"Demon Domain's current strength is still much worse. Although there are many elite Heavenly Gods, even if they are all taken out, it is estimated that they will not be able to beat Asura Race."

Speeding in the sky, Mu Qing couldn't help being frowned.

Now Demon Domain is too weak and needs development.

After removing him, the overall strength is not even comparable to Asura Race.

Therefore, the development of Demon Domain at this stage still depends on Mu Qing.

Demon Domain is not an Asura Race opponent, but Mu Qing wants to deal with Asura Race, but with no difficulty!

The Shura god, although not coming from the body, Mu Qing can almost feel the specific strength of the opponent.

Top the lower emperor of the eighth stage of the sky!

As long as this Shura god is killed, how can the remaining forces of Asura Race deal with Mu Qing?

Even if it is a hundred thousand Heavenly God and tens of thousands of god emperors, Mu Qing has the confidence to compete with one person.

This is the power of the emperor!

Unless like the Supreme forces, the one hundred thousand god emperor Peak is once a horse, and all have the same cultivation ability, so that it is possible to join forces to pose a huge threat to the great powerhouse.

Otherwise, the quantity is useless!

The gap in strength is not so easy to make up.

"I don't know what happened to Luo Tian?" Mu Qing held a communication rune, and sent messages many times, but unfortunately there was no response.

Luo Tian helped him a lot, but now Mu Qing has become an emperor, but there is no news of Luo Tian.

According to Luo Tian's words, the other party intends to return to Asura Race for revenge!

But now it seems that Luo Tian may not have succeeded.

Although Luo Tian restored the Great Emperor Realm, he did not expect that there is also a Shura god in Asura Race, who is also the Great Emperor Powerhouse.

Sura god at least the eighth-order lower emperor is much stronger than Luo Tian, ​​who has just recovered.

"It seems that Luo Tian really has an accident. I hope he is still alive." A haze flashed across Mu Qing's face.

Luo Tian helped him. If Asura Race really kills Luo Tian, ​​then he doesn't mind destroying the entire Asura Race!

A few days later.

Mu Qing appeared outside the Asura Race Star Domain.

A light suddenly moved towards Mu Qing and swept across here.

A strange color flashed in Mu Qing's eyes, digging deep into the void.

After the light flicked, it moved away.

"Similar to a kind of Formation."

Mu Qing's silhouette appeared again, in a low voice.

There are rays of light of this kind around the entire Asura Race Star Domain, and someone will be spotted if they approach it.

Of course, this is not troubled by Mu Qing.

Flee directly into the sky, and can't find him at all.

This thing is at best aimed at the creatures below the emperor.

Mu Qing dived directly into the Asura Race Star Domain, intending to find out about Luo Tian first.

Destroy Asura Race unhurried for a while, in fact, as long as Mu Qing kills Asura Race high-level one by one, Asura Race Star Domain will naturally fall apart.

For so many years, Asura Race has fought all over the world. Naturally, it has found a lot of resources, but it has also provoked many enemies.

Once Mu Qing kills all the high-level Asura Race, the entire Asura Race Star Domain will be in panic. As soon as the message of when the time comes is delivered, naturally someone will come to deal with Asura Race.

Even if there is no hatred with Asura Race, there are dozens of stars in Asura Race, which are all resources!

When the nearby high-level Star Domain saw all the Asura Race powerhouses fall, they will inevitably invade and plunder resources.

No matter what method is used, Mu Qing can kill Asura Race.

And all of this is based on Mu Qing's strength!

If he is strong enough, let alone Asura Race, even Angel Race and Titan Race can be easily wiped out!

At this time, the central star of Asura Race Star Domain.


Sura God shot it out with a palm, the entire chamber collapsed, and all around the walls turned directly into powder.

His gloomy face, the anger in his eyes is almost gushing out.

Some Asura Race Elder outside felt this aura, body trembled, and shocked faces appeared on their faces.

But no one made any enquiries, and no one approached,

Some Elder scolded them, scolded some Asura Race guards who came for the sound, and then left.

There is a secret room in the Shura Temple, which is absolutely forbidden. You can't approach it!

The god Shura himself said that no matter what happens in the secret room, you are not allowed to approach, and those who violate the order kill without mercy!

At this time, there was movement in the secret room, but the powerhouse and Elder of Asura Race left the Shura Temple one after another.

They guessed that something might have happened that made the god Shura angry. If they stayed in the temple at this time, they might be unlucky.

"It should be related to the fall of General Rojo. There was information before that, all of the many powerhouses led by General Rojo were annihilated, and none of them survived!"

said solemnly, his face was quite solemn.

This is a major event for Asura Race. General Rojo has a great reputation. The Heavenly God army with Asura Race has all fallen.

This loss is a major blow to Asura Race, and it's no wonder that Shura will be angry.

"I heard that General Rojo was preparing to take action against a higher race named Demon Domain. However, the news leaked out and was led to annihilation by Demon Domain in advance." A god emperor Peak said in a low voice.

This god emperor Peak has a trace of cold sweat on his forehead, and there is some fluke in his heart.


Fortunately, the news was delivered quickly, otherwise he would also fall with Rojo!

At that time, Rojo reported the news, stating that there are significant benefits in Demon Domain, and reinforcements need to be sent to crusade against Demon Domain.

The reinforcements are the god Emperor Peak, Romans.

Romans is very strong. He is already the God Emperor Peak, and he is also the Great General of Asura Race, controlling one hundred thousand Heavenly God.

He had already led the Asura Race army to the Arint Star Domain and joined Rojo.

But in the middle of the road, Romance received a sound transmission from the god Shura and told him to retreat.

Romains has a trace of fear.

Fortunately, he came back in time. If he had also gone to the Arints at that time, he would probably be wiped out by Demon Domain.

A god, Elder Huang, spotted the expression on Romance’s face and couldn’t help but wondered: "Then Demon Domain is so strong?"

Romance was coldly snorted, and said: "Master Shura I said that there is a great powerhouse among the other party."

"What?!" God Elder Huang was shocked.

Isn't that the advanced Star Domain? Why did the great powerhouse appear?

The several Asura Race Elders next to them were all startled.

Romains sneered, disdainful in his heart.

This group of guys who know staying in the central star all day, also take care of the trivial matters in the Star Domain.

About the Asura God, several generals of Asura Race knew about it, and like Rojo, he was given power by the Asura God.

These Elders, although they are also the power of the Emperor, are not trusted by the God of Asura.

"Don't be noisy outside the temple, it's annoying! Get out of here!"

At this time, a gloomy voice came out.

Everyone was startled, not daring to say more, and immediately turned and left.

The area around the Shura Temple became quiet.

The secret room that has been destroyed.

"Tick to tick."

It is not the sound of water, but the sound of blood dripping.

"You are in trouble." A hoarse voice came out.

"hmph! I will solve it soon!"

Sura God is a middle-aged, pale skin, with a feminine face and scarlet eyes.

In front of him, is an old man confined by chains, bleeding all over his body, and tubes made of special materials are inserted into his body and the blood is drawn away!

This old man.

It was Luo Tian!

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