"I get it!"

"These powers belong to the Supreme heart, but the power of immortality has become Lordless because of the fall of that Supreme Status, so I can absorb these indestructible forces!"

Mu Qing is refreshed.

Any indestructible power can be used, but it is more powerful than the jealous heavenly materials and earthly treasures of the extremely large Imperial Capital like the Nine Profound Spirit Flower!

Now, in this layer of Formation-like power, I don't know how much indestructible power Dao Accumulation contains!

Mu Qing left in no hurry. He once again entered the starry sky Demon God state. With one cut after another, he relied on Destruction Strength to destroy the Supreme power, and then absorbed the refining indestructible power.

The consumption of the starry Demon God is very high, but after absorbing the power of immortality, it is completely enough to support him to maintain the state of the starry Demon God!

A trace of immortal power is absorbed by Mu Qing, and his breath is gradually growing.

After that, the black hole singularity in Mu Qing's chest condense a Black Hole Vortex, frantically devouring the indestructible power all around.

The power of immortality is definitely beneficial for him to improve his strength!

The original indestructible power has been refining by the Sky Forbidden Bottle, but now, Mu Qing only intends to keep it for his own use.

His realm immediately breakthrough to the third-order high-ranking emperor, and he is improving at an astonishing speed.

It's just a pity for Mu Qing that after the upper emperor, the improvement of the small realm has little effect on his own strength.

Perhaps only after he reaches the upper emperor Peak, can he feel some obvious improvement in strength.

But it's only a two-tier improvement of First Rank, and the gap is really not that big!

But Mu Qing doesn't care.

There are so many indestructible powers here!

I saw Mu Qing frantically devouring the indestructible power, and soon his realm reached the fourth-order high-ranking emperor.

If Emperor Ming and the others saw Mu Qing cheating like this, he would probably vomit several mouthfuls of old blood.

Heaven's Chosen is incomparable to ordinary people!

I don't know how long it has passed, there was a loud noise in the sky.

A sturdy silhouette rushed out, cursing in his mouth at the same time.

"Who is trying to trap me? Thanks to the strength that the Sea King Holy Lord left me in advance, otherwise I will really be trapped for a lifetime!"

The person who appeared in the sky was Jiheim.

He was trapped in the fourth test. He waited for a long time, but he didn't see anyone attacking him.

Finally, I couldn't help it. I used the power of the Holy Lord, the king of Shanghai, to barely break a small hole in that layer of special power, and then shrank and got out.

Jieheim observes all around. He comes out of the fourth test space, and he wants to find where the core of the killing hall is.

If you can, come directly to the core of the killing hall, and you don’t need to go to fifth test.

However, the first thing that catches the eye is the silhouette of the opponent, which is slashing at that special power, and swallowing away the indestructible power.


Mu Qing stopped at this time, his realm completely reached the fifth-order high-ranking emperor.

He noticed the strangeness, turned around and found Jiheim not far away, looking at him stupidly.

Jieheim is indeed shocked.

You must know that he possesses the power left by the sea king Holy Lord. The name of the Holy Lord of the Holy Spirit universe is the Supreme of the main universe. In other words, Jiheim retains the power of Supreme.

This power is obviously impossible to be used when passing through the barriers, otherwise Jihaim can, like Mu Qing and Yintian, directly burst out of the original power when passing through the barriers.

Jiheim intends to leave this power at the last moment as a magic weapon for winning.

If it weren't for being trapped, there is really no way, Jiheim will not use the power of the sea king Holy Lord to break the switch card and appear in the sky.

However, Jiheim saw a shocking scene as soon as he came out.

He used the power of the Sea King Holy Lord to only break a small hole in that layer of special power.

As for the silhouette of the blurred starry sky in front of me, a crack was cut with a single knife.

The opponent is even absorbing the power of immortality!

Giheim is dumbfounded!

It turns out that the indestructible power of these special forces can be absorbed?

Jieheim never thought about it.

Even if he thinks about it, he won't try it.

Because the power that belongs to the Holy Lord of the sea king in him is not much, all impossible is wasted on breaking the special power.

On Mu Qing's side, seeing Jiheim dumbfounded, he knew it was a good opportunity.

He and the holy country are already enemies, and now there is such a good opportunity, it can't be justified not to cut it!

Mu Qing's body entered the Black Hole Vortex, the next moment appeared beside Jihaim, and the starry sky long sword with Destruction Strength was slashed on Jihaim's body.

After reaching the fifth-order high-ranking emperor, Mu Qing still has some improvement, at least he is much better than Jihaim now!

The direct line of the Sea King Holy Lord Lineage was directly cut off by half of his body.

At the same time, Destruction Strength erupted, and the broken body was instantly annihilated by this force, and completely disappeared in the sky.

A ray of light flees to the distance, and it stops after a distance of tens of thousands of meters with Mu Qing.

That is the Sea King Holy Spirit, holding the Trident, looking at Mu Qing with amazement.

Holy Spirit will not die, Jiheim will not die!

However, he has tried Mu Qing's formidable power. He was caught off guard and almost even Holy Spirit was cut off!

No wonder it can easily cut a crack in that layer of special power!

Jiheim became solemn, he felt that he was probably not an opponent, so he used some of the Holy Lord power that still remained in his body.

Zhan blue wave energy covers the whole body, and blue lightning surrounds the Trident in my hand.

"It seems that you are going to die here." Mu Qing said with a smile.

He took out the Sky Forbidden Bottle, and a yellowish-brown halo suddenly appeared.

Jihaim sank, his movements were a bit slow and hard!

He felt as if there were 100,000 mountains on his back, and he was a little out of breath.

"Mu Qing!"

Jiheim's throat issued roar, and his eyes were red, a bit like an angry bull.

Hearing this familiar voice, Ji Haim thought of Ji Han.

I originally planned to solve Mu Qing in the fifth test. Who would have thought that there were some accidents, but at this time I met Mu Qing in the sky, but found that the opponent's strength seemed to have risen by a large amount all at once. !

Especially he had just activated the power of the sea king Holy Lord in his body, but he immediately suffered a terrifying gravity.

You know, even the Slaughter Great Emperor can't bear this gravity, even more how is it?

Feeling his sluggish movements, and looking at Mu Qing's unaffected general body shape, Jihaim is almost certain that when he fights against the opponent in this state, he will undoubtedly die!

The two have similar strengths, not to mention that Mu Qing seems to have absorbed a lot of indestructible power at the moment, and the strength has surpassed him a little.

I was suppressed by gravity, where would Mu Qing's opponent be?

Jihaim had the intention to retreat, but Mu Qing would naturally not give him a chance to escape, Heavenly Tribulation printed a punch in his chest, and countless Thunder Tribulation exploded.


Jihaim flew out, Mu Qing followed closely, and the starry sky long knife cut down!


This is really the Holy Spirit being traumatized. Jiheim’s sea king Holy Spirit was cut off by one arm, together with the Trident on that arm. Throwing together, falling into the sky disappeared.

"Ahhh! I'm going to kill you!" Jihaim was very aggrieved and roared in his mouth.

If he were in a normal state, how could he be so unbearable?

At the very least, I can definitely fight back!

But now, gravity is crushing on him, and all his actions seem to have turned into slow motion.

He couldn't even escape Mu Qing, and was directly slashed on his body with a single knife. A huge gap appeared in his chest.

"If it was before, we might have another fight, but now... it's too late." Mu Qing shook the head.

After the battle with the Slaughter Great Emperor, he increased his strength by devouring the power of immortality.

And his own injuries have already been completely recovered.

After all, there is the ability to regenerate. In the entire universe, in terms of the ability to recover, I am afraid that no one can compare with Mu Qing!

Now to Jihaim, Mu Qing is completely crushing!


Destroy with a single blow!

Giheim’s eyes were about to split, and the Sea King Holy Spirit was cut in half, and with a bang, burst into pieces in the sky.

Just at this time, Mu Qing suddenly sensed something, plunged into the Black Hole Vortex abruptly, and disappeared in place.


A terrifying force exploded in the void.

That is the power of the Sea King Holy Lord in Jiheim!

Jiheim found that he was not an opponent, and might even fall behind, so he planned to detonate this force. Unfortunately, under the pressure of gravity, he could perform too few operations to affect Mu Qing. .


In another void, Mu Qing walked out of the Black Hole Vortex, and suddenly found that a space not far away changed.

Mu Qing hesitated for a while, and then cut it out with a few knives, breaking through the special power of the space, and digging into it.

This space should be a certain level!

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