The Killing Secret Realm is the portal suspended in the stars.

Every time it is turned on, it will be completely revealed from in the sky.

The existence of the portal is not fixed, but when the portal is about to close, an omen will appear in the killing Secret Realm, but there is no need to worry about being locked in the killing Secret Realm.

Mu Qing and the others entered the portal, and immediately entered another place, Heaven and Earth.

“It’s the Secret Realm created by Jiwei Powerhouse. The intensity of Heaven and Earth’s energy is far more amazing than other Secret Realm.” Luo Tian sighed as soon as he entered the killing of Secret Realm.

Afterwards, I glanced at Mu Qing and the others, they were all unpleasant, very calm.

Luo Tian curl one's lip, secretly thought can't be compared with this group of guys, all of them are big bosses comparable to the upper emperors.

After this period of contact, Luo Tian also realized the extraordinary of Mu Qing and the others, and their origins are very terrifying.

Even Tu Lao, originally a powerhouse among the emperors, is now in the stage of regaining strength.

Although Luo Tian doesn't know the true strength of Tu Lao's original, but at least it is also the Peak powerhouse among the upper emperors!

After thinking about it, Luo Tian turned his head and looked towards Ling Fei.

But seeing Ling Fei's face also plain, Luo Tian suddenly felt bad.

I thought to myself, you are a god emperor, so calm in the face of such Secret Realm?

Do you want to be so fake?

Luo Tian coughed a few times, puffed up his chest, and looked indifferent on the surface, pretending that he had seen a lot of great worlds, this place is nothing unusual for him.

At this moment, there are more than 40 powerhouses in front of them, and the terrifying aura is intertwined. Even with the spatial intensity of this killing Secret Realm, they can't bear it, and they start to twist.

Mu Qing and the others also joined.

Everyone is surrounded by Slaughter Young Master, like the stars arching over the moon!

Of course, the Young Master Tutian, who is the focus of his eyes, has a gloomy face.

The auras on his body are all locked. Once there is any change, the great emperors around him will act immediately!

Don't talk about killing him, but crippling him is the minimum.

The Young Master of Slaughter Sky also saw Mu Qing and the others, with a look of resentment.

The great emperors around clearly wanted to get the whereabouts of the Slaughter Great Emperor treasure from him, but when he was captured by Xinrui for questioning, none of them dared to do anything!

"I knew that, it would be better to cultivate to the upper emperor and come again..." Slaughter Young Master heave a long sigh.

He wants to give himself two big mouths now.

Thinking that he has the power of the lower Peak, he swelled up and wanted to enter the treasure house of the Slaughter Great Emperor.

As a result, he was betrayed by a few of his friends, and his identity as the heir of the Slaughter Great Emperor was exposed, eventually attracting many high-ranking emperors, causing him to become a puppet.

Liutian Young Master, he is not a fool, how could he reveal his true identity like rumors, the truth was betrayed by some of his brother friends!

The only thing he was stupid was to tell his friends about his identity.

But when he got the Slaughter Great Emperor inheritance, these friends were also by his side, it was useless if he wanted to hide it.

Mu Qing and the others are on the edge of the crowd.

Mu Qing's strength of Divine Soul spread out instantly, bringing the situation to the eye.

No one has noticed the amount of Soul Power of Mu Qing!

"Except for God Emperor and Heavenly God, there are 46 emperor powerhouse, 22 lower and 24 upper!" Mu Qing was a little surprised.

Didn't expect is mostly the upper emperor!

None of these high-ranking emperors came from one power. The 24 high-ranking emperors represented 24 Peak races.

"Okay, Slutian Young Master, don't sigh!" A fifth-order high-ranking emperor sneered, and his eyes fell on Slutian Young Master.

This is the presence of one of the top experts, the furious emperor.

"Now take me quickly to open the Slaughter Great Emperor treasure house, otherwise you should know the consequences." An old man next to him also made a vicissitudes of life.

There is another fifth-tier high-ranking emperor, the Great Emperor Xuanyun!

There are three high-ranking emperors of the fifth rank, namely Furious, Xuanyun, and Ming.

"We have already shown mercy to you. I will wait for three people to protect you afterwards. Others dare not do anything to you." Emperor Ming said, a man with a small stature and a sharp voice. .

In fact, as their three people said, the other high-ranking Imperial Capital originally intended to directly capture the memory of the Young Master of Slaughter.

However, these three are mainly fearful, after all, Slaughter Young Master itself is not weak, plus the Slaughter Great Emperor Divine Ability inheritance.

If they are hard on the Young Master, they are not allowed to self-destruct the Young Master, when the time comes, no one will get the benefits.


Faced with the question of Three Great Powerhouses, Tutian Young Master laughed.

Laughing coldly, full of murderous intention!

The Furious Emperor and the others frowned.

"What are you still laughing at? Quickly open the treasure trove of Slaughter Great Emperor, otherwise don't blame us for being rude to you!" A high-ranking emperor scolded.

The lower emperors present didn't speak much. Their strength was considered weak among the emperors, and they couldn't put their mouths in, but their eyes fell on the Young Master Tutian.

At this moment, Slaughter Young Master’s laughter is getting louder and louder, and a trace of madness appears on his face.

"Is this guy crazy?" Luo Tian touched his chin.

"It is estimated that being threatened by so many emperors, my heart collapsed." Mu Qing said in a low voice.

A few have no sympathy.

It can be seen that this guy is not a good thing by looking for someone to try to attack Ling Fei.

"I advise you not to have any fluke psychology, if you want to survive, listen to us obediently!" Emperor Ming berated with a sinking tone.

Killing Secret Realm is on, and it's hard to enter here. It's already this juncture, and they don't want to return without success.

Liutian Young Master let out a penetrating smile, he took out a sword, and the sonorous sound resounded all around.

When a sword glow condense comes, murderous intention is raging, and it is enough to rival the upper emperor!

Everyone couldn't help but frowned.

Is this Slaughter Young Master crazy?

There are nearly fifty emperors present, including 26 high-ranking emperors.

This force, even if the Slaughter Great Emperor's inheritance is obtained by the Young Master Tutian Young Master, it cannot be shaken at all!

"Not good! Stop him!" The emperor Xuanyun seemed to see something. This old man had eyes shrank. Amazing power erupted from his rickety body. A big hand moved towards Slaughter Young Master. Shrouded away.

"Don't come close to me!"

Letian Young Master suddenly yelled.

When he raised his hand, it was a sword glow, murderous aura vertical and horizontal, blood light filled the sky, but it did not target any emperor present.

The blood-colored sword glow soared into the sky, poured down, and a sword sank into the head of the Young Master Slaughter.

Seeing these scenes, everyone was shocked, one by one stared wide-eyed, looked towards Slaughter Young Master.

The huge palm of Emperor Xuanyun's condolences also stagnated in midair.

Liutian Young Master's head shattered and blood was bleeding all over his body.

His breath is very weak, but at this moment, his face is hideous and he makes a sorrowful smile.

He cut off 90% of his Divine Soul with a single sword!

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