After the darkness in front of him disappeared, Mu Qing stabilized his cultivation realm.

Didn't expect several principles in one fell swoop.

His realm was stuck in the lower Peak of the eighth order before, and now it finally breaks through. I believe it will not be long before he can reach the lower Peak of the ninth order.

Of course, when the time comes, the 9th-order Peak will definitely encounter bottleneck.

"But there seems to be a lot of opportunities here, maybe when the time comes, it may be able to make me breakthrough to the upper emperor!" Mu Qing's eyes brightened.

He covered his body with Divine Soul, checked it again, and after confirming that there was no problem with the energy absorbed in the dark just now, he felt his own power.

When the breakthrough reaches the ninth level, the strength has risen to a certain extent.

The Moon God dream is enough to affect the sixth rank high-ranking emperor, and casting the Heavenly Tribulation seal can also cause considerable damage to the fifth-ranked high-ranking emperor.

The black hole swallows, can swallow the attacks of the fifth-order high-ranking emperor, and can exile the third-order high-ranking emperor.

Powers such as the Boundless Starry Sky and the Starry Sky Demon God are far beyond the level of the fifth-order high-ranking emperor.

Don't look at Mu Qing as the ninth-ranked lower emperor, but his strength is no small thing.

Mu Qing nodded with satisfaction, then looked towards all around.

Atu is beside him, his face is joyful, and his aura is much stronger.

Obviously, he is not the only one who benefits from the darkness. Perhaps everyone will benefit from the darkness.

Mu Qing shifted his gaze to other places, but saw one or two previous lower emperors.

Afterwards, he found a familiar silhouette.

The Great Emperor Ming!

Mu Qing's laughed, this guy even dared to follow him.

At this moment, Emperor Ming had a cold face, and there were countless swear words in his heart who wanted to swear.


Before he walked on the left, Mu Qing walked on the right, and the two met.

Now Mu Qing walks on the left, he also walks on the left, why did he still meet?

The Emperor Ming wanted to vomit blood.

But he is not too exaggerated on the surface, his face is cold, moved towards the other side and retreats, not wanting to be with Mu Qing.

From the great hall just now, he has already seen that Mu Qing is greedy and wants everything.

Following Mu Qing, everything will be robbed!

Although Emperor Ming gained a lot of energy when he entered the gate and was enveloped in darkness, his cultivation base has made some progress.

But he knows that he is not yet Mu Qing's opponent.

He stays away from Mu Qing as much as possible, he can't beat Mu Qing, when the time comes, I am afraid that all the benefits will be taken away.

Backing back, Emperor Ming seemed to hit someone.

A man was expressionless, looking at Emperor Ming.

Ming Dadi eyes suddenly shrank.

This guy is...Nine Nether God, star of Rouen!

The Great Emperor Ming suddenly felt that this World was full of malice against him.

His cold face quickly squeezed an ugly smile, and quickly said: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..."

Luang Xing's face twitched, faintly said : "Then you did it on purpose?"

The Emperor Ming trembled all over.

He felt murderous intention in the eyes of Luangxing.

Although the other Supreme forces look down on Nine Nether, but he can’t ignore the opponent, the opponent is definitely stronger than him!

"'s not..." Emperor Ming hurriedly said.

Before speaking, Luangxing stared at him, said solemnly: "When are you going to step on?"

The Emperor Ming was taken aback, looked down, and quickly retreated. Rear.

It turns out that he has been stepping on Rouen's feet!

"Something's wrong!" Suddenly, Emperor Ming complexion changed.

What is your own strength, how can you step on someone else’s foot for so long without reacting?

"Weird! It's weird here!" Emperor Ming breathes deeply, his eyes full of vigilance.

Mu Qing glanced at all around at this time. In this space, there is only one mausoleum in front of him.

There is a ladder leading to the underground on the side of the tomb.

"A test again?" Mu Qing stroked his chin.

It seems that they are going to go under the mausoleum, is it possible that they are going to explore this time?

Except for Mu Qing, Ming Dadi and Luangxing, those present are some of the lower emperors.

Unexpectedly, Luangxing did not aim at Emperor Ming. He looked towards the mausoleum, frowned and hesitated.

"What the hell is going on here, what is your purpose in coming to the Palace of Killing?" Mu Qing walked up to Luangxing at this time and asked.

Luangxing retracted his gaze from the tomb, and suddenly there was a terrifying murderous intention in his eyes, icily said: "Are you talking to me?"

Suddenly , A terrifying breath gushes out, and the wisps of terrifying murderous intention are like sharp blades, covering all around the space.

He didn't take action against Emperor Ming before, but that doesn't mean that he is annoying.

This aura is definitely stronger than the general fifth-tier high-ranking emperor!

However, Luang Star’s aura was crushed, but there was no way to get close to Mu Qing and was swallowed by the black hole power.

"Yes, I'm just asking you." Mu Qing's eyes flashed sharply.

If it is possible, Mu Qing will not provoke an enemy casually, especially a guy like Nine Nether who doesn't seem to be annoying.

However, among the people present, the only star of Nine Nether is from the Supreme forces.

Regarding the situation of the Palace of Killing Life, Mu Qing felt that these guys from the Supreme forces knew the secret.

As for the others, like Emperor Ming, they are all stupid, and they all think this is the treasure house of the Slaughter Great Emperor.

The strange glow flashed in Luangxing’s eyes, he didn’t expect Mu Qing, the ninth-order lower emperor, to be a bit unusual, not simple!

The terrifying imposing manner was suddenly collected, Luang star looked towards Mu Qing with a faint smile, and said: "What do you mean by this? When we came to this killing hall, it is naturally a treasure, Slaughter Great The Emperor is an extreme powerhouse. Even people from our Supreme forces are very excited."

Mu Qing is naturally impossible to believe this guy, said solemnly: "Whether the Palace of Killing is the treasure house of the Slaughter Great Emperor. , I think you know better than me. Back then, the Slaughter Great Emperor had a Master, a cultivation killing way."

Actually, Mu Qing didn’t know much about it, but he saw some pictures at first, so he added it The content reveals a little bit.

Luangxing's face changed suddenly, and he took a deep look at Mu Qing again.

"Which Supreme power do you come from?" The Divine Soul sound transmission used by Rouen Star this time.

For other people, Luang Xing didn't look at him at all. They were all fools that's all. They wanted to seize the treasure house of the Slaughter Great Emperor. They were actually just a bunch of cannon fodder.

But since Mu Qing said something, it shows that the other party must know something about the Palace of Killing.

Mu Qing glanced at Luangxing, and then sound transmission back, "Ancient Immortal world, Mu Qing."

"People in Ancient Immortal world? Didn't expect you guys. It's all here!" Luangxing was a little surprised.

In the Supreme forces, the Ancient Immortal world is quite mysterious, and it rarely appears outside.

Not to mention that the power of the Holy Kingdom is now growing. The Ruthless Palace, Celestial Court, and Ancient Immortal are all fighting against the Holy Kingdom.

Nine Nether originally thought that the things in this killing hall were theirs, who knew that people from these forces were more or less here!

"I was only practicing outside and accidentally entered here. I only know a little about the Palace of Killing. It's far not as much as you know," Mu Qing and Luang Xing talked with each other.

"After entering this, everyone was separated, and the five of you Nine Nether were also scattered. Not equal to me. You will join hands. Tell me why you came to the Palace of Killing, when the time comes. In the face of Mo Sen in the Ruthless Temple and Ji Haim in the Holy Kingdom, I can help you out."

Mu Qing said in a low voice.

Luangxing glanced at Mu Qing unexpectedly, sneered, and sound transmission said: "Your strength is only a ninth-level lower emperor. Even if you come from the Ancient Immortal world, your strength is still not up to it. Countertop, what qualifications do you have to join forces with me?"

He was very disdainful.

Responding to Mu Qing, it is that Mu Qing comes from the Ancient Immortal world, but this does not mean that Luang Star is worthy of Mu Qing!

Mu Qing didn’t care, said with a smile: "You look down on me, but I also look down on you, you Nine Nether, I’ve never heard of it before. A Supreme force?"

"And you have fought against Ruthless Hall? Have you fought against Holy Kingdom powerhouse? Have you fought against people from Celestial Court?"

"I both Having fought with them, I can tell you that the five of you, Nine Nether, are not even as good as a Celestial Court’s silver sky, and far inferior to the Ruthless Palace’s Mawson!"

Mu Qing Shouted .

Luangxing flushed immediately, and couldn't help it this time. He didn't sound transmission anymore and shouted angrily: "You only a trifling, a lower emperor, what qualifications do you have to evaluate me Nine Nether?"

He couldn't help it anymore. Murderous intention was revealed in his eyes, and when he raised his hand, it was a sword, and the white light passed in an instant!

Mu Qing is quite calm, the starry sky emerges behind him, among which 84 Demon God roars.

He stretched out his palm and pinched the sword of Rouen Star.

Mu Qing's full power burst out, and the imposing manner even far surpassed Luangxing.

A starry sky long knife was condensed in his hand, waved a knife, and with a clanging sound, it cut off the upper Emperor Treasure in the hands of Luang Star!

Mu Qing holding a starry sky long knife, pointing at Mu Qing, indifferently said: "Now I am still qualified?"

Luang Xing was stunned and looked at him in disbelief. Focus on Mu Qing in front of him.

I am the Supreme powerhouse from Nether Heaven, not the stinky fish and shrimps outside.

Why do you feel that you are a lower emperor at this moment?

Luangxing breathes deeply, and asked: "Ancient Immortal world, are all powerhouses of this level?"

"Almost." Mu Qing said indifferently.

He put away the starry sky long knife, and the starry sky dissipated behind him.

It seems that when necessary, we still have to deter the other party.

Luangxing looked frustrated.

The Emperor Ming not far away has a tingling scalp.

That's the powerhouse from the Supreme force Nine Nether!

Not even Mu Qing's opponent!

The point is that Mu Qing is only the 9th-order lower emperor, while Luangxing is the fifth-order upper emperor!

Ming Dadi swallowed saliva and said, secretly thought too terrifying, don't fight Mu Qing anymore, otherwise it will upset the other party, and a single knife can kill him.

"Nine Nether, is it really so much worse than them?" Luangxing's face was bitter.

"The difference is quite a lot, at least you are not the opponents of the other Supreme forces at all."

"At the beginning, I almost followed Mawson's way, you even me If you can't beat them, maybe Mo Sen can kill you by moving his lips."

Mu Qing's ruthless blow.

Luangxing was taken aback, and then questioned: "It's not possible? Didn't Yintian say that his Heavenly Dao Will can only be used by people whose realm is lower than him?"

He was very puzzled. His realm is the fifth-order high-ranking emperor, and Morson's realm is also the fifth-order high-ranking emperor. Heavenly Dao Will, the strangest opponent, should not be effective for him.

Luang Xing is still a little unconvinced in his heart, even if Nether is not as good as other Supreme forces, but his own strength It shouldn't be much weaker than others.

Mu Qing sneered, said: "Do you really think that Mawson's realm is the same as yours? You too value yourself."

"Who told you about Mawson's realm? Is it from the fifth-tier high-ranking emperor?"

"He released the breath of the fifth-tier high-ranking emperor, do you think he is the fifth-tier high-ranking emperor?"

"Isn't he stupid?"

Luangxing's face is a little pale, although he wants to refute, but from the bottom of his heart, he tells himself that what Mu Qing said is true.

"What realm is that Mawson's true strength?" Luangxing still couldn't help asking.

Mu Qing did not conceal, icily said: "He is an extreme powerhouse, an Avatar of extreme powerhouse!"

"Even if the Avatar's strength can only reach the fifth-order upper position Great Emperor, but do you really think he has no other means?"

"Do you really think he can't use Heavenly Dao Will to influence you?"


Mu Qing doesn't have sound transmission, and everyone heard this word!

Everyone pupil shrinks and their faces are shocked.

Extreme powerhouse!

What is the origin of this killing hall? Even the extreme powerhouse is here.

Although it is just an Avatar, there is no doubt that the Avatar of the extreme powerhouse, even the lower emperor, is much better than them!

The lower emperor present was shocked to speak, and the emperor Ming came back to his senses, frowned.

He sensed something was wrong.

Is this really the treasure house of the Slaughter Great Emperor?

Why do you attract so many powerhouses from Supreme forces?

The Great Emperor Ming couldn't help but set his sights on Mu Qing and Luangxing. Perhaps from them, we can know what the killing hall is all about.

Mu Qing stared at Luang Star, calmly said: "Now you can answer my previous question?"

Compared with the shock and horror of other people, Mu Qing is not How afraid of Mawson.

What happened to the Avatar of Powerhouse?

Mu Qing has a forbidden bottle in the sky, can resist Heavenly Dao Will, and he has the upper Emperor Treasure bomb on him.

Mawson dared to shoot him, and killed him with a high-ranking Emperor Treasure bomb!

If one is not enough, just two!

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