"A guy who is very difficult to deal with has both the power of Angel Race’s depravity and the power of sacred power. The main reason is that the strength is beyond me, plus this power is too difficult Entangling."

Xin Rui grinned, he was still a little unconvinced.

Mu Qing's heart moved, listening to this description, it seems to be an angel of Holy War!

The ordinary Angel Race powerhouse is not Xinrui’s opponent at all, unless Emperor Shengyao, the extreme powerhouse, does it himself.

But now Angel Race and Titan Race are constantly in friction, Shengyao the Great must guard the front line, and it is impossible to take the time to deal with Xinrui.

In addition to Xinrui's injury, the degenerate power and sacred power that are completely integrated together, it can almost be concluded that Xinrui's opponent should be a Holy War angel.

Mu Qing had fought with the angels of Holy War before, and the strength of Emperor Xun that day was extraordinary. With his extremely abnormal body and resilience, he could even be compared with Heaven's Chosen of the Supreme forces.

However, there is one thing that makes Mu Qing a little puzzled.

Isn’t Tianxun the Great, known as the last Holy War angel?

is it possible that Angel Race re-launched the Holy War angel plan, recreating the Holy War angel?

Don't say it, it is really possible!

Mu Qing expression congeals.

Know that Angel Race and Titan Race are deadlocked. Now Angel Race even knows that there is an unknown force like Demon Domain. Mu Qing also killed a high emperor of Angel Race.

This is enough for Emperor Shengyao to refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases.

It is really possible for the other party to reopen the plan to create the Holy War angel.

After all, the existence of Holy War angels was created by itself. The two Great Sect powers of Angel Race are perfectly integrated and can exert unimaginable power.

The powerful body and resilience of the Holy War angel is also a perfect war machine.

"Luo Daozhong has a scene of fighting with my guy, you can go and see, this time we have suffered. If it were not for your black hole singularity to retreat, I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out. !" Xin Rui gritted his teeth.

"I will help you heal first."

Mu Qing nodded, and then directly enter the state of Demon God in the starry sky. Under the urging of the resurrection ability, a mysterious power envelopes Xinrui .

The sacred degenerate power that made Xinrui and Xingfengda Imperial Capital feel difficult, was wiped out at the speed visible to naked eye.

Xinrui's complexion gradually improved, let out a long sigh of relief.

The injury has finally recovered!

"You are so powerful, if it can be like the black hole singularity, it will definitely be a war Divine Item!" Upon seeing this, the Emperor Xingfeng couldn't help but sigh.

Mu Qing just exited the state of Starry Sky Demon God, when he heard this, the figure stopped suddenly.

"Why did I didn't expect?"

Mu Qing slapped his forehead and left directly.

He did not go directly to Luo Daozhong to confirm the situation, but returned to his land of cultivation again.

"I'm stunned, what do I have to do with the chaos singularity condense?"

Mu Qing enters the starry Demon God state again, this time he will try some other aspects thing!

The Great Emperor Xingfeng gave him a very good suggestion.

Previously, I had been thinking about how to condense the chaotic singularity, but the progress was extremely slow.

If you want to successfully condense the chaotic singularity, you don't know when and how long it will be.

He doesn't need to stare at the chaotic singularity, there are two other powers that can increase his strength!

Destroy and resurrection!

These two forces are extremely terrifying, and even the negative emotions of evil gods can be easily destroyed.

Mu Qing is sure that this power is no worse than Power of Primal Chaos!

Even more how, every time Mu Qing uses these two powers, he must enter the state of Demon God in the starry sky before he can move.

It is undeniable that the state of Star Demon God is powerful, but it consumes too much.

If he condenses Destruction Strength and Complex Life Power into a singularity.

A singularity of destruction and a singularity of resurrection, don’t you want to use this power to use it casually?

Moreover, these singularities have a wide range of functions and can be used by others.

When the time comes with a large-scale battle, Mu Qing directly threw the resurrection singularity to Luo Daozhong and the others.

The power of the resurrection singularity is launched, and under the envelope of Life Power, many Demon Domain Law Enforcers can have extremely terrifying resurrection ability!

I have to say that Emperor Xingfeng gave him a very good idea.

Mu Qing immediately began to try the combination of Destruction Strength and Life Power.

Suddenly, two prototypes of singularities emerged.

Chaos singularity, destruction singularity, and resurrection singularity, the prototypes of these three singularities are in Mu Qing's mind, closely surrounding the starry singularity.

As for the black hole singularity, it revolves around the outer circle.

"It seems that I still think too much." Mu Qing exited the starry sky Demon God state and gave a wry smile.

Facts have proved that the destruction and resurrection singularity levels are the same as the chaotic singularity.

However, the difficulty is the same as that of Chaos Singularity.

He can't condense the chaotic singularity, nor can he condense the two singularities of destruction and rebirth, the progress is slow, too difficult!

shook the head, Mu Qing chose to give up temporarily.

Take it slowly, time is there.

Mu Qing went to Luo Daozhong next.

"How is the damage?" Mu Qing asked.

Luo Daozhong was in the discussion hall, and was startled by Mu Qing's sudden appearance.

Afterwards, he said solemnly: "It can't be said to be too serious. After all, the Samsara Emperor immediately used the black hole singularity to bring us back to the Demon Domain."

"But compared to the previous actions It went well, but this time I suffered a loss and lost hundreds of elites of the emperor."

Mu Qing's expression also became serious.

There are hundreds of emperors, which is not a small number for the current Demon Domain.

"The situation was a bit weird at the time. The people at Angel Race seemed to know that we were going there. We had clearly selected a higher race that was not very popular with Angel Race, and still took advantage of Angel Race. I acted when there was a conflict with Titan Race."

"The result was over there, but I encountered Angel Race's sneak attack. There were not many opponents, but the strength was Great Emperor Realm!"


Taking out a few runes from Luo Dao, the rays of light flickered, and suddenly pictures appeared.

The content in the screen is their last action. At a critical moment, Luo Daozhong accepted the screen.

Mu Qing glanced, his face suddenly sank, and a horrible murderous intention appeared on his body.

Luo Daozhong's body was trembling, he felt cold all around, the space was solidified, and there was a sense of suffocation.


Mu Qing converges killing intent, touched the chin, and whispers in a low voice.

The group of Angel Race powerhouses on the screen are all Holy War angels!

A total of more than a dozen Angel Race powerhouses, three lower emperors and nine god emperors Peak.

But they are all Holy War angels, and the power displayed is the power of depravity and sacred that are completely fused together.

This force can't resist hundreds of Demon Domain Law Enforcers.

The battle strength of Holy War angels is beyond imagination!

It is the leader of the group of Holy War angels that gave birth to Mu Qing's murderous intention.

The Emperor Tianxun!

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