Mu Qing strode forward, and when he was about to look at the killing hall, he suddenly noticed something wrong.

He is frowned, and the strength of Divine Soul explores all around again.

Suddenly, a part of the strength of Divine Soul was wiped out!

A strange light flashed across Mu Qing's eyes.

His God Soul Power is already very powerful, even the three fifth-order high-ranking emperors of Emperor Ming cannot discover his strength of Divine Soul.

But in the crowd present, someone secretly took action and annihilated his strength of Divine Soul!

And Mu Qing has no way to lock the opponent!

"Be careful, I'm afraid some powerhouses have gotten in this time." Mu Qing's eyes were cold.

It is definitely a powerhouse, either the strength of Divine Soul surpasses him, or it has special abilities or Divine Item!

Xin Rui and the others were all surprised.

Sound transmission Mu Qing hurriedly, and asked: "Who got in here?"

Mu Qing shook, "Not sure, I can't lock the other party, it's certain The opponent’s strength is very strong, it may be one, or it may be several!"

"The previous Yintian, after exposing the true strength, is not the same, far surpassing the fifth-order high-ranking emperor, it is very likely that Yintian will come in. Now, there are even other powerhouses." Jiang Yuanfeng touched the chin pondered then said.

He had some guesses, but he was not sure, but the sound transmission people said, "I think some powerhouses of Supreme forces are likely to come in. After all, they are the treasures left by the powerhouses of the extreme powers, even if the Supreme and the extreme powerhouses The great emperor looks down on it, but the upper emperor in the Supreme influence is really eye-catching."

It's just an ordinary upper emperor, and he's not afraid.

But if it is the high-ranking emperor in the Supreme force, it will be a little troublesome, they are all rivals!

The powerhouses that came out of the Supreme forces are all Heaven's Chosen, and their strength can't just look at the realm on the surface.

"Since we don't know who these people are, then we should keep a low profile and let those silly guys grab the treasure. When the time comes, they will be exposed sooner or later." Old Tu glanced at the crowd-led Emperor Ming III. people.

These three guys are currently the three most powerhouses on the surface.

When the time comes, these three people seize the treasure, if there is a Supreme powerhouse hidden, they will surely seize it.

Mu Qing nodded, and then looked towards the Palace of Killing.

Many great emperors were also standing not far from the killing hall.

A group of people look at me and I look at you, but no one dared to come forward first.

Because the Palace of Killing brings them a deadly threat.

Even the three great Imperial Capital, Furious, Xuanyun, and Ming hesitated.

Their strength is right, but the killing hall in front of them...

It gives them a feeling that they will fall when they walk in!


Suddenly, the Hall of Killing made a strange noise.

The door of the Palace of Killing Life has opened a little!

hong long long!

Immediately afterwards, the door of the killing hall slowly opened, but the inside of the great hall could not be seen.

The door is open, but what you see is darkness!

I can't see what's inside at all!

This made everyone more jealous, and still no one dared to take a step forward.

Seeing the gate of the Palace of Killing Life open, Mu Qing frowned.

Naked eye looked at it, the inside of the door was pitch black, but when he used the strength of Divine Soul to explore it, he found a different picture.

A sea of ​​blood!

The sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain is full of dead bones. Numerous bones are piled up, and the blood is flowing between the white bones, one after another wailing soul.

On the mountain peak where the bones are piled up, there is a huge throne, made of bones, and blood as a carpet. You can feel that you have one's hair stand on end at a glance!

Mu Qing eyes shrank, the strength of Divine Soul was blocked by a force, and suddenly returned like a tide, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

At the moment the strength of Divine Soul was blocked, he saw countless blood condensed into a bloody shadow on the Throne of White Bones.

The blood shadow is tall, terrifying, and exudes the aura of killing.

"Is that the Slaughter Great Emperor?" Mu Qing took a deep breath.

Sure enough, it is the power of the extreme great emperor, even if it has fallen, but the air force alone is enough to deter oneself.

"What's that?"

"It's the Slaughter Great Emperor!"

At this time, other people also explored the god Soul Power in it, Saw some pictures.

Some people, Divine Soul, are weak, and are directly affected by the killing aura. Divine Soul suffers certain damage.

After Divine Soul was kicked out.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

I looked towards the darkness behind the gate again, a little confused, I don't know if I should go in or not.

Mu Qing does not believe in evil, and once again explores Divine Soul, and even displays the secret technique of thinking.

His Divine Soul is different from ordinary people. It is endless, continuous, and constantly improving under the operation of the thinking secret technique.

Mu Qing's strength of Divine Soul entered the darkness again, but found a different picture.

In the endless blood sea, the silhouette of one big and one small appeared.

The big silhouette is terrifying blood, exuding a killing aura, it is the shadow that appeared on the Throne of White Bones earlier.

The little silhouette suddenly spoke, with a hint of doubt, and asked: "Master, why not kill them all? Those guys are just a high-level race that's all, I alone can kill them all. "

The scarlet silhouette chuckled lightly, shook the head, and said: "disciple, although we cultivation to kill, we can kill too much and it is easy to provoke the enemy, so you must remember that to kill, you must kill in secret , Leaving no traces."

"You cannot extricate yourself as soon as you enter the path of murder, but you must be careful not to let anyone find you. Instead of frightening the ten realms of the universe, it is better to hide in the dark. , No one knows, but I live longer."

The little silhouette was silent, seeming to lower his head to think, but he always felt that there was something wrong with the way Master taught him.

Since it is a cultivation killing one, why hide yourself and drag out an ignoble existence?

This is a contradiction with killing!

The bloody silhouette laughed and said: "Don’t think about it, we just need to hide it deep enough. You are Slaughter Dao, and your teacher is the way of killing. Although it’s different, it’s always It’s the same."

"The teacher is about to leave soon. I don’t know when you will return, so you must live. You kill too much and you will be spotted. It’s better to hide and make secret shots once or twice. , As long as you remove the traces, no one can find you."

"Where is the Master going?" The small silhouette hearing this suddenly became anxious.

"Sovereign Road."

The bloody silhouette gradually began to dissipate.

He left a last sentence, "Remember, when I return, if you can't break through Supreme, then let yourself fall asleep and survive longer!"

ka -cha!

After the last sentence of Scarlet Silhouette, the picture in front of Mu Qing was fragmented.

Divine Soul receded like a tide.

A terrified look appeared in Mu Qing's eyes.

What the hell is this?

What happened to the picture I just saw?

Some existence deliberately let you see it?

Mu Qing frowned, looked towards all around.

Those great emperors also continued to condense Divine Soul and moved towards the killing hall again.

But soon, some of the lower emperors snorted, and blood was flowing from the seven orifices.

The three of Emperor Ming also failed, and Divine Soul was shattered by a force.

Obviously, although they used the strength of Divine Soul to penetrate into it again, they couldn't see anything again this time, and they even shattered Divine Soul by the power of the Palace of Killing.

Mu Qing touched the chin, he recalled the 2nd picture he saw just now.

The bloody silhouette is undoubtedly the first time I saw the blood shadow sitting on the Throne of White Bones in the picture.

And this blood shadow also has a discipline, cultivation Slaughter Dao.

The blood shadow itself, the cultivation killing way!

Soon, Mu Qing had a certain guess in his mind.

This place is probably not the treasure house of the Slaughter Great Emperor!

From the previous screen, the words that the blood shadow said, Mu Qing thinks that the blood shadow should be a Supreme, and at the same time the master of this killing hall!

The so-called Slaughter Great Emperor, is the small silhouette, is the principle of killing Supreme!

"It's the Sovereign Road again. It seems that the killing Supreme is very strong and has begun to chase the Sovereign realm."

"And the Slaughter Great Emperor, it should have failed to break through Supreme. , So according to the words of Killing Supreme, let yourself fall asleep!"

Mu Qing feels like he almost knows something.

It's no wonder that the reputation of Slaughter Great Emperor is not so loud, even few people know it.

It turns out that the other party has always followed the requirements of his Master, very low-key.

The same goes for killing Supreme!

"So, the Slaughter Great Emperor probably didn't die, but just fell asleep, where would he be?" Mu Qing suddenly realized a problem.

Slaughter Great Emperor may not be dead!

And they are on the side of the killing hall, even trying to break into the killing hall!

This is simply not the treasure house of the Slaughter Great Emperor, and it is very likely the palace of killing the Supreme!

If the sleeping Slaughter Great Emperor finds that they have broken into the killing hall of the Supreme Killing Hall, I am afraid they will be killed by the angry Slaughter Great Emperor!

"What's the situation with the Slaughter Young Master?"

"Did he know that there is no treasure house of the Slaughter Great Emperor, so he tried to get everyone in here, Do you want to kill everyone?" Mu Qing had doubts about Slaughter Young Master.

The other party definitely has a problem, not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"Everyone, if we wait like this, it is not a solution. It seems that this Slaughter Great Emperor's treasure house is unusual. You must find a way to get in to get the Slaughter Great Emperor's treasure." The name of the upper emperor is low shouted.

"Where is Tuantian Young Master? He didn't come in?" At this time, Emperor Xuanyun looked towards all around, his face condensed, and he did not find Tuantian Young Master's silhouette.

Ming looked towards Mu Qing and the others, and asked: "Reincarnation, you are the last to come in, have you seen Tuantian Young Master?"

Xin Rui is Focus on Mu Qing.

The other great emperors were surprised. They thought that the Samsara Emperor was the one with the highest right to speak, but now it seems that they are the young people on the sidelines!

"Who is that person? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"The universe is huge, and there are too many powerhouses. We have never heard of it before and it is the Slaughter Great Emperor Huh?"

Some great emperors around had a brief exchange.

Mu Qing looked all around, smiled and opened the mouth and said: "The Young Master Slaughter is not simple. He came in, but we couldn't find him."

"Really?" Furious Emperor startled.

"believing or not by you." Mu Qing indifferently said.

Many emperors constricted their eyebrows.

Mu Qing has no reason to lie to them.

Before, they saw that the Young Master of Slaughter Sky cut 90% of Divine Soul, looking like he was dying, they really didn't care much.

"Damn it!"

The Emperor Ming and the others gnashing teeth, secretly thought that he was negligent.

They thought they had entered the treasure trove, and the next step was to snatch it.

Who knows that the real situation is a bit weird, at this time they thought of learning something from the Slaughter Young Master, and found that the Slaughter Young Master was gone!

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