"This is?!"

"The power of the black hole! You can control the power of the black hole!"

The Emperor Shengyao fell into an instant It was pitch black and deprived of his senses, but he still immediately felt the power of all around.

It's the power of a black hole!

Emperor Shengyao once entered a black hole. He entered the black hole when he was still in the upper emperor. He was almost fallen. He knew how terrifying the power of a black hole was.

At this moment, Emperor Shengyao can vaguely guess why the many powerhouses of Demon Domain can instantly come to Angel Race, which is probably related to the power of this black hole.

"If you think you can trap me like this, you are wrong!"

The Emperor Sheng Yao suddenly roared.

A hundred ways on him will bloom, and the sacred rays of light will explode, stabbing all around the black hole.

In an instant, hundreds of Black Hole Vortex were broken open and collapsed.

A hint of surprise appeared in Mu Qing's eyes.

This is the first time that the power of his black hole has been broken.

“Sure enough, the power of the black hole is not invincible, or the power of the black hole I currently control cannot cause effective damage to the extreme powerhouse.”

With the Black Hole Vortex shrouded in the sacred light, Mu Qing secretly shook his head.

The power of the black hole singularity is indeed still a bit worse.

In other words, his strength is a little worse.

A real black hole, the extreme powerhouse will fall into it, and the rays of light will not bloom.

Although Emperor Shengyao has been suppressed to a certain extent, it is impossible to traumatize him with this.

You need to know that this is still the case when Mu Qing is within the coverage of the will of the starry sky thinking and has an increase in strength.

"Holy spear, farewell!"

The Emperor Sheng Yao roared loudly, and a hundred thousand sacred spears blooming with dazzling golden light appeared all over his body, suddenly Tearing the Void , Pierced through.

The horror Devouring Power swept away of Black Hole Vortex, hundreds of sacred spears have been wiped out, but at the same time, a large number of Black Hole Vortex have also collapsed.

"Chaos, annihilation!"

Mu Qing is not afraid, stepping on the void, raising his hand to condense an incomparable gigantic black hole, followed by a turbid tiny light burst, such as Chaos Energy exploded.

The fusion of the power of the black hole's singularity and the Power of Primal Chaos directly formed a huge chaotic sphere, which was moved towards Emperor Shengyao.

All around the space and the void storm are all involved.

Everything that the chaotic sphere touches is directly annihilated and dissipated. This force is almost terrifying, densely packed, and the sacred gun is involved, and it is crushed by the violent Power of Primal Chaos and the black hole devouring strength.

In an instant, one hundred thousand sacred spears were drawn into the chaotic sphere.

And the volume of the chaotic sphere is getting bigger and bigger, and it is as huge as a star in the end.

"What power is this?" Emperor Shengyao pupil shrinks, a trace of panic appeared on his face.

He discovered that Mu Qing, besides the power of the black hole, also mastered another powerful power, extremely terrifying!

Actually, the gap between the two sides is not that big, but the two powers that Emperor Shengyao really fears are the two powers that Mu Qing masters.

"Holy Prosperity!"

The Emperor Sheng Yao roared, and a twenty-four-winged sacred angel scepter appeared in his hand, which was already an extreme Emperor Treasure.

In an instant, countless sacred power was injected into the sacred angel scepter, and the silhouette of Emperor Shengyao stretched infinitely.

A golden twenty-four winged angel appeared in front of Mu Qing, a scepter like a lance, piercing the chaotic sphere the size of a star.

At this moment, Emperor Shengyao has a larger body, and the sacred angel scepter hits the chaotic sphere with one blow!

hong long!

A dazzling golden shock wave spread out and swept light-years away.

In this area where the two fight, no space is intact, and the void storm caused by the two fights is also getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, even the powerhouse of the high-ranking Peak couldn't hold on coming here, just the void storm caused by the fierce battle between the two could kill any high-ranking emperor!


Another shocking air wave exploded.

The chaotic sphere burst, and the accumulated terrorist force suddenly exploded a deeper void in the sky, Chaos Energy rushed all around, crushing everything.

The strength of Emperor Shengyao is also not trivial, and he did not suffer any injuries in the face of this blow.

Beside, a void storm swept across in the void pit.


The holy angel scepter in the hands of Emperor Shengyao once again hit, smashing the void storm to pieces.

Now the strength of these void storms has increased by another level due to the collision of the power between the two.

Completely reached the extreme powerhouse level.

A mere emptiness storm is comparable to a general powerhouse attack!

In the current battlefield, both of them need to pay attention to the Void Storm. The Void Storm of this level can already kill them.

Mu Qing has no expression on his face, Chaos Energy lingers between his palms and fingers, tearing the same void storm sweeping towards him.

Looking at Emperor Shengyao, Mu Qing also knew that it was not so easy to kill the opponent.

The strength of Emperor Shengyao itself is quite impressive. He first entered the extreme powerhouse, but his strength is not much different from that of the eternal emperor of Titan Race.

And the other party even possesses an Extreme Emperor Treasure, which can perfectly display the power of Extreme Emperor Treasure in conjunction with the realm of his own Extreme Emperor.

The same is true, Shengyao the Great is comparable to Mu Qing, who possesses the two powers of black hole and chaos.

"It seems that I really missed a very good Emperor Treasure." Mu Qing touched his chin.

Most of the Divine Items he had on hand were detonated by him.

Now that he has become an extreme powerhouse, the upper Emperor Treasure is of no use to him. If you want to further enhance your strength, there is indeed an extreme Emperor Treasure that will improve to a considerable extent.

However, the extreme Emperor Treasure is not so easy to obtain.

Not every extreme emperor has his own extreme Emperor Treasure.

Just to refine an extreme Emperor Treasure by himself, I don't know how much effort it takes. Mu Qing doesn't have the time to refine his own extreme Emperor Treasure.

"It seems that you don't even have an Emperor Treasure of your own!" Emperor Shengyao also noticed this when he died, said with a sneer.

Actually, he secretly rejoiced in his heart.

If Mu Qing really has an extreme Emperor Treasure with a larger bonus, I am afraid that he may not necessarily be his opponent.

"I didn't want to waste it on you, but the reality of your Demon Domain is a headache. Maybe it will really make Titan Race cheaper afterwards."

Emperor Shengyao suddenly spoke, and he took out a heart just after he finished speaking!

The heart is alive, still beating, the whole body is pitch black, escaping one after another depraved power.

Mu Qing expression congeals, he vaguely guessed what Shengyao the Great wanted to do.

Emperor Shengyao belongs to the sacred lineage in Angel Race, but now he has taken out an angel heart that clearly belongs to the fallen lineage...

"Let you see, The Holy War angel of the extreme realm!"

Emperor Shengyao burst into laughter and swallowed the dark heart!

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