In the giant city.

A group of high-ranking emperors are very angry.

They first found that their god Soul Power was too fragile.

First, I started to explore Mu Qing's starry Demon God, and it was almost swallowed by the black hole devouring strength of the starry Demon God, even the Divine Soul with the body.

Afterwards, I wanted to explore Yintian again, but Yintian's strength was far beyond their imagination, and he easily escaped.

"It seems that this time the killing of Secret Realm is open, there are many unexpected factors!" There is a high-ranking emperor gloomy face Pang.

So many high-ranking emperors are in the giant city just to seize the rumored Slaughter Great Emperor's treasure house!

The closer they get to the opening of Secret Realm, the less they don’t want accidents.

When Xinrui first appeared, they didn't care too much.

Because Xinrui’s demonstrated strength is strong, but it is at the same level as these upper-level Imperial Capital, and it is just one more competitor.

There are more powerhouses who intend to enter the killing of Secret Realm. Appears a competitor. When the time comes, everything must rely on its own ability to seize treasure.

even more how, even if many high-ranking emperors join forces, the strength of the reincarnation of Xinrui cannot be underestimated. Once he desperately targets one person, it is likely to cause the fall of a certain high-ranking emperor.

Who is going to be this fallen high-ranking emperor?

Everyone didn't want to, so they didn't target Xinrui.

However, two accidents that have occurred now have made many upper-level Imperial Capital feel threatened.

The emergence of Xinrui, the great reincarnation, is just one more competitor for them, but the previous starry Demon God is not ordinary. It is likely to be able to defeat the heroes and directly take the Slaughter Great Emperor. Everything in the treasure house!

The same is true for Yintian. The strength that Yintian originally demonstrated was already the cream of the crop among the many high-ranking emperors in the giant city.

In the giant city, the most powerful house is the fifth-order high-ranking emperor!

But later, Yintian showed true strength, far surpassing Tier 5!

"Yintian is nowhere to be found. At the moment, we can only explore the group of fellows in the Red Pirate Group as much as possible. The vague starry sky silhouette and Samsara the Great are likely to be related to the Red Pirate Group!"

In the giant city, in the sky one after another powerful god Soul Power communicates with each other, and they are all high-ranking emperors.

Among them, there are many high-ranking emperors!

They are afraid of the strength of Demon God and Yintian, for fear that their chance will be taken away, so they plan to unite!

Among them, the upper emperor even intends to instigate everyone to break into the territory of the Red Pirate Group.

In the giant city, the red pirate group is considered a strong Great Influence, and it occupies a huge area. The leading Mulu possesses the strength of the third-order high-ranking emperor, and there are 13 emperors under his hand!

"Not good, right? Mulu is just the Captain of the eighth team of the Scarlet Pirates. If you provoke them, if the Scarlet Soul Big Pirate really comes, I'm afraid to kill the Secret Realm. The treasure house is really gone!"

"Yes! There is also Jiang Family, Jiang Yuanfeng is already the upper emperor, and in Jiang Family, don’t say that Jiang Saint who doesn’t know whether he is dead or not, At the very least, there are at least three high-ranked Peak emperors. Once it comes, it will be difficult to handle!"

Several Divine Souls made sounds, which shocked the hearts of other high-ranking emperors!

It's really not easy to target!

Most of these high-ranking emperors are from the Peak race patriarch from all walks of life in the universe, and some are loners.

There is no one behind them to support them.

The red pirate group is different from Jiang Family. The red soul is known as the great pirate of the universe and is an extreme powerhouse.

Jiang Family Saint is once the ultimate powerhouse of Celestial Court. Even if it is really dead like the rumors, Jiang Family still has a lot of powerhouses from the top Peak!

If these high-ranking emperors really offend the Red Pirates and Jiang Family, when the powerhouses of these two forces come, will they still have their share in killing the treasure house in Secret Realm?

Everyone has the answer in their minds.

Jiang Family’s powerhouse may not be able to fight back with them.

But the red pirate group is different.

This is a group of cosmic pirates, robbers!

Emperor Scarlet Soul himself is a guy without a powerhouse style. As an extreme powerhouse, once the nature comes, he can do everything to rob lower races.

If you provoke Mulu and cause Emperor Scarlet Soul to come personally, when the time comes, Emperor Scarlet Soul will probably move the entire killing Secret Realm directly.

"Everyone, our advantage is the Slaughter Young Master. Now the Slaughter Young Master is in our hands. We only need to control the Slaughter Young Master, when the time comes, the Slaughter Treasury is opened, taking the initiative. People are us."

"Oh! In that case, be optimistic about the Slaughter Young Master! As long as you don’t let the fellows of the Red Pirate Group plunder Slaughter Young Master, we are robbing the treasure house. , It still occupies a great advantage."

"hmph! If you want me to say, directly imprison that Slaughter Young Master and seize his memory, why is it so troublesome?"

"Not good said, Slaughter Young Master possesses the power of the Slaughter Great Emperor. It is indeed an extreme power. If you really attack him, it is likely to cause your own fall. It is better to take control slowly."

in the sky, one after another God Soul Power exchanged for a long time, and then retreated.

East District of the Giant City.

Mu Qing opened his eyes quickly at his residence, a strange smile appeared on his face.

He heard it all!

Communications with Divine Soul of the upper emperor, I am afraid that the extreme powerhouse can only be eavesdropped, but Mu Qing did it!

In addition to the factor that his god Soul Power is particularly powerful, there is also his cultivated thinking secret technique!

Thinking secret technique, infinitely improving the strength of Divine Soul!

This is the Supreme secret technique left to him by the eighth-generation Star Supreme. It surpasses the divine ability, and even theoretically can eventually reach the Sovereign realm.

Of course, everything is speculation. If you want to calculate it, Mu Qing is the first person to cultivation thinking secret technique.

And this thinking secret technique is really powerful. After Mu Qing successfully cultivation the endless starry sky, he has the qualification of cultivation thinking secret technique.

However, just a cultivation thinking secret technique is not enough for Mu Qing to hide from the Celestial Emperor.

Divine Soul must be transformed into cosmic thinking to be able to do it!

If you want to do this step, you first need to use the boundless starry sky to fuse a starry sky, and then you can further transform your Divine Soul.

Mu Qing cannot do this step yet.

However, after cultivation thinking about the secret technique, Mu Qing did find that his Divine Soul was really improving, and the luck on the ancient dead tree was tempering Divine Soul, helping Divine Soul to improve!

The same is true. With the secret technique of thinking, Mu Qing eavesdropped on the Divine Soul exchanges of those high-ranking emperors.

"This group of guys are afraid of Mulu and their forces, and didn't plan to shoot us directly, but it's good news."

Mu Qing came back to his senses, relaxed.

If so many powerhouses attacked them, they really couldn't bear it.

Fortunately, these high-ranking emperors fear the red pirate group and Jiang Family.

"Now that the Divine Soul problem has been solved, I'm just waiting for Killing Secret Realm to start, and after that, I have to get more luck!" Mu Qing's eyes flickered.

After obtaining the boundless starry sky and the secret technique of thinking, the meaning of the force of air transport to him is different.

Using the power of luck, you can improve your Divine Soul!

At the same time.

Silver Sky shuttled in the sky and came to an unmanned star in the Xuanjing galaxy.

He urged the newsletter rune to contact someone.

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