Still not on?

Mu Qing also hesitated.

He still hasn't figured out this mountain yet, what is so weird about it?

But there is no doubt that if you forcibly cross this mountain.

I am afraid that the end will be the same as the previous lower emperor!

The previous low-ranking emperor used his own power to leap directly to the top of the mountain in one breath, and turned into mud, and died extremely miserably!

Mu Qing squinted at the mountain peak in front of him.

His strength of Divine Soul went out, intending to explore this mountain, but found that when his Divine Soul touched the mountain, his Divine Soul, like a snowflake meeting a flame, instantly melted away!

"Looking at this posture, doesn't it mean that we don't want us to forcibly cross to the top of the mountain! Let me try it!" A lower emperor let out a cold breeze.

I saw this lower emperor rush to the foot of the mountain, he used his hands and feet to climb the mountain directly.

"Fuck! Something is wrong!" Suddenly the lower emperor creded out in surprise, suddenly let go of his hand, and fell from the rock wall.

"What's wrong?"

The other great emperors quickly looked around.

However, unlike before, there were no accidents after this name fell.

"My strength has been eliminated, not only that, but my realm, strength, and fleshy body strength are all disappeared!" He whispered.

The lower emperor took a look at his body. He just climbed a few meters high on the rock wall, but he noticed that his power disappeared. He fell under lose one's head out of fear, and he still has Several black spots and scratches.

"This...unbelievable!" The great emperors next to him hurriedly came up, and the high-ranked emperor also stepped forward to check his situation personally.

In their eyes, he was the lower emperor just now. Now this guy has become an extremely fragile mortal fetus, and the slightest bit of strength on his body has disappeared, as if he was wiped out by an invisible terrifying energy!

"No. My power is back!" At this time, the lower emperor jumped up quickly.

His breath grew out of nothing, and he returned to the lower emperor level.

"It seems that we have to climb the mountain on our own..." The upper emperor squinted his eyes.

In this space right now, there is only this mountain.

The big Imperial Capital just now has already been on the sidelines.

There is nothing else, just a mountain!

Obviously they want to leave this place or continue to explore this place, the only choice is to climb this mountain.

"I would not come to snatch the treasure house of the Slaughter Great Emperor. These are all what the hell places!" Several lower emperors gnashing teeth.

The only way right now is to climb the mountain, but as long as you touch the mountain, all the strength on your body will disappear, including the fleshy body strength will become extremely weak!

With the level of fleshy body, how can it be possible to climb a ten thousand zhang mountain?

Just think about it and know how difficult it is.


The upper emperor snorted coldly.

He secretly thought, these guys are so timid, they don’t know how to break through to the emperor.

I saw the upper emperor directly climbing up the mountain.

Soon, a wave of power came and wiped out the power of the upper emperor.

However, the upper emperor soon discovered that his fleshy body had not been weakened to an extremely fragile level.

Although the fleshy body has indeed been greatly weakened, it is still in an acceptable range!

The upper emperor's eyes lit up.


Now the fleshy body strength is actually not too weak. As long as you are careful, you can still climb the ten thousand zhang mountain.

It can even be said that it is easy to reach the top of the mountain, but it takes a certain amount of time.

The only thing to worry about is that you must not fall directly.

Otherwise, even with the fleshy body that can be seen, it will be broken under the ten thousand zhang high.

And once he climbed this mountain, his Divine Soul was gone.

The upper emperor guessed that if his fleshy body was destroyed, it was really dead, just like the previous lower emperor!

As the upper emperor slowly climbed the rock, the following emperors looked at each other in blank dismay.

One of them clenched the teeth, rushed to the mountain and started climbing.

When other people saw this, they also started a long mountain climbing journey.

"Mr. Mu, we..." Atu looked at Mu Qing.

"Let's go too." Mu Qing said solemnly.

Mu Qing appeared at the foot of the mountain. When he extended the hand and touched the rock wall, he really felt a force and wiped out the demonic energy in his body.

Even my own Taoism has disappeared!

Mu Qing lost all his strength for the first time, and it feels as if he has returned to the time when he was still very weak on Earth!

This feeling is quite uncomfortable.


Suddenly Mu Qing's heart was shocked, his pupils contracted slightly, and he discovered that his god Soul Power still exists!

After cultivated thinking secret technique, Mu Qing's Divine Soul has a special feature, that is, endless life!

Now, Mu Qing's Divine Soul is indeed being wiped out by a force, but because of the endless nature, his Divine Soul is constantly reuniting.

The speed at which the mysterious power erases the Divine Soul is far less than the speed at which Mu Qing Divine Soul recondenses.

Mu Qing is silent on the surface, but in fact he is ecstatic.

The strength of Divine Soul is here!

The amount of Soul Power at the critical moment can save lives.

Be aware that strength of Divine Soul is not only used for exploration, when the time comes, if he falls from the ten thousand zhang peak, he can use strength of Divine Soul and hold his own fleshy. body, so that you will not fall into a meatloaf!

Mu Qing did not immediately expose his strength of Divine Soul, but, like everyone else, slowly moved towards the top of the mountain and climbed.

His Divine Soul at first was completely erased, but now it is slowly recovering.

That mysterious power still has to erase Mu Qing's Divine Soul, but Mu Qing Divine Soul recovers very quickly, and it won't be long before it can be fully recovered.

"Didn't expect the secret technique of thinking is so powerful, I only have a preliminary cultivation, so I have the power to protect myself in such strange places!" Mu Qing was delighted in his heart.

Looking at others, the upper emperor's body was already sweating, and it was beginning to be a little strenuous.

Mu Qing remained silent, he was also climbing this mountain, but not a single drop of sweat appeared. In fact, he was secretly using the strength of Divine Soul to drag his body.

There is no need to climb at all, he thoughts move, he can let his body rise, and even rush directly to the top of the mountain!

But Mu Qing didn't do it right away, because he wasn't sure whether the mysterious power on the top of the mountain was still a level.

Now the degree of mysterious power weakening his Divine Soul is not too serious, but if the mysterious power on the top of the mountain becomes stronger, it would be bad if you erase all your Divine Soul in one go!

Anyway, it seems that there is no crisis now. Fortunately, it slowly rises. It is a bit weird here. I don't know why these things are done in the killing hall. It is better to be cautious.

As Mu Qing slowly controlled Divine Soul and lifted his body up, Ah Tu also climbed the mountain.

This guy was so reckless, he rushed to the side of Mu Qing in one breath.

"Mr. Mu, you are really amazing, this is more than three hundred meters, and it's so easy!" A Tu looked at Mu Qing with admiration.

Mu Qing is at ease, indifferently said, "Atu, take your time, save your energy, this ten thousand zhang is more than 30,000 meters, this is a protracted battle, don’t rush for a while."

Atu scratched his head. Although he knew that Mu Qing made sense, he couldn't make Mu Qing look so comfortable.

Other big Imperial Capital took a sigh of relief and climbed to about three kilometers.

The fastest is the upper emperor, almost four kilometers away.

Everyone lowered their heads from time to time, and their hearts felt cold.

Several kilometers, for the Great Powerhouse, is nothing at all, and it will not make them afraid.

But they are not the original powerhouse.

They are just fleshy bodies, which are pretty good mortals.

If you fall from this height, you will probably die!

The more I watched, the more terrifying, the emperors shivered, their hands tightened on the rock wall, and slowly climbed up.

When it reached more than 8,000 meters, everyone began to feel a little tired.

"Mr. Mu, I feel a little struggling." Atu exclaimed.

He felt afraid that he would not be able to climb up.

Because there are more than 20,000 meters behind!

Mu Qing hearing this chuckled lightly, "Since you are tired, take a break."

A Tu was taken aback for a moment, and didn't understand what it meant for a while.

Mu Qing reached out and pulled Atul to a tree trunk growing on the rock wall.

It's not so much a tree trunk as it is a small branch, on the verge of collapse, after going up on Atu, it shakes more severely.

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