"When you enter Secret Realm, first go to the Heavenly Soul Forbidden Land, and then look for some traces of the Supreme Star. If you have time, you can participate in the looting of the Slaughter Great Emperor's treasure house." Mu Qing said Everyone said solemnly.

Everything is arranged in advance, distinguish the priority!

Mu Qing and Xin Rui came to kill Secret Realm because of the divine ability of the endless starry sky. In order to get rid of the Celestial Emperor in the future, Mu Qing also needs to cultivation the endless starry sky.

If you find some traces, you may not be good for your cultivation of the endless starry sky.

And now, the gathering of so many great powerhouses is also beneficial to Mu Qing.

Originally, Mu Qing was still thinking about where to find ten kinds of bloodline. Now that there are so many great powerhouses, you don’t have to worry about Peak bloodline!

As long as the cultivation base reaches the emperor, the bloodline will naturally degenerate into Peak bloodline.

Of course, the main thing at the moment is to help Xinrui awaken the Divine Soul of Emperor Xingfeng.

You must know that Emperor Xingfeng is an extreme powerhouse, even if it is just a ray of Remnant Soul awakening, as long as he controls part of his own power, he can still easily crush the upper emperor.

If time is too late, relying on the strength of Emperor Xingfeng, you can even snatch the treasure house of Slaughter Great Emperor!

"I will take you to that Giant City, where I also made two friends."

Xin Rui lightly said with a smile, he took the initiative to lead the way, moved towards to escape .

Mu Qing and the others followed. Not long after, a huge Great City came into view, towering into the clouds, and divine glow rushing into the sky.

It covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of kilometers!

"There are all great powerhouses inside, each occupying a relatively large area, so some high-ranking emperors simply joined forces to create such a huge city." Xinrui whispered introduced.

Mu Qing glanced, couldn't help being taken aback.

It really deserves to be a temporarily built giant city. Although it is huge, it is extremely fragile in Mu Qing's eyes. If there is a great powerhouse fighting, the aftermath can destroy this giant city.

Xin Rui took Mu Qing and the others into the city. Compared with the calmness of the others, Luo Tian and Ling Fei felt very novel.

They saw the great powerhouse everywhere, and the god Emperor Peak could only walk with his head down here. The god Emperor Heaven's Chosen were all put away arrogantly and stood obediently next to their powerhouse.

Luo Tian looked at Mu Qing and the others, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Even a god emperor like Tu Lao is so calm, the few people present are like him and Ling Fei who have never seen the world!

Luo Tian quickly retracted his original expression without moving a look, pretending to be indifferent.

But not long after, Luo Tian felt a little uncomfortable again, and got close to Mu Qing, sound transmission said: "Why do I think many people are watching us?"

Although Luo Tian's cultivation base is not as good as Mu Qing, he can still feel that there is one after another strength of Divine Soul moved towards them.

"I found out a long time ago." Mu Qing sound transmission went back.

He is frowned, which has already been discovered by his god Soul Power.

Even when they passed by the powerhouse of two great emperors, the two great emperors still pointed fingers to them.

"cough cough." At this time, Xinrui was a little embarrassed, and explained to everyone: "Actually, when I came here, I did it. When I was inquiring about killing Secret Realm, the process was a little bit Be tougher, irritable, and couldn't hold back for a while."

He inquired about the killing of Secret Realm, but he directly used the military force to inquire. That's how the intelligence of the Heavenly Soul Forbidden Land came.

Mu Qing was speechless, thinking it was that Xinrui Senior Brother didn't control it, so he killed it.

Luo Tian doesn’t have much contact with Xinrui. Said curiously: "What's the matter? Even if you have a tougher attitude to inquire about the news, it won’t be like this?"

Luo Tian can feel it Then, some strength of Divine Soul probed over, even mixed with murderous intention!

Xinrui was lightly coughed and said, "That is to say, he killed five lower emperors. The relationship with the Young Master is a bit bad."

Luo Tian's face was dumbfounded. , Suspecting that I heard it wrong.

Kill five lower emperors?

Is the battle strength in front of you too sturdy?

Mu Qing guessed that Xinrui killed someone, but he didn't expect Xinrui to kill five emperors in one go!

Tu Lao shook the head, but he was sighing in his heart. The former and kind Star Emperor was completely gone.

In the previous flourishing period of the Star Dynasty, the Emperor Xingchen was famous for his good temper and kindness. On the contrary, he slaughtered the elders and liked to kill, so he had the name of slaughtering the elders.

Now, Tu Lao doesn't want to kill people much, but Xinrui has a killing aura.

"Don't worry, the Young Master Slaughter doesn't dare to seek revenge from me. After all, he can't call the higher emperor." Xinrui laughed and didn't care too much.

When he first came here, he didn't know some of the rules. After hearing about the Young Master of Slaughter, he directly killed the door, grabbed the Young Master of Slaughter and asked about the news of Slaughter Secret Realm.

Xinrui's strength burst out, even if Tian Tian Young Master had the strength of the lower Peak, he couldn't resist it, so he had to inform Xin Rui of some news about the killing of Secret Realm, including the Heavenly Soul Forbidden Land.

At that time, when the other great emperors saw this, they naturally took action to stop Xinrui, so as to prevent the Young Master from having an accident. Finally, the upper imperial Imperial Capital took action, but Xinrui killed five lower emperors and left safely. .

After that, Xinrui did not dare to do too much. If the rules are broken, I am afraid that when the time comes, all the upper-level Imperial Capital will come to besiege him.

It's just that the name of the reincarnation emperor Xinrui is completely spread here, and many powerhouses are afraid.

Now Xinrui brings Mu Qing and the others in, attracting the attention of many people.

"Xinrui brother, have your friends brought it?"

A robust man carrying an axe strode over and shouted with a smile.

This popularity is so strong that it has reached the third-tier high-ranking emperor!

"Let me introduce to you, this is Mulu from the Red Pirate Group." Xinrui said with a smile.

At the same time, he sound transmission to everyone, telling everyone the news of the Red Pirate Group.

The red pirate group are cosmic robbers, traveling through the ten realms of the universe.

Of course, if it is said to be a cosmic robber, it can actually be regarded as a Peak force.

Among the Peak forces, the Red Pirate Group is even one of the strongest!

The one who created the Red Pirate Group was the number one big pirate in the universe, Emperor Red Soul, is a powerhouse!

"Since I am a friend of Brother Xinrui, that is also my friend, you all go to the east with me, where is the site of our red pirate group!" Mulu laughed and walked ahead and led the way .

"I accidentally met the Senners in the Hunyuan World before, and met Mulu when I came to seek revenge." Xinrui explained.

"Senna? Isn't that a race in the Tianchen Realm?" Mu Qing was a little curious. When he and Xinrui were in the Tianchen Realm, they were chased and killed by the Great Senna and fled back to the Hunyuan Realm.

Xin Rui snorted and said: "It's very surprising! I originally planned to return to the Tianchen Realm to avenge my revenge, but it happened that the Senners didn’t even know when they came to the Hunyuan Realm. The Na people happened to be targeted by the Red Pirates, and they were completely wiped out within a few days."

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