In the

space channel, the astrological emperor gave Mu Qing a talisman, which was concealed in the azure body, shining brightly.

"With this Dao Talisman, you can display your original power in the Land of Sealing." Said the astrological emperor.

He told Mu Qing that the Land of Sealing contains huge sealing energy, which was arranged by the old man and several Supremes.

With the existence of Land of Sealing, the Holy Spirit universe is impossible to break into the realm of Ancient Immortal.

On the side of the Holy Spirit universe, it is also necessary to pay a great price to enter the Land of Sealing. In addition, they do not have a special talisman from the Ancient Immortal world, so they can only show 70% or 80% of their strength.

Once you enter the Land of Sealing, the powerhouse of the Holy Spirit universe is no match for the powerhouse of the Ancient Immortal world.

Of course, the Land of Sealing change, the Ancient Immortal world must be dealt with. If the Land of Sealing is really broken by the powerhouse of the Holy Spirit universe, then the problem of when the time comes is really big. Up.

Once the Land of Sealing is broken, the suppression of the Holy Spirit universe powerhouse will no longer exist, when the time comes Ancient Immortal world will face the impact of the entire Holy Spirit universe powerhouse!

Be aware that the power of the Holy Kingdom in the universe today is only established by the evil gods leading the sea king Holy Lord Lineage.

On the side of the Holy Spirit universe, there are probably many Supreme level Holy Lord powers.

"This group of Holy Spirit universe guys, there must be some way to contact the Holy Kingdom, knowing that the old gentleman is standing and entangled with evil gods, so at this point in time, he suddenly brought people to the Land of Sealing!" The astrologer said with a sneer.

Nothing happens with Land of Sealing.

Now there is a Land of Sealing between the Holy Spirit universe and their main universe. The powerhouse of the Holy Spirit universe must pass or break the Land of Sealing before it can come to the main universe.

However, it is not a simple matter for the powerhouse of the Holy Spirit universe to enter the Land of Sealing. Even the upper Imperial Capital may fall. Whether it can reach the Land of Sealing in the end depends on luck.

"They suddenly broke into Land of Sealing, what kind of assurance or reliance should they have."

Mu Qing said solemnly.

For so many years, there has been no powerhouse in the Holy Spirit universe entering the Land of Sealing, and now it suddenly broke in, I am afraid I am planning something.

Land of Sealing has suppressed the powerhouse of the Holy Spirit universe so much, if you are not sure, you will not be so aggressive in breaking into Land of Sealing.

The astrological emperor obviously knew this too, and his face was nodded solemnly.

Maybe, there are some special methods in the Holy Spirit universe!

Immediately, the astrological emperor said with a smile: "What do you do? Land of Sealing has three hubs in total. We are going to the branch hub, and the central hub will have Thunder Punishment guarded by them."


“There are not many powerhouses in the Holy Spirit universe facing the branch hubs, and the main battlefield should be on the central hub."

Although most of the powerhouses in the Holy Spirit universe have just broken into it because they know that they are dependent and confident Land of Sealing, but the astrological emperor obviously did not think this operation in the Holy Spirit universe was feasible.

In the central hub, there are the Slaughter Great Emperor and Thunder Punishment, and there are also the powerhouses of the extreme Peak such as the Fire Dao Lord!

Especially Slaughter Great Emperor and Thunder Punishment.

These two are not ordinary extreme Peak!

The ordinary extreme position Peak powerhouse is scary enough, but these two, one has merged with the Supreme Avenue, and even one hundred extreme positions of its own are integrated into the killing sword, which can almost be called a half. Supreme!

Slaughter Great Emperor, it is estimated that it may break through to Supreme at any time!

And Thunder Punishment fell from Supreme Realm, but its own avenue is not damaged. When Thunder Punishment recondense Supreme Item, then it will return to Supreme again!

With these two in the central hub, plus a group of extreme powerhouses, even if the Holy Spirit universe comes to a Supreme Level Holy Lord, it is unlikely to break.

"The Thunder Punishment sound transmission just gave me, our branch hub, it is estimated that we are the two of us."

"The other high-ranking emperors sit in another branch hub. ."

The astrological emperor was a little depressed.

He seems to be disgusted again!

The other extreme powerhouses in the Ancient Immortal world have all gone to sit in the central hub, as if he was alone in guarding a branch hub.

"Forget it, somehow bring Mu Qing over, and I can chat to relieve boredom." The astrological emperor secretly thought.

Coming out of the space channel, Mu Qing looked at this piece of Land of Sealing.

This particular piece of land is a bit like a void, except for a piece of black land under the feet, nothing else can be seen.

The astrological emperor took Mu Qing to move many times in succession, and came to a huge column.

This column rushes straight into the sky and sinks into the void, with densely packed seal rune lingering on it.

Mu Qing looked up and found that the power of one after another golden appeared in these seal runes, which was the indestructible power of Supreme!

Obviously, this is one of the branch hubs of Land of Sealing.

If you want to destroy this branch hub, it is estimated that the upper emperor can use the divine ability to perform wild bombardment and it will not be broken. Only by relying on Supreme's indestructible power, the seal rune can be kept intact. status!

"There is no enemy?" Mu Qing's thinking fluctuated away and swept all around.

He found that there was no Holy Spirit universe powerhouse around.

"Could it be said that the powerhouse of the Holy Spirit universe did not intend to attack the branch hub at all?"

The astrological emperor was also a little curious.

Land of Sealing has clearly changed. It is certain that the powerhouse of the Holy Spirit universe has already broken in.

But in this hub, I didn't find any powerhouse of the Holy Spirit universe, is it possible that all those guys have gone to the hub?

The astrological emperor displayed the divine ability, and countless stars blooming cards surrounded all around.

He is performing prophecy!

Soon, the astrological emperor's face was solemn, and the cards with starlight blooming all over his body gradually shattered.

A wisp of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Mu Qing's face was startled, "Are you okay?"

The astrological emperor took a deep breath, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and his voice was hoarse, "It's okay, just fleshy body It’s only his injuries."

Next moment, the astrological emperor’s fleshy body suddenly burst!

But soon, the astrological emperor reunited the fleshy body again, which was not a big problem, but the aura weakened a little bit that's all.

"What happened?" Mu Qing's expression also became serious.

The Imperial Capital of the horoscope is already the emperor, how can there be such serious repercussions by using the technique of prophecy?

Even if there is no crisis to Divine Soul, strength of Backlash directly blows up the fleshy body of the astrological emperor!

"The major event is not good. I tried to predict the location of the Holy Spirit universe powerhouse, but it was interfered by a force!"

The astrological emperor gloomy face.

He has some guesses.

Either the Holy Spirit universe has an extreme powerhouse that is particularly good at interfering with his prophecy.


In these powerhouses of the Holy Spirit universe, there is a Supreme level powerhouse!

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