"teacher means that the Slaughter Great Emperor still has the bloodline power to kill Supreme?"

Silaughter startled.

In his imagination, even if the Slaughter Great Emperor possesses a killing sword, he could not withstand the power of Supreme Avenue. Forcible seizure was entirely courting death.

But if the Slaughter Great Emperor still had bloodline power left by the killing Supreme, it would be different.

Maybe there is a chance to control the power of Supreme Avenue!

"However, since the Killing Supreme wants to enter the Sovereign Road, why leave the Supreme Item and bloodline power behind?"

Yintian has some doubts. Killing Supreme even owns his own Supreme Item and bloodline are all left, and if you pack lightly, it is no wonder you will die on Sovereign Road.

He still knows a little bit about Sovereign Road.

There may be hidden secrets of breakthrough to Supreme, but every Supreme who enters it is trapped.

It may have fallen, or it may be alive, but it is absolutely impossible to return here.

There must be a certain danger hidden in it. If the Killing Supreme still carries the Supreme Item and bloodline power, it may not fall.

Illusory shadow sighed on the side.

He said: "Supreme's life essence is not endless. The killing Supreme seems to want to resurrect a relative whose Divine Soul has disappeared, and eventually run out of life essence futile, facing the end of his life. , The inheritance, Supreme Item, and bloodline are all left to the successor of the Slaughter Great Emperor."

For the killing Supreme, this illusory shadow seems to have several points of understanding.

Yin Tian was shocked again.

secretly thought This killing Supreme is really extraordinary, even planning to resurrect the Divine Soul who has disappeared!

Be aware that Supreme’s lifespan is quite long, and with some means, it’s not impossible to live forever.

And killing Supreme forcibly lost all his life essence, which shows how much he wants to resurrect his relative!

"By the way, how is Mu Qing?" illusory shadow suddenly asked.

Yintian thought for a while, and recalled the Slaughter Great Emperor’s evaluation of Mu Qing in his mind, frowns said solemnly: "Even if you have mastered part of the power of the Avenue of Stars, the cultivation is still demonic energy after all, even Slaughter Great Emperor said that he is similar to Mozu."

"I think, teacher, you can do something with Mu Qing when you have time to wash away its demonic energy and change your memory!"

"Just adapt his memory directly into my Celestial Court Immortal Palace dísciple!"

illusory shadow was silent for a while, then coldly snorted and said: "The devil ancestor has been disturbing my things all the time. , Obviously trapped in Sovereign Road, but still able to affect this, even I don't even know when he shot!"

illusory shadow felt a headache.

Mu Qing suddenly possesses Demon Race bloodline and demonic energy. This illusory shadow is certain, it is definitely the demon ancestor behind.

"When I take the time to take action against Mu Qing, but the Old Guy in the Ancient Immortal world has been staring at me. At most, I wash away the magical nature of Mu Qing. If you change his memory in Celestial Court, The Supreme Taoist might rush to the Celestial Court and fight...now we are not fighting with the Ancient Immortal world!"

Yintian hearing this has a hint of curiosity and said: "The Ancient Immortal world is like this. Value Mu Qing?"

Although he knows that Mu Qing's strength is very strong, it is also a mainstay in the ancient Immortal world.

Is it guilty to let the Supreme from the Ancient Immortal world rush to the Celestial Court without saying a word?

"The Supreme Item of the old ghost, I don’t know why I chose Mu Qing. Since the old ghost disappeared, I can’t detect his aura anymore. Please pay more attention to this, it’s really impossible. Take away the Avenue of Stars from Mu Qing and train for another person."

Illusory shadow feels more and more headache.

Yintian knows who the old ghost in the teacher's mouth is talking about.

Old Celestial Emperor!

At that time, the old Celestial Emperor ruled the Celestial Court and everything was thriving. As a result, the old Celestial Emperor disappeared and the current Celestial Emperor came to power.

The current Celestial Emperor was not at the Celestial Court, which caused the development of Celestial Court to be unsuccessful. After that, the subordinates who were loyal to the old Celestial Emperor left the Celestial Court and became the Ancient Immortal realm.

Some people rumored that the old Celestial Emperor went to Sovereign Road, and some people rumored that the Celestial Emperor killed the old Celestial Emperor, but some people refuted it because the Celestial Emperor had a very good relationship with the old Celestial Emperor.

Actually, silver heaven knows, the relationship between Celestial Emperor and the old Celestial Emperor is not as good as external rumors.

But the old Celestial Emperor really seems to be missing!

Even Celestial Emperor doesn't know where the other party has gone. The only clue is the Sky Forbidden Bottle in the Ancient Immortal world, which is the Supreme Item of the old Celestial Emperor!

"Tianjin Ping hasn't changed for many years, but later chose Mu Qing inexplicably. It seems that the old ghost can't stand it anymore, but why do you want to make trouble on my chess piece?"

Celestial Emperor illusory shadow coldly snorted.

He obviously came first!

He chose Mu Qing first, and secretly buried the Avenue of Stars in Mu Qing's body, waiting for the time to mature.

After that, Mu Qing Ancient Life Tree was given, everything is safe and secure, just waiting for the day of harvest.

As a result, he came back to his senses, and Mu Qing had several Supreme's shadows on him. This made Celestial Emperor very angry. Even the Ancient Life Tree he deliberately gave to Mu Qing was tainted with evil. God’s Death Aura has become an ancient tree of death.

"Why don't the teacher come directly to collect the Avenue of Stars in Mu Qing's body?" Yin Tian asked in confusion.

"You also know that the avenue can’t bear even the extreme powerhouse. Turning the avenue of stars into a seed is too expensive for me, even more how I still need to entangle with evil gods, I can't do it for a while."

"You stare at Mu Qing first, and I will contact you when I have time."

After that, the Celestial Emperor illusory shadow disappeared.

Yintian looked towards all around and found Mu Qing's silhouette, then stepped into the sky and continued to perform the mission given to him by the Celestial Emperor.

In the entire universe, only the Ancient Immortal realm and Celestial Court are really preventing the invasion of the Holy Spirit universe, so the Celestial Emperor and the Supreme Lord of the Ancient Immortal realm are fighting evil gods.

"Then Slaughter Great Emperor, what the hell is doing?"

Mu Qing is located on a meteorite, and he frowns looked towards where Secret Realm is located.

The Hall of Killing Life is like a blood-colored star floating over there.

At this moment, the six extreme powerhouses stopped fighting and looked towards the position of the killing hall.

The previous Space Crack disappeared, and Yintian failed to bring the Supreme heart out!

The lord of Thunder Palace hesitates, should you forcefully break the Hall of Killing?

Because he found that there was no Supreme aura on the killing hall, this also means that the extreme powerhouse has been able to intervene in the killing hall!


The Great Emperor Gu Feng drank low and raised his hand with a sword glow to stab shatter void.

On the side, Ji Lun held Trident and set off huge waves, resisting the offensive of Emperor Gufeng.

But then the Emperor Zhentian and the Lord of Thunder Palace also took action and blasted the Killing Hall.

Naturally, Ji Lun couldn't cope with it alone, and this time Moruo and You Duantian didn't want to make a move.

The reason they joined forces just now was because Supreme's heart was right in front of them, and they had to join hands. Once they were taken by Celestial Court and the others, there would be no chance!

Now that Supreme's heart is still in the Hall of Killing, the people at Celestial Court will try it out. It's best.


A rampant laughter came out, and then a terrifying Blood Sword emerged from the killing hall.

One sword, blood light spread all around, smashing the attacks of the Lord of Thunder Palace and Emperor Zhentian.

The Slaughter Great Emperor with white hair and scarlet eyes came out. He was wearing a blood robe and holding a killing sword with a mad look.

Mu Qing watching from a distance was taken aback by the appearance of the Slaughter Great Emperor.

Now the aura of Slaughter Great Emperor is many times stronger than when he fought with Mu Qing at that time!

And what attracts people's attention is that the heart of the Slaughter Great Emperor has a naked heart, which is beating constantly.

Every time you jump, there will be a wave of Supreme power spreading all around, strengthening the power of the Slaughter Great Emperor.

At the same time, the body of the Slaughter Great Emperor will collapse in a large area.

He has been repairing his body!

"He really succeeded?" Yintian was startled.

The Slaughter Great Emperor burned everything before, but now after such a period of time, it should fall.

But the Slaughter Great Emperor hangs his life with the help of Supreme's heart, at the cost of constantly repairing his body.

Neither his body nor Divine Soul can withstand the power of that avenue in Supreme's heart!

Even if this Supreme heart has been strengthening him, it can't resist it!

"Hand over the Supreme heart and spare you not to die!"

Emperor Morrow shouted.

a Extreme powerhouse all set their sights on the Slaughter Great Emperor.

I want to shoot!

Of course, except for Ji Lun.

Ji Lun was also surprised by this sudden change. Judging from the breath of the Slaughter Great Emperor, it is no worse than them.

Even stronger!

This is the power brought by Supreme Avenue!

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