Mu Qing and the others are actually quite unexpected.

That Supreme Supreme is indeed very against the sky!

Supreme Item must only be condense when the extreme powerhouse breakthrough Supreme.

But Nimbus Supreme broke this rule, forcibly created a golden octopus with the potential of Supreme Item!

A Divine Item life!

Even this is just a failure!

What Nimbling Supreme wants to create is a complete Supreme Item, refined directly!

But the golden octopus is already quite terrifying, and it at least has the potential of a breakthrough Supreme Item.

Although the requirements are very high, it is necessary to swallow an extreme Peak powerhouse with a hundred extreme principles, but at any rate the conditions are placed here, compared to other extreme powerhouses, the Supreme will never be touched for a lifetime. For the realm, the golden big octopus can be said to have a clear goal.

Of course, it is not that simple to swallow the extreme Peak.

"Wouldn't the silence Supreme give you a powerhouse of extreme Peak?" Mu Qing was a little curious.

Although extreme peaks are rare, for Supreme, it should not be difficult to kill one extreme peak and deprive one hundred extreme channels to swallow the golden octopus.

Supreme is the powerhouse at the top of the pyramid of the universe. For Supreme, the extreme Peak is not much different from the ordinary emperor.

That's all the difference between ordinary ants and strong ants, they are all crushed to death!

"The Old Master doesn't like me. If it weren't because I became an alternative Divine Item lifeform, the Old Master would have fed me to the Sea of 鈥嬧€婼ilence." When the golden octopus was speaking of which , There is a trace of fear and happiness.

Supreme can not look down on the ordinary Supreme Item, not to mention the golden octopus just has potential.

Even if the golden big octopus has potential, there is no time for Nimbus Supreme to grab an extreme Peak powerhouse and let it swallow it.

In his lifetime, the nirvana Supreme had always concentrated on improving his Supreme Item, nirvana sea.

He wants to refine the Supreme Item, and also wants to feed his own sea of 鈥嬧€媙irvana and make the sea of 鈥嬧€媙irvana stronger that's all.

Mu Qing learned a lot about the death of Supreme from the golden big octopus. In the description of the other party, this Supreme is the originator of the refiner, and almost mass-produced the Supreme Item.

As for how the death of the Supreme fell, the golden octopus is not very clear.

According to the memory of the golden big octopus, at first Nirvana Supreme killed three Supremes in a row to upgrade Nirvana Sea. Later, Nirvana Sea has undergone special changes. Since then, Nirvana Supreme has been completely disappeared. , Suspected of falling.

But the problem is that the Sea of 鈥嬧€婼ilence should be completely integrated with the Supreme Item, and it still contains the power of Supreme until now.

Perhaps the death of Supreme is not dead!

"There isn't any news about the Holy Kingdom?" Mu Qing looked towards the golden big octopus suspiciously.

Inquiring about the death of Supreme, this guy is just bragging, and there is no useful news.

And inquiring about the news of the Holy Kingdom, the golden big octopus asked three questions.

"The guys of the Holy Kingdom are guarding me. I only know that the boss of the Holy Kingdom is very powerful. Even in the heyday of the Old Master, he may not be an opponent!" The golden octopus touched his tentacles. Said the head.

Mu Qing frowned, "The strength of the evil god is so powerful?"

The strength of the Supreme is quite terrifying. After all, at the level of Supreme, you can still kill the same Supreme. The opponent can be said to be the powerhouse in Supreme!

Killing Supreme can kill a Supreme, and deprive the avenue and all the power of Supreme to condense into a Supreme heart.

Supreme is even more exaggerated. In order to improve its Supreme Item, it kills three Supremes in a row and takes away their Supreme Item to feed their own Sea of 鈥嬧€婼ilence.

Even Mu Qing guessed that Supreme Master controls a certain method that allows Supreme Item to temporarily maintain the power of Supreme after the owner's fall, without falling to the extreme Emperor Treasure.

For this fierce person, Mu Qing feels that this Supreme Supreme is at least several times stronger than the ordinary Supreme.

As a result, the golden octopus said that Nirvana Supreme is not the opponent of evil gods?

How powerful is the power of the evil god?

Mu Qing took a deep breath and felt a little pressure.

It鈥檚 no wonder that Celestial Court and the Ancient Immortal world have joined forces, and they have not been able to win the evil god, and let the evil god create the Supreme power of the Holy Kingdom in their main universe.

Mu Qing directly let the golden big octopus be in this star full of oceans, and at the same time let the Devourer be neighbors with it.

The golden octopus has no opinion on this arrangement, nor did the Devourer say anything. Anyway, it is very salty and has always been hidden in the sky.

"The medicinal smell of Angel Race and Titan Race is getting stronger and stronger, and friction is constant. It is likely that the fight will start soon. You'd better come back within three months."

Xin Rui hurriedly said when he heard that Mu Qing was planning to go to the Ancient Immortal world.

"Within three months, there will be time." Mu Qing nodded, three months must be enough.

He mainly wants to go to the Ancient Immortal world to inquire about the Sky Forbidden Bottle. It should be very soon, three months are completely in time.

"That's good, although you don't need to manage Demon Domain's usual management, but if you really want to fight, you still need our Peak powerhouse." The Great Emperor Xingfeng said with a smile.

Currently, the top of Demon Domain is divided into two factions.

On the one hand, the Elder group headed by Luo Tian, 鈥嬧€婰uo Daozhong, and the others. These high-level leaders lead the Law Enforcer, who specialize in managing the affairs of Demon Domain.

Mu Qing asked Luo Tian to annex other races as much as possible to make Demon Domain stronger.

The other faction is Mu Qing, Xinrui, Emperor Xingfeng and the others.

Maybe Emperor Ming and others should be added.

They are all powerhouses above the battle strength of the upper emperor!

Mainly involved in combat.

In short, it is officials and generals.

For those who are low in strength and can't get on the stage, Mu Qing directly asked them to join the Elder group to manage the Demon Domain.

High-strength people naturally concentrate on cultivation and participate in high-end battles between Demon Domain and other races!

A race cannot develop without the top powerhouse.

Luo Tian is very depressed about Mu Qing's arrangement.

He restored the bloodline power, but unfortunately he was not a high-ranking emperor, and he was even disgusted by Mu Qing!

So Luo Tian was sent to the Elder regiment.


Not long after returning to the Demon Domain, Mu Qing planned to go to the Ancient Immortal world, so he contacted Thunder Punishment.

"Are you coming to the world of Ancient Immortal?" Thunder Punishment was a little surprised.

The newsletter rune of the Ancient Immortal world has given Mu Qing for a long time, and even the Powerhouse of the Ancient Immortal world has invited Mu Qing to go to the Ancient Immortal world several times.

As a result, Mu Qing has been delayed, didn't expect to contact him suddenly today and ask him to take him to the Ancient Immortal world.

"I will give you a coordinate of the Hunyuan World. Go there, I will open Immortal Sect for you." Thunder Punishment said.

To enter the Ancient Immortal world, you need to pass the Immortal Sect, and Thunder Punishment, as a senior in the Ancient Immortal world, has the qualifications to open the Immortal Sect!

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