The high-ranking emperor's expression freezes.

His sluggish gaze looked towards Mawson.


The dignified high-ranking emperor was asked to dictate himself? !

Even if the strength is not as good as Mawson, even if he knows Mawson comes from Ruthless Palace.

But he still couldn't help but feel angry from the bottom of his heart.

"Even if I die in battle, I won't judge myself in front of you!" he roared.

next moment, a Divine Sword appeared in his palm. Although it was only the lower Emperor Treasure, it was used extremely surprisingly, with a sword glow on the tip of the sword.

"Similarly, I don't want to say the third time, you dictate yourself."

There is still a smiling face on Mawson's face.

The blue veins on the forehead of the high-ranking emperor violently roared, and he just wanted to lift his sword to move towards Mo Sen, but his pupils shrank.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone around him, he lifted the sword in his hand, and a sword pierced his head!

This is not as simple as cutting the fleshy body, even Divine Soul is also cut down!

"This..." Everyone was shocked and surprised.

One second, this person drew his sword and roared, but the next second he really judged himself!

This scene is exactly the same as the young Master Slaughter who threatened many emperors with death at that time.

The only difference is that Slaughter Young Master just cut off 90% of his Divine Soul, leaving a trace of life, but this high-ranking emperor hates him and raises his hand to decide himself without leaving the slightest way to survive!

The Divine Soul on his body just collapsed.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes fell on Mawson, and everyone felt unbelievable.

Everyone is not a fool, and it is natural to see that the death of this high emperor has something to do with Mawson.

The great emperor has the dignity that belongs to the great emperor, most of the great emperors would rather die in battle than die in such humiliating self-decision.

The upper emperor had obviously planned to resist before, but when Mawson tone barely fell, he really dictated himself.

"In a word, let a high-ranking emperor dictate himself, this ruthless palace of Mo Sen, I am afraid it will be the most terrifying person among all the people in the room!" The Great Emperor Xuanyun sounded transmission to the Furious Emperor and Ming Emperor.

Faced with the sudden emergence of Supreme powerhouses, the three of them unconsciously formed a small group.

Mu Qing half-squinted his eyes, he naturally saw the whole process, and Mo Sen's methods were the same as then!

Although the original Mawson and the current Mawson look completely different from each other, the methods are exactly the same.

What the other party says, has a certain degree of control!

It has even reached the point where the upper emperor can commit suicide!

"Great Elder of the clan, do you dictate yourself, too?"

Mo Sen's gaze fell on an eighth-level lower emperor.

That is an old man, his body is also trembling, his eyes are full of fear!

This old man is of the same clan as the previous high-ranking emperor. Before, Mo Sen had hidden his identity and was a Heavenly God of the clan.

At this moment, the old man trembled all over, with fear in his heart, and felt a great threat moved towards himself.

He is holding a scepter, but now his arm can't control it. Lifting the scepter in his hand, the Tao on his body is also manifested. Condense is the strongest force in his life.

moved towards my forehead blasted away!


At this time, a sword glow came out of the sky, and a dragon roar came out faintly.

sword light 1 divide to 9, nine Black Dragons roared, smashing the scepter in the hands of the old man.

Mawson saw someone sabotage the Heavenly Dao Will he had cast. He narrowed his eyes and moved towards the crowd.

A white-haired middle-aged man stands among the lower emperors with a long and narrow black blade in his hand.

On the body, one after another Immortal Qi burst out without reservation.

Silver Sky!

No one had noticed his silhouette before, but now it suddenly appeared!

"Heavenly Dao Will, in control of everything, but unfortunately limited by realm, unable to perform to people of the same level as you or higher than your realm." Yintian said indifferently, but straight out Mawson's method.

Everyone is hearing this, but the three of Emperor Ming's eyes lit up.

The unknown is the most terrifying, but now Yintian has informed everyone of Mawson's methods.

Cannot cast on enemies with the same realm or higher realm!

Mo Sen's breath is the fifth-order high-ranking emperor, and the three Emperor Ming are also fifth-order high-ranking emperors, which means that Mo Sen's weird methods cannot be used against their three people.

This makes their three people sighed in relief.

Although Yintian broke through some of Heavenly Dao Will's restrictions, there was no slightest irritation on Mawson's face.

He glanced at Yintian playfully, said with a smile: "The people of Celestial Court didn't expect are here too, just don’t know... your Heaven's Chosen, are you still alive? "

"The Great Emperor Zhentian said that sooner or later he will kill you all, and the Celestial Emperor agrees with this." Yintian replied lightly.

Mo Sen was startled, a little speechless, coldly snorted, no longer paid attention to Yintian.

On that day, Mawson wanted to kill all Heaven's Chosen in Celestial Court and Ancient Immortal, and let the Holy Kingdom take the blame.

Who knows that something went wrong, it was only Tianyin and Hu Yibiao who died in the end, and Heaven's Chosen from Thunder Palace and Xie Palace returned alive, and even let Celestial Court know who the real shot was.

Although the plan failed, Mo Sen was not afraid of Emperor Zhentian. He was just a reckless man. Even if he led the Celestial Court army to the Ruthless Palace, he could not help him.

The real jealous of the Ruthless Palace is the Celestial Emperor!

Lord of the Celestial Court, Celestial Emperor looks much useless than the old Celestial Emperor, and did not take good care of the Celestial Court, but Mawson knew that the Palace Lord of the Ruthless Palace was very afraid of Celestial Emperor. of.

"hahaha! didn't expect that people in your universe like infighting so much. I think it won’t be long before it’s time for my Holy Kingdom to rule the universe!" A big man strode out at this time , Laughed.

At the same time, there are four people around, and the aura is very strong.

Behind, a statue of Holy Spirit appeared!

Suddenly, Mawson wrinkled frowned, Yintian expression congeals, and Nine Nether Tianwu's face became serious.

Holy country!

The Holy Kingdom is the Supreme force created by the evil gods. It is rumored that the evil gods also use the cosmic channel to bring the powerhouse of the Holy Spirit universe to the main universe.

Many people have heard of the true origin of the Holy Kingdom, but have never seen it.

Many emperors have not even heard of it, and they don't know that the Holy Kingdom comes from another universe.

The five people of Nine Nether, also looked towards those people in the Holy Nation very jealously.

Although they have not fought against people from the Holy Kingdom, as a Supreme force, at least some of the information is still clear.

The Three Great Supremes of the Ruthless Palace, Celestial Court, and Ancient Immortal world joined forces to deal with the Holy Kingdom. If this were changed to Nine Nether, it would have been destroyed long ago.

However, the Holy Kingdom not only has not been destroyed, it has even grown stronger!

The Celestial Emperor and other Supreme's joint shots also failed to kill the evil god of the Lord of the Holy Kingdom.

This shows how powerful the Holy Kingdom is.

"Yintian, it seems that we are going to join hands when necessary." Mo Sen sneered.

Yintian didn’t shake his face, and said: "I can’t use it anymore. I’m afraid you will be overshadowed by you at the critical moment."

Although the Celestial Court party only came to Yintian One person, but Yintian didn't have any fear.

Nine Nether On the other side of the sky, all five people are complexion sank.

Wuqingdian and Yintian both intentionally or unintentionally ignored them.

This is contempt for them!

Simply did not regard their Nether Heaven as the equivalent Supreme power!

"You five! What are you doing?!"

At this moment, Mu Lu was flustered and exasperated, and roared.

The group of Pirate Greats under him were all dumbfounded.

Originally, there were 13 Pirate Greats under Mulu's hands, all of whom were powerhouses among the lower emperors.

Today, only eight of the thirteen are left.

The five members of the Holy Kingdom were all hidden in the Pirate Emperor under Mulu's hands before!

Even Mu Qing was surprised, his previous strength of Divine Soul didn't feel anything wrong.

"It seems that although my strength of Divine Soul is powerful, it is not omnipotent. I must think about secret technique cultivation success as soon as possible, otherwise, when the time comes, even if the people around me are disguised by others Can't detect it!" Mu Qing complexion sank.

He is still too confident about his strength of Divine Soul.

Mu Qing's Soul Power far exceeds the same level, even more powerful than Divine Soul of the fifth-tier high-ranking emperor.

However, some means, such as the hiding means of these Supreme forces, can be more or less hidden under his powerful strength of Divine Soul.

Especially in the holy country and the others, the Pirate Great also had close contact with him before, but Mu Qing did not find any abnormalities!

"If you don't want to die, you can yell a few more words, big baboon." The man headed by the holy kingdom is the big man with long wavy hair, and the Holy Spirit behind it is the sea king!

Mu Lu was at a loss for a moment. Although he was a cosmic pirate robber, he was not a fool.

The true strength of the five holy kingdoms is much stronger than that of Nine Nether.

In the end, Mulu could only keep his mouth shut. The Pirate Great under his hand was indignant, but he didn't dare to say anything.

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