2nd day, Mu Qing finds the astrological emperor and heads to the world of heaven and stars.

"Perhaps you can create a super-large Transmission Formation in Demon Domain, so that it will be a lot easier to travel to all sectors of the universe." The Astrology Emperor proposed on the way.

The two traversed the starry sky very fast.

Mu Qing shook the head, said with a smile: "I don't think it is necessary."

There are many Transmission Formations in the Demon Domain, which are usually enough to use, and can However, Mu Qing has never let Luo Daozhong and the others build it for the cross-border super-large Transmission Formation.

Mu Qing raised his hand and pointed, and a Black Hole Vortex appeared in front of him.

"With this power, I want to cross the border with no difficulty." Mu Qing smiled lightly.

At the beginning, when I crossed the boundary, I had to go to Angel Race to take the super-large Transmission Formation, but now, Mu Qing is fully equipped with the conditions for autonomous cross-border. There is a black hole singularity, and cross-border is not a problem at all.

There was a trace of heat in the eyes of the astrological emperor.

The power of black holes.

It's no secret that Demon Domain masters the power of black holes. The astrological emperor also envy and even envy this power.

Mu Qing opened the Black Hole Vortex, and directly took the astrological emperor across an unknown number of light years, and soon came to the end of the starry sky.

In the ten realms of the universe, all realms have boundary walls, also called boundary membranes.

The ten worlds are like ten bubbles. Once you drill out of the bubbles, you can enter other bubbles.

These ten bubbles seem to be shrouded by a Black Sphere again. Even if they get out, they can only see other worlds, but not other universes.

The Holy Spirit universe is very close to their main universe, but after drilling out of the boundary wall, the Holy Spirit universe cannot be seen.

Every universe is isolated.

Furthermore, even in the Supreme powerhouse, there is no power to leave the universe.

Just when Mu Qing and the Zodiac Emperor were about to leave through the boundary wall, the boundary wall not far away suddenly tore apart.

An incomparable gigantic spaceship slowly drilled out.

Mu Qing and the astrological emperor were also surprised when they saw this.

This is the first time they have seen such a large spaceship.

The scale alone is as big as ten stars!

The spaceship of the universe looks very big, and the speed is very slow.

But after passing through the boundary wall, it suddenly turned into a white light and appeared in front of Mu Qing and the Zodiac Emperor.

"The other party seems to be hostile to us." The astrological emperor complexion sank.

"The Great Emperor."

Mu Qing is frowned, said solemnly.

He used the fluctuations of thinking and will to probe and found that there was a lot of emperor's breath in the huge spaceship in front of him.

There are many upper emperors.

The most important thing is that there is an extremely great emperor!

The extreme powerhouse did not converge in the slightest, and the aura belonging to the extreme powerhouse was extremely violent, surging all around like a heaven overflowing giant wave.

"This is the first time I have seen such an arrogant powerhouse." The astrological emperor lightly said with a smile.

He has seen a lot of extreme powerhouses. Most extreme powerhouses converge their extreme aura, otherwise the people around them can't bear such a terrifying imposing manner.

Even if it does not converge, some extreme powerhouses just make the breath calm.

And the huge spaceship in front of him, this one is completely deliberately bursting into an imposing manner, maintaining a violent extreme aura anytime and anywhere.

The huge cosmic spaceship stopped, and a densely packed energy cannon aimed at Mu Qing and the Zodiac Emperor.

"hahaha! Didn't expect to meet two little fishes when I first arrived in the Hunyuan World. The first two guys will hand over all the good things, and our Red Pirates will leave you alive. !"

A red light rushed out. It was a big man with a body of more than ten meters. His face was cut like a knife, his skin was bronze, his huge muscles were tight, and he laughed.

The extreme powerhouse imposing manner like a volcanic eruption swept over the big man, and the surrounding space burst one after another.

"It's rare for the boss to take a shot today!"

"hahaha! These two guys are really unlucky, maybe they have been terrified?"

one after another silhouette rushed out from the spaceship of the universe, all dressed up and flowing, the great powerhouse from all races!

They are floating in the void, standing behind the big man, without any discipline, shouting.

"Red Pirate Group?" Mu Qing couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth.

Somewhat familiar!

Isn't it the power behind Mulu?

So, that big man is the captain of the pirate group in the rumored Red Soul, Emperor Red Soul?

Mu Qing condensed a Black Hole Vortex, swallowing all the aura that was crushed by the Red Soul Emperor.


"It's a bit unbelievable, that guy easily resolved the boss's extreme powerhouse aura!"

"Still so calm? Mom? Yes, boss! Let me go down and blow their heads!"

A group of cosmic pirates are already calling, not seeing the timid appearance of Mu Qing and the Zodiac makes them a little uncomfortable.

Even Red Soul Imperial Capital was a little surprised.

"Pu haha, I have encountered two people at random these years, both of whom are quite strong. Let me move my muscles and bones today!"

The body of the Great Scarlet Soul flashed suddenly. Raising your hand is a punch moved towards Mu Qing and the astrological emperor blasted away.

The astrological emperor has an ugly face.

The Great Scarlet Soul turned out to be a peak powerhouse!

The most important thing is that the opponent's this fist seems to target him and Mu Qing, but no matter how he looks at it, this blow seems to be aimed at himself!


The astrological emperor whispered secretly, and fire burst out of his body, moving towards the distant void and fleeing.

He has naturally heard the name of Emperor Chihun.

When I saw you today, the name is not in vain. I can only say that I was too unlucky.

It is rumored that the Scarlet Soul Emperor of the Scarlet Pirate Group will completely depend on the mood. Sometimes it doesn't count for some low-level races, and he will directly wipe it out.

"Mu Qing! It takes a certain amount of time to cross the boundary wall. Let's split up first, and we can run one by one!"

The astrological emperor roared.

The flames on his body are blooming, and it looks like he is burning his own life and principles.

"Want to run?"

The face of Emperor Chihun suddenly sank, the next moment his figure disappeared, and he suddenly appeared beside the Emperor Zodiac.

The huge fist smashed, and the sky burst into red light!


The densely packed Space Crack spreads from the front part of the fist of Emperor Chihun.

With a boom, a huge space burst, and terrifying void storms surged out.

"hmph! It's quite hidden."

The Scarlet Soul stopped his hand and looked towards the astrological emperor in front of him, with fighting intent flashing in his eyes.

I saw the astrological emperor stepping on the void, and the burning flame was still burning, but he did not have any injuries.

"Go away the fire on your body! But it's just a disguise." The Great Scarlet Soul said with disdain.

However, there is a hint of condensed color in his eyes.

He dignified a punch from the extreme Peak powerhouse, but failed to cause any injuries to the astrological emperor.

And now, the breath of the astrological emperor is forced to pull out, it is beyond the upper emperor or even the extreme position, reaching the extreme position of Peak powerhouse aura!

Can fight against the imposing manner of Emperor Scarlet Soul!

"The astrological emperor, you are exposed."

Not far away, a Black Hole Vortex emerged, and Mu Qing's silhouette walked out of it, looking at the astrological emperor sighed.

Didn't expect What the Devourer said is true!

The astrological emperor is shrouded in flames on the surface, as if burning his own life and the power of Tao.

But it's actually just a disguise that's all.

At Land of Sealing at that time, the Holy Lord faced by the astrological emperor, the other party really burned his life, and because of excessive consumption, at most he played the fifth and sixth. Rank The strength of the extreme emperor cannot force the true face of the astrological emperor.

In that scene, even Mu Qing didn't see anything wrong.

However, now that Emperor Scarlet Soul, the extreme Peak powerhouse, punched down, the Emperor of Astrology easily resisted it.

Even if it burns life, Tao can't do it!

Not to mention, the extreme Peak aura that is now exposed in the astrological emperor's body.

The flames on the astrological emperor gradually diminished.

He looked gloomy and looked at Mu Qing standing next to Emperor Scarlet Soul, coldly shouted: "You are in a group!"

"pu haha! After all, Mu Qing Little Brother is someone who has saved my important subordinates, so it's not a big deal to help him once."

The Great Scarlet Soul laughed.

He looked towards the Emperor Zodiac, and a trace of red light appeared in his eyes.

"But now my hands are itchy. I haven't fought a powerhouse of the same level for a long time."


The moment the Emperor Scarlet Soul left, there was a burst of air venting, bursting into the space all around.

The Emperor Zodiac still had an ugly face. He was coldly snorted, and the breath on his body really broke out. He slapped it with a palm, and the roar continued. The terrifying power resisted the silhouette of the Scarlet Soul Emperor.

Mu Qing has already retreated far away. This is a fight between extreme Peak. If he stays in the vicinity, he will feel better!

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