

"I think it's better not to have too much expectations. Even if the Chaos Temple is really opened, there is no guarantee that there will be Great Dao of Primal Chaos inside." The pale Demon God poured cold water on the side.

"Whether it exists or not, wait until the Chaos Temple is completely opened, then wait and see." The astrological emperor's expression did not change.

He doesn't seem to worry at all, or he seems to be sure that there must be Great Dao of Primal Chaos in the Chaos Temple!

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