"Why did he disappear!"

The Great Emperor Sheng Yao roared.

The Angel Race divine emperor hesitated and said: "No one saw the trace of Emperor Anwu, but his servant Dragon Demon destroyed almost half of the Holy War angel and that seat when he left. city."

Hearing the news reported by this man, Emperor Shengyao's eyes went black and he almost vomited a mouthful of blood with anger.

"What do you mean?"

"What the hell does this mean?!"

The Emperor Sheng Yao was full of anger and roared.

He immediately wanted to contact Emperor Anwu through the communication rune.

As a result, Emperor Shengyao just took out the communication rune and peng sound that Emperor Anwu gave him before, and it burst instantly.

The face of Emperor Shengyao is terrifying black.

"Wait for me to solve the Demon Domain, go to Celestial Court to find you in person!" Sheng Yao the Great gnashing teeth.

At the critical moment, didn't expect was pitted by his own people.

When Emperor Anwu first came, he thought that Celestial Court was very fond of him, but he disappeared from this kind of knotty eyes.

The city dedicated to the production of Holy War angels was destroyed!

The murderous intention of Emperor Shengyao almost overflowed from his body.

His face expression is very terrible, said solemnly: "How many Holy War angels are left?"

The Emperor Shengyao almost regarded Holy War angels as treasures, he was the most Only the Holy War angels are concerned.

This will also be his support when he is about to face Demon Domain.

"There are still six hundred Holy War angels left, and there are only three in the Great Emperor Realm!"

Hearing this number, Emperor Shengyao rubbed the temple with some chagrin. .

He regrets it now.

Why not try to find out the reality of Demon Domain first, then take action?

As a result, three hundred Holy War angels were ruined, and all the powerful Holy War angels were gone!

Now, even the originally confident Emperor Shengyao couldn't help but beat his heart.

Today there are only 600 God Sovereign Realm Holy War angels, plus three Great Emperor Realm Holy War angels.

Can you defeat Demon Domain just like you defeated Titan Race?

"Just came the news that Demon Domain has annexed a high-level race and several medium-level races under our command."

An Angel Race great said with a dark face.

"Why is it so fast? Don't those guys resist?"

The blue veins of Emperor Shengyao burst out. In one day alone, there are two of them under his command. Higher races and some middle races were taken away incidentally.

This speed can be said to be quite terrifying. Even if these races voluntarily joined the Demon Domain, it is impossible to move the entire Star Domain with them in such a short period of time.

"I think Demon Domain not only has the means to control others, but also the means to move the entire Star Domain quickly, otherwise the speed will not be so fast!" Another Angel Race great said solemnly.

The higher races under Angel Race have relatively large Star Domains. Even if they defect to Angel Race, they will not be so fast.

"It's just that, why did the Demon Domain plunder our forces at this time? Is there any benefit to them?"

An Angel Race great emperor issued a question .

In fact, many Angel Race executives in Sacred Temple Hall are very confused about this.

They all think that Demon Domain's move is meaningless.

If you really want to fight, Angel Race will not let these high-level races participate in the battle.

First, I don’t like it, and the Angel Race also looks down on the strength of these high-level races.

The only powerhouse of the medium race is Heavenly God Peak. The highest race is the God Peak Peak.

Several gods are not as good as the gods in the Angel Race. Any Holy War angels are better than the powerhouses in these higher races under their command. I don’t know how much.

For Angel Race, the race under his command was looted, and some resources were lost, and more of a loss of face.

Now the famous Angel Race in the Hunyuan world, its subordinate races have been plundered by the Demon Domain a lot, and they will indeed be ridiculed.

This can be done, and it will not have much impact on the overall strength of Angel Race.

Angel Race executives and the others are very puzzled. Demon Domain does not send people to investigate intelligence and is not ready to fight. Instead, what does it want to plunder various race forces?

"No matter what, Demon Domain's actions have angered me."

"Rectify the angel Legion and attack Demon Domain with all his strength!"

The Emperor Sheng Yao is fierce Shouted.


The top of Angel Race broke through and left Sacred Temple Hall in an instant.

Under every Angel Race high-level hand, there is an angel Legion. There are many powerful Heavenly Gods and thousands of emperors.

Within three days, Angel Race has millions of Heavenly Gods, 30,000 God Emperors, and hundreds of Holy War angels, driving a cosmic spaceship to Demon Domain.

This movement of Angel Race immediately attracted the attention of the entire Hunyuan realm race.

This can almost be said to use the power of the whole clan, and it is rare for the Angel Race to use all its troops for horses in history.

"Demon Domain is going to suffer!"

Many races and some hidden weak Peak races feel that Demon Domain is at stake this time.

When Demon Domain annexed the forces of Angel Race and Titan Race, many races felt that Demon Domain was crazy, and now the retribution is coming.

"Patriarch, do you need to hibernate near the Demon Domain and wait for them to suffer from both sides?"

At this time, a meeting was also held in Titan Race. Some Titan Race Elder proposed to wait for an opportunity. move.

"No, inform the entire Titan Race up and down, ready to move." The eternal emperor said solemnly.



"patriarch, why is this?"

"As long as Demon Domain and Angel Race both sides suffer. In the end, it will only be us who picks up the bargain!"

The Titan Race Elders next to them were fried.

Now is the best time for them.

What they worry most is that Titan Race is noticed, and they can't catch the fisherman both.

But Demon Domain's actions angered Angel Race, and no one noticed Titan Race at this time.

This is simply a great opportunity!

"Demon Domain is not as simple as you think. The people in the Ruthless Temple will help us migrate. This time we have to leave the Hunyuan realm." The eternal emperor shouted.

Many Titan Race Elders are still very confused and puzzled.

But the eternal emperor's attitude is very firm.

"If anyone disagrees, put to death immediately!"

In one sentence, all Titan Race executives were shut up.

If the Eternal Emperor is just a high-ranking emperor, others with a high-ranking Great Emperor Realm Elder can also refute a few words.

But the problem is that the eternal emperor is an extreme powerhouse.

No matter where in the universe, they speak with strength.

The Eternal Emperor told the Elders to retreat, and then the void around him twisted, and a silhouette came out.

"Before looking for you, you were quite resistant. You wanted to protect Titan Race and stay here to the death. How did you change your mind now?" Emperor Morro looked towards the Eternal Emperor with some curiosity.

The eternal emperor looked towards the emperor Moreau's gaze, there was obviously a trace of jealousy.

He hurriedly said: "Behind Angel Race is Celestial Court, and with the battle strength of Holy War angels, our Titan Race is not an opponent at all, so we have to leave the country."

More The emperor gave him a deep look.

"It seems that your cultivation base has been improved very fast recently. You are now a third-order extreme emperor."

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