Mu Qing has a dull expression. The moment he touched that piece of stone tablet, countless words poured into his mind.

At the same time, ancient voices blasted in my ears.

"What's wrong?"

Lao Tu and the others looked towards Mu Qing with surprise.

They found Mu Qing stunned in place, just like wood.

Luo Tian tightly frowns, and did not find anything unusual about Mu Qing.

He stepped forward, and when he reached out, he suddenly noticed that a mysterious rays of light burst out of Mu Qing's body, and the aperture turned into a blue light spread out.

Luo Tian's movements froze. Not only him, but the light flicked across Dragon Tortoise and the others, making them froze. The expression on his face was lifelike, but he himself was motionless, like a statue.

The blue aperture swept across the entire Black Tortoise Star Domain, and finally faded away.

And all the creatures on the entire Black Tortoise Star Domain are frozen and sluggish at this moment, and their thinking is no longer active.

Only Mu Qing, in the dim eyes, sometimes flashes of light.

In his eyes, an illusory shadow appeared in front of him, and behind him was an endless starry sky.

That illusory shadow is a young man, with a kind smile at the corner of his mouth.

The other party looked up at the void and sighed: "Master taught me experience and led me to the Avenue of Stars. According to Master, the strength of Starry Sky fits the universe best. Only by repairing the Avenue of Stars can I have a chance to set foot. Sovereign realm."

"However, after I reached Supreme Peak, I still couldn't break through, so I didn't listen to the words of the Master, but researched the way to reach Sovereign by myself, and this was my last method. The secret technique created with painstaking effort surpasses the divine ability."

"Cultivation Perfection of the endless starry sky, and then improve the mind, surpass the Fleshy body, melt itself into the universe, and master the real starry sky power!"


"No matter what, I don't have time to try..."

The young man turned his head, deep in those eyes, there seemed to be countless stars, dazzling!

He seems to have seen Mu Qing, lightly said with a smile: "Hello, the ninth generation."

Mu Qing came back to his senses slowly at this time, he Shocked in my heart, but at the same time horrified.

The illusory shadow in front of me has spiritual wisdom!

"The ninth generation? Why am I the ninth generation?" Mu Qing quickly noticed that the young man called himself tightly frowns.

And the youth seems to see through Mu Qing's mind, he said with a smile: "Because I am the eighth generation, and you will become the ninth generation Star Supreme under the guidance of the Master."

Mu Qing body trembled.

He has many questions in his heart, and he couldn’t help but open the mouth and said: "How many people are there in the Supreme Star?"

Know that it is the Supreme powerhouse, the so-called starry sky in front of you Before Supreme, is it possible that there are seven Supreme powerhouses on the Controlling Starry Sky Avenue?

Youth nodded, said: "Yes, when I heard about this news, it was also very shocking. Later I learned that the Master's plot is very big."

"The avenue is immutable, The Master has walked a long way on his own path, but he has seen the essence of the universe, which is the starry sky!"

"So the Master began to cultivate dísciple, the first generation of starry Supreme appeared, and in the first When the generation reached Peak, the Master shot it to kill it and deprived the Avenue of Stars."

"However, the Avenue of the first generation of Star Supreme made the Master a little dissatisfied and did not help the Master reach the Sovereign realm. So the Master began to cultivate the second-generation Star Supreme."

The young man finished speaking, paused, with a hint of sarcasm on his face.

He continued: "Unfortunately, even if the Master is negligent, the fourth-generation Star Supreme is so stunning, even if it is finally stripped of the road by the Master, it still passes the Master’s plan through a certain This method was retained and found by the fifth generation."

"Starting from the fourth generation of Star Supreme, each generation has been looking for a way to escape from the control of the Master, and finally evolved into a way to reach Sovereign."

"When each generation of Star Supreme arrives at Peak, it is the best time to ship, and the Master will personally inspect the goods and deprive them of the avenue, and the fourth generation begins, generations fall, Let our goals change. The seventh generation told me that when the Master received the goods, he would kill him!!"

The youth suddenly broke out with terrifying murderous intention. At this moment, Mu Qing felt that The young illusory shadow in front of him became blood red, and the surroundings were full of solemn killing aura.

But soon this aura disappeared, and the young man returned to his genial appearance.

Mu Qing set off a stormy sea in his heart, he felt that he had come into contact with a huge secret!

"At the last moment, I created an infinite universe and an infinite way to improve Divine Soul, but in the end it was too late to cultivation and explore. I can only teach it to you."

Youth His face became dignified, he looked at Mu Qing, and said: "The ninth generation, this is all the hard work of the fourth generation to my eighth-generation Star Supreme. If you can't cultivation success, then desperately keep it, before being discovered by the Master. On the premise, leave it to the tenth generation!"

Mu Qing's mood could not be calm for a long time.

He looked towards the young illusory shadow in front of him and asked: "senior, why am I the ninth generation?"

"Because you inherited my starry sky power, you are the first Nine generations." The youth said indifferently.

Afterwards, a strange color appeared on the face of the youth illusory shadow, saying: "But the power in you is very strange. I heard that during the most prosperous death period of Celestial Court, there were demons and demons, and in Celestial Court There is also Saint. The power in your body seems to be demonic energy!"

Then he laughed, "It seems that the Master still miscalculated in the end. You are out of control. According to previous generations Experience, you should be on the path of cultivation strength of Starry Sky."

Soon, the youth's face appeared solemn, and said: "But this is not a good thing. You are still too weak without any cover. If I were you, I would cultivation demonic energy in the dark, on the surface and still cultivation the Avenue of Stars."

"According to what I know about the Master, I am sure that he will erase your memory and break up The demonic energy in your body makes you re-enter the path of cultivation strength of Starry Sky."

"Which Master will shoot me?" Mu Qing eyes shrank.

His cultivation has reached this point, but he doesn't want to be erased by others.

The youth said solemnly: "Inevitably, he wants to make the Avenue of Stars truly perfect, and eventually replace it by himself."

"But you still have a chance, in the Master Before you shoot, take the endless starry sky and thinking secret technique cultivation success that I gave you, and your memory will not be erased!"

Mu Qing breathes deeply, watching the youth’s illusory shadow has begun to fade , He asked again: "The secret technique of thinking can really achieve the Sovereign realm?"

"It can be done theoretically." The youth illusory shadow shook the head.

He just condensed all his efforts from the fourth generation to this generation to create this divine ability, a secret technique that surpasses the divine ability.

But he has never cultivation himself.

“I’m running out of time, remember, only after the cultivation of the endless starry sky can I go to the cultivation thinking secret technique.”

The youth’s illusory shadow has begun to dissipate and appears translucent. .

"Who is your Master?" Mu Qing asked quickly.

At the last moment when the youth dissipated, loudly shouted.

"Lord of the Celestial Court, Celestial Emperor!"

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