The Great Emperor Ming is quite entangled in his heart. He has already determined that Mu Qing is the powerhouse of the Supreme forces.

"Hey, what's the matter with these three light groups? Have you tried to capture them?" Mu Qing suddenly looked towards Emperor Ming.

The lower emperors who came in with Mu Qing before trembled in their hearts, but the three lower emperors who had not come into contact with Mu Qing with Ming were suddenly angry.

"Boy! Talk to me and lower my attitude!"

"This man in front of you is the upper emperor Ming the Great!"

"Don’t hurry up! Come over and apologize to Emperor Ming? Otherwise, you will be killed on the spot!"

The three screamed.

The other lower emperors looked at them weirdly, with a trace of pity in their eyes.

Oh, the poor three guys.

"Shut up!"

With a sudden drink, Fiercely glared at the three people behind him.

He was anxious, he had known Mu Qing's situation to these three guys in advance, who knew that these three guys were going to provoke Mu Qing like this!

Faced with Emperor Ming's scolding, the three lower emperors were stunned.

What's the situation?

Isn’t the opponent's lower emperor bad attitude towards Emperor Ming?

Why did you turn around and scold them?

The three lower emperors looked at the others, all looking at them with pity.

Suddenly, the three of them had a bad feeling.

On the other side, Mu Qing sneered, "Since Emperor Ming can't manage your subordinates, then I will help you teach you a lesson."

Mu Qing's eyes suddenly burst out moonlight!

Everyone present has been affected!

Emperor Ming was caught in the Moon God Dream, but the next moment came back to his senses.

After all, Mu Qing is not against him, and the influence is not big.

But when he looked back at the three people next to him, his eyes were almost staring out!

The three lower-ranked emperors, with sleepy eyes, walked to Mu Qing with a halazi.

In the storage space on his body, all the things were handed to Mu Qing, and then he raised his hand and shattered his Divine Soul!

Mu Qing collected these things and found that the three lower emperors were a bit poor. In addition to the three lower Emperor Treasures, there were also a few medium-sized Divine Stone veins that were slightly worth seeing.

Mu Qing took out a bone lamp, and wisps of red fire gush out, devouring the flesh and bones of the three people.

The scarlet fire on this bone lamp suddenly bursts out, and the aura reaches the level of the upper Emperor Treasure which is considered good.

The Devourer told Mu Qing that in the demonic path's magic skills, the bone lamp of this Red Magic Secret Art was quite terrifying, as long as it continuously swallowed the enemy's flesh and bones, it would continue to grow.

Among the many magic arts, it is one of great potential!

It is rumored that the bone lantern of the demon ancestor has been refined to the extreme Emperor Treasure level.

"I don't know how much flesh and blood must be swallowed to reach the extreme Emperor Treasure." Mu Qing retracted the bone lamp, with some expectations in his heart.

If the bone lantern transforms to the extreme Emperor Treasure, it will definitely improve his strength.

It's just that the extreme Emperor Treasure is not so easy to upgrade. There will be a bottleneck. The bone lamp wants to transform, but it is still far away.

At the same time, Emperor Ming looked at Mu Qing with horror on his face.

The palms of Emperor Ming were shaking a little, just pretending to be calm.

Here again!

This Mu Qing definitely comes from a Supreme force!

Before, Mawson from the Temple of Ruthlessness made people self-determined.

And Mu Qing just glanced, cast his eyes, and asked the three lower emperors to voluntarily turn in all their savings, and then committed suicide.

The scalp of Emperor Ming is numb, secretly thought these Supreme forces are also too abnormal, why are all the methods so weird?

At this time, Emperor Ming would rather face Yintian.

Although Yintian's strength is terrifying a lot, it does not have these weird methods anyway.

The most important thing is that Yintian said that Mawson’s Heavenly Dao Will cannot influence the same realm or a stronger opponent.

But just now Mu Qing's gaze, moonlight swayed, even Emperor Ming himself was affected!

Obviously, Mu Qing's method may be more terrifying than Mawson.

"Can you answer my question now?" Mu Qing looked towards Emperor Ming.

Ming Dadi swallowed saliva and said, his face was stiff, and he quickly said: "These three light balls are shrouded by the mysterious rune and cannot be captured at all. We have tried them before, and I suspect that it is extremely The power of the position."

"And it seems that every time the mysterious rune above will disappear, in fact, the mysterious rune you see now has been half gone."

oh? '' Mu Qing hearing this, once again looked towards the three light groups.

It just so happened that he caught a scene of the disappearance of a mysterious rune.

"so that's how it is, it seems that as long as the time is over, you can seize the treasure in the light group." Mu Qing suddenly understood.

But he is more curious now, what are the things in the Killing Palace doing?

This is definitely not the treasure house of the Slaughter Great Emperor, it should be left by the killing Supreme.

What is the intention of the killable Supreme?

Select dísciple?

It looks a bit similar.

Pass the test, and then get treasure.

What makes Mu Qing more concerned about is that the group of Supreme forces have also come, and the group of people probably know something, maybe there is something they want in this killing hall!

"Uh...Brother Mu, don't you try to forcibly seize the treasure in the light group? Although it may be the power left by the extreme powerhouse, as long as we work together, it may be able to break open "

The Emperor Ming couldn't help but say to Mu Qing at this time.

He tried it before, and there was no way to break the mysterious rune, but there was not much danger, but the force from the counter shock was a bit strong.

Emperor Ming wants to try a bit now. If he joins forces with Mu Qing, he might be able to break the mysterious rune forcibly, and then get the treasure inside.

At the same time, you can also test Mu Qing's strength!

The most important thing is that Emperor Ming already almost knows what's going on in the Hall of Killing.

Entering the left and right doors, there will be tests. Perhaps the difference between the left and right daoist sects is that the tests inside are different.

If you pass the test, you will come to this great hall and seize treasure with your strength.

Emperor Ming now thinks that if they can break the mysterious rune forcibly, they can go to the next place earlier, pass the test sooner, and seize the next treasure!

Mu Qing glanced at him and ignored him.

This made Emperor Ming even more embarrassed. He coughed a few times and walked to the other side.

Mu Qing snort disdainfully for the idea of ​​Emperor Ming.

What is the power of the great emperor.

Mu Qing knows that this killing hall is the handwriting of the killing Supreme!

That is probably the power from Supreme!

Mu Qing didn't want to take risks. If someone accidentally killed himself, it was not worth it.

He sat down directly, planning to cultivation for a while and thinking about the secret technique, waiting for the mysterious rune to disappear.

The Emperor Ming paced back and forth, after thinking about it, he ran to Mu Qing and sat down.

In case someone else teleports in later, if you encounter the powerhouse of Supreme forces, it will be troublesome. It is better to get close to Mu Qing and hold a thigh.

Although he is the fifth-order high-ranking emperor, and Mu Qing is the eighth-order lower-ranking emperor, Emperor Ming does not have any psychological burden.

As a result, Mu Qing glanced at him, indifferently said: "Go away."

A group of lower emperors not far away suck in a breath of cold air, secretly thought this guy So courageous, is it really not afraid of Emperor Ming's anger?

The face of Emperor Ming has become very stiff, and Ben's smiling face has also frozen.

A Tu is aside, secretly giving Mu Qing a thumbs up, this one is even more domineering than their universe pirates.

The lower emperor is so rude to the upper emperor, there is no one.

Ming Dadi breathes deeply, suppressing the anger in the bottom of my heart, lightly said with a smile: "Brother Mu, not equal to me, how do we join forces?"

tone barely fell, ka -cha sounded, and suddenly Thunder Tribulation appeared everywhere.

Mu Qing slammed a punch, 80 Demon God roared, and the starry sky appeared behind him.

The endless power is blessed on Mu Qing.

The complexion of Emperor Ming suddenly changed, and the upper path emerged, hurriedly defending.

With a bang, Emperor Ming retreated a hundred meters, his hands numb.

His eyes were horrified, and the formidable power with a fist in his hand reached this level. What kind of monster is this?

"you are too weak." Mu Qing shook the head.

It's not that he is too arrogant, but that Emperor Ming deliberately approached him, so he must be uneasy and kind.

Even more how to talk about teaming up is to stand on the condition of equal or similar strength between the two sides.

The strength of Emperor Ming is indeed good, the fifth-tier high-ranking emperor.

But when the time comes, the opponents you face are probably those from the Supreme forces. Mawson and the others are not easy to provoke.

Mu Qing can't guarantee that this Emperor Ming will turn back when the time comes.

The most important thing is that he can't appreciate the strength of Emperor Ming!

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