"One and a half years?"

A trace of surprise appeared on Mu Qing's face.

Didn't expect it's been so long.

He thought it was only half a year at most, but it was a year and a half.

As for the other news, it surprised him even more.

Mu Qing remembers that Holy War angels should be born from the combination of fallen lineage angels and holy lineage angels.

As a result, Angel Race can now be manufactured in batches.

It seems that with the help of Celestial Court and Emperor Anwu, Angel Race's overall strength has improved a lot.

Especially Angel Race and even Titan Race were defeated.

"Have Xinrui been injured?" Mu Qing asked again.

Demon Domain did not expand during this period, and even suffered frequent attacks by Angel Race.

If Xinrui and the others were not guarding, I am afraid that the power of Demon Domain would have to be taken away.

Luo Daozhong shook the head and said: "Emperor Xingfeng did not suffer any major injuries. At first, Emperor Samsara was injured by the Holy War angel sneak attack, and then compared to the Holy War angel. If you understand it, you can easily deal with it."

"That's good."

Mu Qing nodded, although the development of Angel Race was unexpected, Demon Domain did not appear too much The loss is a blessing.

Of course, Demon Domain Law Enforcer has fallen a lot while performing its mission, and Demon Domain is not without any damage.

A cold killing intent suddenly appeared in Mu Qing's eyes.

"Let everyone get ready, Demon Domain is going to carry out a huge expansion next, with the goal of Titan Race!"

Luo Daozhong was hearing this for a moment.

He doesn't understand that Titan Race has been defeated by Angel Race, so why should the target be placed on Titan Race?

"Angel Race is backed by Angel Race, and it was impossible to win them for a while. Now that Titan Race is weak, we can grab the Titan Race and all its forces before Angel Race!" Mu Qing's eyes flickered.

The most surprising news for Mu Qing is that Titan Race was defeated.

The reason for this is that Angel Race has the Holy War angel, a war machine, but the main reason is that the ruthless temple behind Titan Race no longer supports it.

Otherwise, even if Titan Race is not an opponent, it is impossible to lose so quickly.

According to the information transmitted by Luo Daozhong, Angel Race is gradually regaining the racial power under Titan Race.

But the speed is not fast.

After all, Angel Race is aware of the existence of Demon Domain. For Angel Race, there is an opponent. Naturally, it is impossible to spend a lot of thought to conquer the race forces under Titan Race.

Today's Angel Race is looking for ways to deal with Demon Domain.

After the Demon Domain is resolved, it is not too late to rectify the large and small ethnic forces in the Hunyuanjie. Anyway, when the time comes, it is their Angel Race.

But Mu Qing can be greedy for these forces.

Since Angel Race is not in a hurry, Mu Qing is welcome.

"Before the Angel Race, take all the races under the Titan Race, how much can be conquered." Mu Qing said solemnly.

Luo Daozhong hesitantly said: "But...Domain Lord, won't this completely provoke Angel Race?"

"So what?" Mu Qing chuckled lightly.

"We don't need to be afraid of Angel Race now."

Luo Daozhong stared wide-eyed, he suddenly had a lot of speculation in his heart.

Has the domain owner become an extreme powerhouse?

Luo Daozhong quickly turned around and left, and informed the owner of the Elder group of Mu Qing's request.

A few days later, Demon Domain reorganized a large number of powerhouses and carried a large number of demons to the racial forces that belonged to Titan Race.

This time, Demon Domain did not hide any action at all. All the races in the Hunyuan realm have been informed about the powerful force of Demon Domain.

All races were shocked. No one would have imagined that Demon Domain would be so bold. In the current situation where Angel Race is gaining power in the Hunyuan world, they dare to move the racial power of Titan Race.

That's what Angel Race has already focused on!

The most aggrieved one is naturally Titan Race. They have been hit hard by Angel Race. They don’t have much strength to fight the Law Enforcer of Demon Domain. They can only watch the race power taken away by Demon Domain. .

"Demon Domain, Mu Qing......"

Angel Race.

In a sacred temple.

Emperor Shengyao gloomy face, whispering Mu Qing's name in a low voice.

He just learned the news from his men.

"Is the Ancient Immortal world behind the Demon Domain?" Emperor Shengyao wondered.

He knows the name Mu Qing naturally, knowing that the other party is very close to the Ancient Immortal world, and it is Heaven's Chosen from the Ancient Immortal world.

But at the same time, he was also angry.

Even if Mu Qing is Heaven's Chosen from the Ancient Immortal world, but a trifling Heaven's Chosen, dare to provoke him, this extreme powerhouse!

In the eyes of Emperor Shengyao, Heaven's Chosen is just the lower emperor that's all.

At least when he went to Celestial Court, the Celestial Court Heaven's Chosen he contacted was the lower emperor.

The Ancient Immortal realm is similar to Celestial Court, and Heaven's Chosen in the Ancient Immortal realm is only the upper emperor.

"The Ancient Immortal world is really arrogant. I really think that sending a Heaven's Chosen can stop our Angel Race?" Emperor Shengyao sneered.

At first, he was quite cautious about Demon Domain. After all, Demon Domain is quite mysterious. Even if he knew the coordinates, he just sent Holy War angels to test.

Now that he knows that the master of Demon Domain is Mu Qing, Emperor Shengyao looks down on Demon Domain a bit.

"I think it's better for you to be more careful. Mu Qing is not an ordinary character." On the side, the eerie Anwu Emperor said solemnly.

"Do you think I am not Mu Qing's opponent?" Emperor Sheng Yao snort disdainfully.

After his breakthrough reached the extreme position, his vision became high.

In his eyes, only the extreme position is the real emperor!

"That's not true." Emperor Anwu didn't refute either.

It is true that Emperor Shengyao has become a lot arrogant after becoming an extreme powerhouse, but the other party does have this capital.

The extreme powerhouse is the extreme powerhouse, which is located in the Celestial Court.

Even if Shengyao the Great is not as good as those of Celestial Court, it is enough for Celestial Court to take it seriously.

Otherwise, Celestial Court will not send Sect to help Angel Race.

"There seems to be a connection between the Ancient Immortal community and Celestial Court recently. There should be some cooperative transactions, but the high-level matters cannot be controlled. You don't need to worry about the Ancient Immortal community behind Mu Qing."

In fact, Emperor Anwu felt that Mu Qing was not an opponent of Emperor Shengyao.

In the face of absolute power, all fancy methods are useless!

"hmph! Pass the order, let Tianxun take the Holy War angel army to the Demon Domain!" Shengyao the Great shouted in a deep voice.

He sneered in his heart, isn't your Demon Domain taking the opportunity to subdue the power of Titan Race?

Then we will attack your headquarters directly, do you dare to continue to act?

"Hey! You can be careful. That day Xun is a precious research material, and it can't be damaged."

Hearing that Emperor Shengyao is going to send Tian Xun, there is a dark side. Wudi suddenly said with some dissatisfaction.

Emperor Shengyao waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, Tianxun, this guy under your transformation, is almost close to the extreme emperor in strength, plus that abnormal body, no one at all. What impact can it have on him!"

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