The sudden appearance of a large number of powerhouses in the mysterious crystal galaxy surprised Mu Qing and the others.

But naturally, they will not look back.

Mu Qing got in touch with Xin Rui, and after determining the location, he hurried away with everyone moved towards the Xuanjing Galaxy.

After entering the mysterious crystal galaxy, Mu Qing saw a huge portal, a tall ten thousand zhang, standing in the starry sky.

"That is the entrance to the killing of Secret Realm. It was completely hidden in the sky at the beginning, and later it appeared, and it will open once in about three months." Luo Tian looked at the huge Portal, whispered.

Compared with when he came, this portal has completely emerged from in the sky.

"Let's meet with Senior Brother first." Mu Qing glanced at the portal, and then led everyone into a nearby star.

This is a dark green star. There are ancient wood forests everywhere in it. There are many wild beasts, but there are no creatures with spiritual wisdom.

This star is also the closest star to the portal. The moment Mu Qing entered the star, he felt one after another strength of Divine Soul probed.

Mu Qing coldly snorted, crush these god Soul Power.

"Another great powerhouse is here!"

Some powerhouses of the stars were startled and found that they could not completely perceive Mu Qing's true strength!

"The great powerhouse, more than I thought." Mu Qing frowned.

For their level, a star is not too big.

Today’s powerhouse on this star, the emperor alone, at least has more than twenty!

This is the number of powerhouses that Mu Qing can feel at present.

As for the emperor, the god emperor powerhouse is at least tens of thousands.

It’s the Heavenly God powerhouse, scattered, with only a few hundred people.

"Little Junior Brother, Tu Lao!"

At this time, Xinrui's silhouette appeared in front of everyone, chuckled and said hello.

"You brat, what happened?" Tu Lao saw Xinrui with surprise on his face.

Almost all I can't recognize!

Even Ling Fei and Luo Tian were surprised.

The killing aura on Xinrui's body is too strong!

Luo Tian is pregnant with an immortal bloodline. He has been influenced by the Slaughter Great Emperor. He also has a lot of Slaughter Qi on him.

But when facing Xinrui, Luo Tian even suspected that Xinrui was the reincarnation of the Slaughter Great Emperor. His killing aura almost turned into blood light, bursting out of his body!

"Recently, there have been more people killed that's all." Xin Rui said indifferently, without mentioning it.

"In the black hall you are carrying, is the Emperor Xingfeng?" Tu did not ask much when he saw it. From Mu Qing he had already learned that Xinrui had reformed the Great Dao of Reincarnation and was attempting to resurrect. Emperor Xingfeng.

Xinrui was nodded, and pulled off the chains on his body, and opened the black hall behind him. Inside, there was a blue flame igniting.

That is the flame of Power of Stars!

Among the sparks, there is a silhouette that is very weird. At first it appeared in front of everyone as a middle-aged person, but after a while, it became an old man, and then it changed into a child and a teenager. ,youth.

Luo Tian and the others clicking one's tongue in wonder, secretly thought a corpse, Divine Soul is gone, there will be such changes unexpectedly.

Mu Qing complexion slightly changed, he knew this should be caused by Xinrui’s Samsara Power, and he could even feel a trace of strength of Divine Soul on the corpse of Emperor Xingfeng!

Although it is a broken God Soul Power and it is very obscure, Mu Qing is sure that he did not feel wrong!

"Oh! Xinrui, I know you have a good relationship with Xingfeng, and your senior and junior brothers have a fateful relationship, but I advise you to give up this unrealistic idea as soon as possible." Tu Lao heave a long sigh, shook the head.

He feels that Xinrui has the potential to live a life again, to detach from the starry sky, the truth of Return to Origin, and to comprehend the cycle of reincarnation!

Tu Lao even thought that Xinrui might reach Supreme!

So, he didn't want Xinrui to waste time on other things.

"Let's bury Xingfeng well! And the affairs of the dynasty, it is not too late to take revenge when you are strong." Tu persuaded.

He almost knew that Xinrui's killing aura was brewed in the process of revenge.

However, there are not many races that besieged the Star Empire, including the powerful Peak race.

Except for Celestial Court, there are many powerhouses among all the races who later hit a person when he's down. He is afraid that Xinrui is not strong enough now, and there will be an accident.

Xin Rui did not respond to Tu Lao's words, his eyes fell on Mu Qing.

Mu Qing touched his chin, looked towards Xinrui, said with a smile: "Congratulations to Senior Brother!"

These words made the people next to me startled, and Tu Lao was even more surprised. Can't figure it out.

Okay, what congratulations?

Congratulations to Xinrui for killing the entire clan of others?

"hahaha!" Xinrui laughed, "I knew you had this vision! Little Junior Brother! I succeeded!" Xinrui's eyes couldn't hide the excitement color.

Because even he himself thought that when he made this decision at the time, he thought that he would probably fail.

A corpse that was originally annihilated by Divine Soul has now been born with a trace of Remnant Soul!

The most important thing is that this Remnant Soul is not a new Divine Soul, but a trace of Divine Soul that originally belonged to Emperor Xingfeng!

Hearing the conversation between the two, Tu seems to realize something, stared wide-eyed.

"Xingfeng, is there really hope for a resurrection?!" Tu Lao exclaimed.

This is incredible!

"There is no hope, but a certainty!" Xin Rui said firmly.

He has completed the most difficult step!

He started from nothing, burned the Divine Soul that I don’t know how much he had obtained through killing, and finally took advantage of the characteristics of Samsara Power to recall a trace of the Divine Soul that the Emperor Xingfeng had already dissipated.

The main reason is that Emperor Xingfeng had extreme strength during his lifetime, and Xinrui Luck That Goes Against Heaven's Will.

If you do it again, I am afraid it may not be successful.

"Little Junior Brother, I need your help. There is a special place in the killing Secret Realm that can stabilize the Divine Soul." Xin Rui looked towards Mu Qing and said.

"Xingfeng’s Remnant Soul is in a state of reincarnation, and there is a heavenly soul forbidden area in the Killing Secret Realm, which can help me stabilize Xingfeng’s Remnant Soul and try to wake it up."

"I need your help to watch all around, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble when the time comes."

Xin Rui took a deep breath, said solemnly.

He can solve Xingfeng's problem himself, but now that so many powerhouses gather, he is afraid of accidents at a critical moment.

"Don't worry, I will help you naturally." Mu Qing nodded.

On the other side, Tu Lao still looked astonished.

"Xingfeng was really resurrected by you?"

Xin Rui nodded, whispered: "A ray of Remnant Soul has been revived. Currently Xingfeng has been resurrected by Samsara Power. The particularity has caused chaos, as long as it stabilizes, it can be completely resurrected!" After all, Emperor Xingfeng was originally an extreme powerhouse. As long as he awakens a ray of Remnant Soul, then he can restore the complete Divine by himself. Soul is condensed back!


Ling Fei and Luo Tian were completely stunned.

The Fleshy body is destroyed and reborn. They have seen it many times. However, after Divine Soul fell, it would be completely dead.

As a result, Xinrui re-condensed a trace of Remnant Soul from the Divine Soul that had dissipated and fallen!

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