"The amount of Soul Power is still there, which is a huge advantage for me." Mu Qing secretly said in one's heart.

He didn't reveal any signs on the surface, Divine Soul directly enveloped all around, investigating the situation of everyone present.

Sure enough, just as he imagined, the others were frowns, struggling to resist the gray-brown gas.

Many people's faces changed suddenly, especially the few lower emperors who looked nervous.

The strength of their Divine Soul is weaker than that of Emperor Ming and Luangxing. It will not be long before the power of Divine Soul will be exhausted.

Especially there is not much difference between this and the first test. The strength of the whole body is weakened. If you attack by yourself, you may be killed!

Of course, in the same way, the lower emperors on the outside are weak, but inside, they are treated equally, Emperor Ming, Luangxing, and Mu Qing are also affected.

At the top of the sky, Fleshy Body is better than them, that's all.

The eyes of several lower emperors changed a little.

Luangxing face turned cold, shouted: "You should feel that the gas all around will continue to consume the amount of Soul Power. Once the power is exhausted, it will erode your Divine Soul."

"Listen to my instructions now, don't engage in moths, otherwise, even if you make a bright hall, you will die in this tomb!"

"This killing hall was the Supreme Screening of Killing in the past. The dísciple was built, and his dísciple is at least the upper emperor. If you lower emperors listen to me, you can pass the barrier smoothly. If you make trouble, you will definitely die!"

The tone of Luangxing is full of threats.

What these lower emperors were thinking about, Luangxing knew clearly in his heart.

Do you really think everyone is on the same starting line in this mausoleum?

When several Supreme forces entered the Palace of Killing Life, they had done a deep investigation.

In the past, the dísciple that killed Supreme was more than just a Slaughter Great Emperor.

It's just that the Slaughter Great Emperor is the most outstanding among many dísciples, and many other high-ranking emperors have also passed five levels.

And these high-ranking emperors who used to be the Supreme dísciple were basically close to life essence, weak in strength, and were directly captured by several Supreme forces and robbed of their memory.

As the powerhouse of the Nether Heaven, Luangxing not only has an understanding of the five levels in this killing hall, but also has some hole cards.

These lower emperors really want to do something, he doesn't mind doing it directly!

The few people present were startled, knowing the meaning of Luang Star, and immediately put away some of the thoughts in their hearts.

"Let’s go, remember! The pace must not be fast, but you must never stop or turn back!"

"If the pace is fast, it will trigger the mechanism. The fleshy body is difficult to resist, and once the footsteps stop, it will fall into the lava, and the same is true when you look back, and you will definitely die in the end!"

Luang star said solemnly.

"Although our fleshy body has been weakened, is the lava not enough to threaten us?" Emperor Ming couldn't help asking.

Luang Xing faintly glanced at him, "You can try it, there are some peculiar creatures in the lava, who like to eat flesh and blood."

The emperor Ming's body trembled, I dare not Say more.

Looking at the few lower emperors, it seems that they also want to ask something, the star of Rouen coldly snorted, "Don’t delay, follow my steps."

The star of Rouen moved Walk towards the front.

Mu Qing himself has the strength of Divine Soul, but it is the easiest one, there is nothing to be afraid of, and immediately follow the footsteps of Luangxing.

The Emperor Ming hesitated for a moment, and then followed.

Several lower emperors quickly followed along.

There is only one road, the width can only be two people walking side by side, and I don't know how long it is. The front is covered by a gray fog.

There are dark walls on both sides, imprinted with one after another strange lines.

The mechanism mentioned by Luangxing’s mouth is probably these lines on the wall, and Mu Qing’s Divine Soul can feel the power of terrifying from these lines.

As soon as I stepped onto this road, a burst of rays of light burst out under my feet, which turned into a lava!

They are stepping on the lava!

Mu Qing was startled, but he remembered what Luangxing said, the pace should be slow, but he must not stop.

He looked at Rouen Xing's footsteps, and learned in a certain way.

Mu Qing found that there was a mysterious force holding his feet, which seemed to be walking in front of this lava, but actually did not touch the lava under the feet.

Suddenly, Mu Qing had some understanding of this level.

If you walk too fast, it is estimated that it will trigger the lines on the walls on both sides. There is a kind of terrifying power in the lines, which gives Mu Qing a trace of palpitations.

Once the power within the veins is triggered, you cannot move forward slowly.

Running forward will trigger more line power, and looking back, it is estimated that it will fall under the lava just like stopping.

"If you don't know the rules of this level, I am afraid this second test will be much harder than the first test!" Mu Qing thought.

The first test, even the lower Imperial Capital can pass, but it will take a certain amount of time that's all.

This second test, if you don’t know the rules, it’s really bad!

Even if Mu Qing's strength of Divine Soul is still preserved, there is still a trace of vigilance in my heart to prevent accidental appearance.

Emperor Ming and several lower emperors are not idiots. The words of Luang Xing were naturally heard before. Although the bottom of the feet has become lava, they still hold their minds and learn the steps of Luang Xing, slow Go ahead slowly.

"The reward for this second test is at the end of the road. Although we are all together, the length of the road is actually different for everyone. If someone is walking and suddenly disappeared, it is either an illusion or It’s just over."

"Also, when this lava road goes to the back, there will be hallucinations, the hallucinations arranged by Supreme powerhouse!"

"So when the time comes no Guan sees everything, you have to hold back, and if you insist on saying the trick, don’t lower your head, and walk forward slowly at my pace, and at the same time, don’t close your eyes!"

Said a lot.

Everyone has different standards, but everyone is in the same way.

According to the news he got from Nine Nether, if someone made a mistake, it would affect others.

It is precisely because of this that Luangxing spared no room to inform everyone of all the rules and essentials of this level.

It doesn't matter if others don't get through, but if it affects him when he dies, it will be troublesome.

He doesn't want to use some of the hole cards brought by Nether Heaven!

Everyone could hear the dignity in Luangxing's tone, and everyone couldn't help but hold their breath, staring straight ahead with their eyes widened, without moving their eyeballs.

No one spoke for a while, only the voice of lava gurgled under his feet.

"Not good! Stop it!"

A voice suddenly came out, the voice of Luangxing.

Mu Qing expression congeals, suddenly felt something wrong.

His strength of Divine Soul was not affected, and he could clearly feel that the voice of Luangxing came from under his feet!

Looking at the front again, Rouen Xing still walked forward at a slow pace, as if he did not hear the sound.

Either Luen did not remind others when he heard it, or... this sound is an illusion, and Luen cannot hear it.

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